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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. Ok, I might have been ok with it if it didn't have those stupid blue rhinestones on it. If it was done from a structure point that it had to be there for dress to fall properly then I'm ok with it but to add those stupid rhinestones and have it go down to your butt crack like a giant arrow... Just tacky. I need the blue rhinestones gone and the weird cutout/dip at the lower back of the dress also gone. It seriously is like a giant arrow pointing at her butt crack. If it would have been a simple white dress then it would have been stunning. It didn't need the trickery.
  2. There is also the blind item that was revealed by Tamara Tattles that the RHONY cast was freaking out because they were expected to provide 4 dresses (red, black, short and long) for the opening sequence and how it was a lot of money to put out considering that a lot of them didn't actually have the money that they pretend to have. It was indeed thrifty of her to do considering how much she paid for the gowns and the wedding. I would imagine she might have been a bit cash strapped considering it seems like the show is really her only source of income. I agree that she looked great in the dress. Lu has a great body and she can normally dress to show it off (she does have her misses like everyone). I'm just thinking that it was a poor move in hindsight. I could see her going into the reunion thinking, "I'm going to wear this dress because Tom and I are IN LOVE! We are MARRIED. We are HAPPY!" and then it all fell apart with the slap the following day followed up by a divorce announcement 3 weeks later. If anything, it makes me feel sad for her because I do think she wanted the marriage to work (for whatever motive--I personally believe companionship) and it just fell apart. I adore that dress. Great dress. I agree with what you said about the choice of the dress and where it went wrong. I think she went in trying to prove that point of happy marriage by wearing that dress but I think it was during the reunion that basically the marriage fell apart and thus the dress became this horrible choice. Hindsight is 20/20. The blue rhinestones are the only thing I really hate about that dress. Cheapens the look. I haven't seen the modesty panel. I need to find a picture of it. I don't know if she was contemplating divorce going into the reunion. I'm wondering if everything coming out during the reunion was what initiated the divorce.
  3. That part of the hand is called the anatomical snuffbox. The prominence of it varies for a variety of reasons. I have worked with underweight people who didn't have have a prominent one. However, I would hope as a person who has battled anorexia that you would understand the implication of assigning labels (including "severely underweight") to people--especially those that you have no relationship with.
  4. To me, it isn't gauche that she rewore a dress. It is a bit of an eyebrow raise that she chose to rewear a dress from her wedding. However, I think what a lot of us are commenting on is the fact that she wore the dress again while her marriage is in shambles, she files for divorce 3 weeks later, and she was always trying to present this fantasy romance idea of that relationship. I remember Simon was on the reunion the first season when they kept discussing about how Silex were social climbers and Silex kept arguing that they weren't but then would say that of course they want to move up the social ladder.
  5. Tamara Tattles did a blind item and revealed it as the Housewives have to pay for their own reunion dress (no allowance from Bravo for a dress). So, I would actually take the rewearing of the wedding rehearsal dress as a sign that Lu might be a bit cash strapped. You remember she also strangely wore one of the dresses from her Evine line a couple of years ago (and she never wears anything from that line). She just spent a ton of money on that wedding so rewearing one of the dresses might have been the only option she had. She went for one year, I believe and then transferred. I don't believe a specific reason has ever been given for the switch.
  6. Wait, so did nobody catch Sonja's Rocco comments? She said that Rocco had been around forever and she was going to end up marrying him. But remember when they were reintroduced at the party and she said she was all flattered because she never thought Rocco would be interested in her. So, which is it? The difference could be that maybe Carole apologized to Dorinda. Dorinda clearly stated in the reunion that it wasn't necessarily the damage done to her home but the lack of any real apology or ownership of the damage.
  7. First off, Teresa Guidice went to Berkeley College which is not a great college. It is not even ranked and has a 94% acceptance rate. Basically, if you can pay the bill and sign your name, you get in. She also majored in fashion marketing which is not known as being a rigorous major. By definition, someone that has a college degree would be considered a scholar. I think you are putting a false equivalency though by conflating intelligence with being a scholar. You can be intelligent and not necessarily be a scholar.
