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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. If I remember correctly, they had to reinvent themselves a couple of years ago because the super-trashy look was out. Like, there is tasteful sexy and then there was Frederick's sexy which was super-trashy. Malia just looks trashy. You do boobs or legs but not both. Heck, that isn't even legs. It is almost cooch. Like, I feel if the camera had been just an inch or two over to the right, we'd all be qualified gynecologists. I also wonder if the WWHL makeup artist did all the girls because they all have the same problems with too much bronzer and too heavy on the eye makeup. I think it is bad lighting and bad angle on Hannah. She looked better in her pictures that she posted online. The necklace wasn't my taste but the dress seemed to be ok.
  2. I like her too. I think she sometimes does come off as being a bit immature (primarily she goes a bit tantrum-y when upset) but she's harmless. I have yet to see her go after someone or be purposely cruel.
  3. Wait, what? We are expecting abolished monarchies to continue to be official? For those who have forgotten the original purpose of this because it has gotten down to nitpicking just to prove that Carole is the worst person ever, it was basically stating that Carole's claim to Princess is similar to the Countess claim once held by Luann--both are abolished monarchies using courtesy titles.
  4. From what I've read, the restraining order extended to the school from the very beginning. I don't know if it was because the incident took place at the school or if it was requested by the school (it has never been specified). Just googled and double-checked. Yep, it has covered the school since it was initially issued. It covers Bethenny's residence and workplace plus the school.
  5. I always love how everything that isn't Manhattan seems to be upstate. My husband went to college 30 minutes outside of the city and people refer to it as being upstate. Cracks me up.
  6. Yeah, I figured she would have held on longer just because it would have looked better. 7 months is still in joke worthy territory. Like, she knew it was doomed, went through with the wedding, and could only make it 7 months. If she would have held on for a couple of years, it would have just played better and given her more excuses. Right now, the only real one out there that could come off as being legit is that Tom cheated on her throughout their marriage which would be a surprise to none since we all knew he was cheating on her. She was warned by multiple people, she was presented with photographic evidence, he owned up to it, he made the callous remark about partying it up before the wedding day... She could have called it off but she didn't and now it looks bad.
  7. I have no clue what season we are on but all the franchises do it. I think OC is like season 12 or 13 but the group trips didn't happen the first couple of seasons, I think. I wonder how much of the trip was funded by SG. I know a lot of us have speculated that B could disinvite Ramona from the tequila trip but not the rest of the trip but we don't know that for sure. Seeing the promotional considerations at the end credits though make me wonder if B could have raised enough of a stink and used that uncredited producer pull to have kicked Ramona off the trip.
  8. I can do the first position but the second one? Hell no. I do NOT have near the amount of upper body strength for that one and I'm pretty sure that even if I had the upper body strength, my balance would fail me. Bethenny has a very strong body. Exactly! Those all require a strong body. She also has well defined muscles just standing. She has a small frame and when she loses even 5-10 lbs (like what I think happened during the health problems and after her split with Jason), you can really see it on her body. The problem with the bolded logic though is that every franchise of this show has the group trips that are hosted by a cast member. Everybody that pays attention knows that the cast member didn't pay for the trip. It is just part of keeping up the charade that this show is totally natural and not at all a result of production. You can't change the rules 12 seasons in just because you don't like the person that hosted this year's trip.
  9. I was more replying to the supposition that just because you see somebody's ribs that automatically means they have an eating disorder. I think she has talked in the past about having a bad relationship with food and did a lot of extreme dieting but there is a difference between having an eating disorder and having a poor relationship with food and exercise.
  10. But it doesn't automatically mean an eating disorder.
  11. I've seen this name a couple of times. I think people are forgetting that Diko isn't American. He is from Lebanon which is an Arabic speaking country. There are more Arabic names than just Mohammed and Ahmed.
