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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. Wow, that would stink if y'all had a long driveway! Over here, Uber service is comparable to a private car. All of our Ubers are Lexus cars which are the same ones that the private cars use.
  2. Wait, y'all's Uber doesn't do this stuff? 'Cause where I live, Uber drops me off at my door, they handle my luggage for me, they keep magazines and bottled water for riders... And that is just the normal Uber, not the UberVIP. I would probably throw a fit too just because I'm used to that level of service from Uber. Hell, I just took an Uber yesterday that even got my two kids in and strapped my youngest in the carseat for me. They won't even let me put the stroller in the trunk and make sure that I know they will put everything in the trunk for me and then they will carry it into my house for me.
  3. Yeah, I think she is a person that was insulated her entire childhood into an Armenian community. I just see her as someone who was raised in that community and still is in it today. They probably don't speak English at home, they speak Armenian. Her only time probably being in a heavy English situation was when she was at college and then she went right back to being mostly Armenian once she left/graduated which was 20 something years ago. I'm American but I live overseas. I don't speak the language here at home. We speak English. My daughter goes to an American school where they take Arabic (the native language) one time a week. My Arabic is horrible (it is such a difficult language). Most of my neighbors are from other countries so English is our common language. Their kids speak their native language in their home and then maybe English at school but maybe not depending on what school they go to (for example, the German school teaches in German, etc). So, I can understand how Peggy has insulated herself into a community and rarely speaks English (which is her second language). I'm a speech therapist with lots of experience in second language acquisition/linguistic diversity (due to where I live and practice) and I do think she sometimes puts on a bit but I also think it is mainly English is her weak second language. She rarely uses it so when she does, it takes a bit more effort.
  4. I think the stews typically have bartending experience. I seem to remember it discussed in a previous season or on the blogs. That was one of Kate's issues in the first episode or two this season was that Jen had no bartending experience and Bri had it down that she did but then was like, "Man, I need to update this thing." This woman's tweets are killing me. I think the show actually made her look BETTER than how she is in real life (and she came across awful on the show!). I might need to tweet at her...
  5. She is totally a Sunday Christian. I'm Southern so I feel like we are the resident experts on Sunday Christians and super-judgey Christians. Lydia is the type of Christian that makes me hate telling other people that I'm Christian. I hate seeing her discuss her faith on the show because it puts all of us in a bad light. I have more respect for Tamra's version because she shows that she is in the walk and that just because you are a Christian doesn't mean you are perfect. She screws up but she is trying to be a better person. That's because it is the same designer (Tom Ford). He has a whole line of these dresses in several different colors and even a couple of neckline and back options (cowl back, boatneck, jewel neck, etc).
  6. Y'know, Vicki does make a comment that is shown in the preview about how she didn't know because she had never taken drugs before. I had wondered what that was referring to but I'm wondering if they outed her on the reunion...
  7. Obvious speculation but I'm wondering if Shannon was also blaming Vicki because that was easier than really examining why she was gaining weight. I see it happen a lot with my patients when they feel like their life is spiraling out of control and/or they aren't happy. They latch onto the "easy" excuse (emotionally easier, that is) and run with it. It was easier for her to blame Vicki since everyone knew those issues than it was for her to admit that her marriage was falling apart. She hinted around towards it during that reunion clip but didn't come out and say it directly. Some people eat when they are stressed (whatever the stressor might be). Other people stop eating. Each person reacts to stress and emotionally trying times differently. Shannon is a stress eater. I think Vicki was causing some stress in her life and was just the easiest person/thing to blame rather than really examine her marriage and admit to herself that it was done.
  8. That's a very valid point. I know siblings where one has a great relationship, one has a meh relationship, and the other has a horrible relationship. Sometimes you can easily find one person at fault but not always. The one thing that I do think is odd is that Sydney made the claim about how Tamra never had food in the house. When I lived in the US, I was a mandated reporter and that would have generated an automatic DFACS call. So, I have issue believing that particular allegation because it obviously was false. If there was any truth to that, the state (or Simon) would have intervened and gotten the other two children pulled from the house.
  9. In my opinion, Shannon was taking ownership. She said she was unhappy and she was taking it out on everybody. She apologized to those she went off on. Instead of listening to her, Vicki had her judgmental face on. She could have even just tried for a neutral, blank expression but nope, she had to full on judgmental. I don't think Vicki really has the right to be judgmental of anybody in that crew considering everything she has done.
  10. Ugh, Vicki drives me nuts with her judgmental face. I want to whack her with a Nerf bat.
  11. I would love for it to be Heather but I don't see her returning if Vicki is still on the show due to the crap that Vicki was spreading about people dying on Terry's OR table. I would take it as a sign that Vicki is off if Heather comes back.