  8. There are actually multiple reasons why that could be the case. Some people are just hardwired to pick up accents easier. Her brother might have also worked on his accent more. My brother and I were raised in the South, we both went to college in the South, and yet we sound completely different. My brother has a typical Southern accent whereas I normally sound more Middle American but my accent will change to fit whomever I'm around. The brother might have also spent more time around Americans as compared to Peggy and picked it up through that. And of course, it could also be that Peggy is just putting it on. I'm just pointing out that there are actual reasons as to why she has a slight accent and some difficulty with more complex language tasks. Trust me, I'm not defending her because I like her. I find her nouveau riche and tacky as hell while also somehow managing to be more boring than watching wallpaper dry. I'm just trying to provide some explanation for why she might communicate how she does.
  9. She might have greeted him though. All we saw was the seconds when they got off the elevator. We didn't see them get on the elevator or the entire ride up.
  10. I've just started watching but dude, the price sticker on the bottom of Ramona's shoe is driving me nuts.
  11. I'm going to speak as an expat and speech therapist for a minute because I'm seeing a lot of opinions on how Peggy should speak... First on the accent... Everybody is different and it is based on a lot of different factors. I have an Aussie friend that speaks with no Aussie accent anymore and she has been in the UAE for 10 years. I have friends that grew up in Dubai and haven't gone back to the UK for more than college and short vacations that have a very strong British accent. My son was born in the Middle East and has never lived in the US. My daughter moved from the US when she had just turned 4. They both have very strong American accents. Peggy's accent honestly isn't that strong though. I don't hear most of the typical errors for that language. Now on her comfort level with English. It is hard to say exactly what is going on with the limited info that I've been shown. However, I can talk in general terms that idioms are usually the hardest. I do accent modification on the side and I will have people that lived in the US for 30+ years that want me to work with them just on idioms because they don't get them. We don't know what her upbringing was like. If she was in an insular community where they primarily spoke Armenian then yes, that would impact her English. I have a dear friend that was born and raised in California to Slovakian parents. She never even learned English until she went to school and yes, she speaks with a mild Slovakian accent. As an expat, I speak English in my home and around my kids. We don't usually speak Arabic when we are around each other. When I am around other Americans, we speak English. So, it is very easy to believe that she was raised in a community where she mostly spoke Arabic and probably only spoke English when at school (which yes, would also have an effect on your grasp of figurative language).
  12. Brianna said she was exaggerating the extent of the injury. She stated that when her mom wasn't filming, she would take off the neck brace and walk around the house with no difficulty. Vicki started doing her bluster thing that she does when she is confronted about her lying. I try never to ignore someone but I'm pretty sure several have ignored me. I am pro-Bethenny. LOL. Man! I just deleted it from the DVR too. I'm going to have to take your word for it that she farted. Vicki also did her fair share of attacking them when they would even attempt to ask her a question. Remember, she's like Jesus being nailed on the cross. There was a blind item floating around that Lydia came back for the money and the stipulation was that she was going to have to be Vicki's friend and defend her. There is not enough money in the world for me to agree to that.
  13. I have to agree with others' points about Bugs and how she still has issues with Hannah. The "It's just a joke" comment confirmed it for me. She was trying to instigate something with Hannah but Hannah wasn't playing which just made Bugs look foolish. I also wish they would have focused more on the iPad drama and calling Bugs out for violating the guest's privacy. Yes, Bugs said she should have gone to Sandy with it but come on, she needed to be called out on that more than that one little mention. I could care less about Bobby and Lauren and what happened a year ago. I also wish that it would have been brought up that the reason Malia got more notice by Wes (and thus leading to her promotion) was because he was into her and being unprofessional.
  14. Sorry! I don't watch that one. I'm just old enough that the show terrifies me and makes me want to lock up my 5 year old when she becomes a teenager.
  15. Exactly that! I think we all know people in our lives that we have distanced from or completely cut out of our lives because we didn't like the choices they made or agreed with their morals. Vicki showed a severe lack of character by faking cancer and then it got worse with how she acted afterwards. She has never admitted to being a part in the scam and then started attacking the ladies. While it might not have directly impacted them, there is the side effects from Vicki lying about their marriages and also just the general negative association from being her friend.
  16. Found Tinsley's dress! I was wrong. It isn't Monique Lhuillier. It is Zuhair Murad and retails for $6,870. Dress
  17. Enh, to each their own. One of our dear friends lives at the Four Seasons and has so for around 3 years now. We lived at a hotel (2 bedroom suite) for a couple of months when we first got to Dubai and were figuring out where we wanted to live. My husband is after me to move to the Ritz-Carlton. I like the privacy of having my own place but I also liked having the convenience of the spa, housekeeping, room service, etc. It ultimately didn't work for us right now because we have small children and I worried about the baby keeping our neighbors awake (the guy across the hall from us had lived at that particular hotel for a couple of years).