  12. I also have only ever called them milkshakes. I'm 36 so I'm not THAT old..
  13. I can't find anything online to back up your claim. Anthony was baptized Prince in the Roman Catholic church. His father (Stanislaw) required special permission from Queen Elizabeth to use his title once he was a subject of England. He didn't so he was known legally as Mr. Radziwill but was addressed as Prince Radziwill as courtesy.
  14. I just hate wedge sneakers in general. I don't understand why it became a thing. It isn't a flattering look on anybody. I don't think Carole's style is for everybody. I hate most of what is coming out of Gucci these days but some people love it. It doesn't mean that one group has good taste and the other doesn't. It just means that the two groups have different taste.
  15. Oh, no. As others have stated, Palm Beach and West Palm are world's apart yet geographically close. Palm Beach is the birthplace of the clothing line, Lilly Pulitzer (the actual person was an heiress born in NY that graduated from Miss Porter's--where Lu's daughter was kicked out of). She definitely knows the difference. She is just trying to pretend which is just sad to me. Stop trying to pretend that you are Palm Beach when you aren't. It is like this NYC penthouse. It is UES but it is also only a 1 bedroom and on the 20th floor. He paid $1.5 million for it in 2011. She is trying to give off an image that just isn't true anymore. Dude, how was Frenchie not getting seasick from her constantly waving the phone around? Plus, she never actually held it still long enough for him to be able to see anything.
  16. Ah yes, they changed that with William's children. Anyways, KI-IN's original statement isn't quite a good comparison. One, it is based on the fallacy that Carole's husband wasn't titled (which he was and was styled His Serene Highness). Two, you are talking different countries with different laws and customs regarding this. Three, you are comparing a current royal house to one that is no longer used. While most of European royals no longer have a country, they often still use the titles and stylings even though it carries no "official" weight. France, Poland, and I believe, Greece. The Austrian royal family is just nuts in terms of their history and the current situation. The Archduke uses his title and was baptized with it but they were in exile for awhile. So, it just gets tricky when you are talking about different countries because the laws and customs vary widely but also a current and formally recognized monarchy (Sweden, UK, Norway, Liechtenstein, etc) vs an abolished monarchy that might or might not have some form of recognition.
  17. I'm also just stuck on the hate being thrown over just the idea that someone would have a nanny. Why the hate over someone having a nanny?
  18. Zara and her brother would have been a princess and prince EXCEPT for the fact that their mother made the conscious choice for them not to be titled. Otherwise, they would have automatically been a princess and prince.
  19. I also think Carole has a healthy self esteem. I also like her outfits. She dresses like a downtown NYC woman. In the one photo, I would just take off the blue fur jacket but I would wear the rest of the outfit. I also have to concur about the model and educated remarks being overblown. It was that one time she mentioned being a fit model and her one remark about her education. She doesn't even really bring up her career in journalism that much. She is much more of a living in the moment type of person than a living in the past. Yeah, it really only got the one mention. It definitely wasn't a running theme throughout the series.
  20. Bugs has been fairly quiet on Twitter. Oh, the Bobby hypocrisy. So, it is ok for a man to do it but not a woman? Or is just because they like Bobby and hate Hannah? Speaking of the hate Hannah... I think they just got together and decided to go after her. The only returning crew was Hannah and Bobby. Bobby was already on the outs with Hannah so why not get everybody to come together and hate on her. I'm looking forward to seeing next week. It looks like Wes doesn't react too well to the news that Malia was playing him the entire season. Looks like he left the yacht without even telling her goodbye. It seems though that they have moved on (at least they have on Twitter).
  21. I find it hard to believe too. She claims to have not gone on more than 3 dates which normally I'd be like, "Meh" about because there isn't really a set number of dates before sex rule. EXCEPT there is with Ramona! She always plays this Catholic card and that sex doesn't happen until the relationship is serious--she doesn't sleep around. But she hasn't dated anybody beyond 3 dates... So, are you sleeping around or are you making up the number? Which one is it?
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