  18. The only time I can think of where Lu marketed her line was that awful metallic turquoise dress at the one reunion. It was awful and looked like it cost about $20. People give Bethenny a lot of grief for constantly advertising SG but I think people forget that that is part of having your own company/product line. You are your biggest promoter. If you aren't hocking it then who will? You have to show that you love it and believe it and then other people will give it a try. Think about Reese Witherspoon with Draper James. She is papped constantly now wearing DJ stuff (and those pap strolls aren't on accident). Gwyneth Paltrow is constantly talking about Goop. Kate Hudson is spotted wearing exclusively Fabletics. And OMG, Jessica Alba and The Honest Company. These celebrities will even do interviews and television appearances for no other reason than to talk about their product line.
  19. One could argue that Lu has presence. She walks into a room and people will take notice. But that doesn't always translate into anything marketable. As far as the point that @LadyK made about Beam Suntory should reevaluate their relationship with Bethenny... They knew what they were getting into. Bethenny had been on the show for several years before they approached her about selling. Also, they only have the alcohol line. She still has all the other lines that she has expanded into. She is great at marketing herself. Sure, some people love her and others hate her but find someone that everyone agrees is beloved. Even Oprah has her detractors and she is the closest one I can think of.
  20. Has she unfollowed him on Instagram? I don't use IG but I know she still follows him on Twitter.
  21. Um, I think you have Luann mixed up with Bethenny. Luann has no marketing prowess or she would have been able to get some success out of RHONY. Her Evine line has gone nowhere and is now 82% off. Her singles have been meh. Her book tanked. Meanwhile, Bethenny's success exploded to a point that Bravo allegedly changed contracts to get a piece of the pie from things that the Housewives sell. They missed out on Bethenny's success. If anything, Bethenny has the marketing prowess and Lu is the "Queen of the Tacky Clothes on channel 23."
  22. My daughter had it. I was told to use rubbing alcohol to clean it which normally did help. So, the hour a day that it was off, I would scour the thing with rubbing alcohol and then leave it in the sunshine and it would usually smell fairly fresh after that. It also helped that as her head grew and filled out, they would shave off certain areas of the helmet which got rid of some of the stinkiness. Man, my oldest (the one that had the helmet) was lucky. Our house had really thick carpeting with good padding underneath so I didn't really worry if she fell down. My youngest was born in the Middle East and all of our floors are tile here. My nanny and I followed him around constantly when he was first learning to walk (and subsequently climbing on EVERYTHING) because we knew one fall and it would be BAD. Enh, I have that. It might just be a thin person thing. I'm in my mid-30's now (I refuse to acknowledge that I'm quickly moving towards or might already be at late 30's) and have always had that. The thumb thing isn't really a cave in. It is just the tendons when I put my thumb in a certain position. My veins do that primarily when I'm hot. Yep. We started putting them to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS but the side effect was that some got misshapen skulls. Insurance won't always cover the cost of the helmet (my daughter's was and I'm one of the few that I know of) because it is usually considered cosmetic (it can also be caused by torticollis and some other things that will lead to insurance covering the helmet). My daughter's flat spot on her skull was on the side of her head and actually pushed part of her face forward so they panicked and thought she had a brain tumor.
  23. Didn't they also run this story a month or two ago? Right around the time they were on vacation together because it was easily disproven because there was the photographic proof.
  24. Exactly. We are used to third stews complaining about being stuck in the laundry room. I think that has happened every season. Most second stews have just 1-2 seasons (on a yacht, not necessarily BD or BDM) under their belt so they have a grasp of what each position does but know they aren't ready for the chief stew position. Bugs was different because she had been a chief stew. My opinion is that production did it on purpose. They cast Bugs knowing that she had been a chief stew previously and would probably chafe under anybody just because she wasn't chief stew. A lot people that were management aren't happy to go back to being an employee again. They might think that but they then have problems with having to answer to someone, following someone else's decisions, etc. All that said, Bugs could have handled it professionally. In my opinion, she did absolutely nothing that would make me think she should be a chief stew because I wouldn't be able to trust her not to snoop or not to create drama amongst the staff. I'm on Team Adam too and I think there are several who are. He also could have dealt with it better and made poor decisions (onions!). However, I do think Malia played him just like she will play Wes when someone "better" comes along. I would have warned my friends if their boyfriend was pulling the stunt that Malia did. That's what friends do.
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