  12. I would need to go back and look but it looked to me like the index and middle finger wiggled but not the ring or pinky. It is possible for the nerves to affect just two of the fingers. I'm not a hand specialist but my niece dislocated her elbow and when they popped it back in place, the nerve got entrapped. She wound up with numbness and tingling in those two fingers and had to have surgery to release the nerve.
  13. Too many people to quote on the Aspen thing... Peggy was "filming" through a closed door. We have no clue what was happening behind the door. For all anyone knows, the nanny had Aspen in her arms and was trying to jiggle/sway her to sleep (you know the one that all of us mamas do the minute we get a baby in our arms). She heard a baby cry. It doesn't mean that nobody was in the room with her. You don't know what happens behind closed doors. I ferberized both of my kids. Babies need to learn to self soothe and put themselves back to sleep. It doesn't mean you are ignoring them. When you start, you check on them usually ever 1-2 minutes and then slowly distance that time out. You don't pick them up or it starts the whole process over again. I also wonder what home construction is like in Iceland. When I lived in the US, we had the typical wood frame house and you could hear the baby cry no matter where you were in the house. However, living the Middle East, our houses are made out of cement block and I can't hear my son if the doors are closed and he's in the room next to mine. Hah! Just googled it. Homes there are made out of concrete. So yeah, nobody could hear that baby unless they were right outside the door.
  14. I think you and I are misunderstanding me. 1st Special Forces Command is the commanding unit overall. The groups I listed fall up under 1st Special Forces Command. They do have their own unit insignias. I stated that most that choose to have a tattoo will do the general SF tattoo and not the specific unit/group insignia. It would be similar to how a soldier at the 101st might get the Screaming Eagle or he might get a Rakkassan if he falls up under that brigade. While their shoulder patch might never be the Rakkassan insignia, it is highly identified with that brigade and soldiers will sometimes choose that particular insignia for a tattoo. So, yes, there is the overall 1st Special Forces Command insignia but each group under the command has their own insignia too which a soldier COULD choose to tattoo on them but in my experience, most don't.
  15. That is 1st SF Command. There are other SF units out there. 5th Group at Ft. Campbell and 160th SOAR (also at Campbell) have different insignias. If you are speaking specifically of just Special Forces regiments, then you have 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 19th, and 20th regiments. Each one will have its own insignia unique to the group.
  16. I agree, QuinnM. She lives her life on social media with everything out there. I'm also with you on Hoppy. I don't like him. I believe he is an abuser but I wouldn't give him any crap if he reacted this way. I'm one of those people that LOVE my dogs. My children will tell you that they are their siblings and the love I feel for my dogs is the same as I feel for my own kids. When my boxer died, I *lost* it. My parents' neighbor is similar--to the point that she lost it when one of our dogs died when I was in college. Being a parent doesn't mean you are perfect or capable of being emotionless all the time. Sometimes we panic, we freak out, we lose our shit. Our kids see it. It isn't going to emotionally scar Brynn and she isn't going to need therapy over this. A lot of people can't think rationally during a crisis. She lives her entire life on social media so yes, it probably would be the first place she would turn because she is used to always going to social media first. Exactly. Her social media presence is WHY her business is so successful. She might not be liked by everyone but she has great PR game on social media and is able to turn it around to real money.
  17. She wasn't doing that to any of the guests and it wouldn't matter anyways. A woman never deserves to be sexually harassed. Full stop.
  18. Nope. Especially if it was just the generic SF tattoo. I knew several Night Stalkers that had that unit tattoo on their body but most SF I know usually will have just the generic SF tattoo and not the specific unit on them (because units change and that would be a lot of tattoos). I have a colleague that works as a dialect coach for movies and tv shows and it is usually just fed to the actor line by line when they don't need to shoot the entire film in that accent. So, he probably learned the French lines and had someone teach him the proper French accent. Same with Spanish. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew Arabic growing up. He is a New Yorker but he is Arab descent (I can't find what country but some would be dual French and Arabic) so he might have been raised speaking Arabic also.
  19. I haven't seen the videos so I can't comment on those. I personally wouldn't do it and smack my head when I see people do it but whatever. My feeling is just that it doesn't really impact my life so it isn't that big of an issue.
  20. Dude, people go online all the time now for medical advice. Drives me nuts. I'm a speech therapist and one of my FB groups is infamous for this. One person will ask if she should be worried because her 4 year old still isn't talking. I'm saying, "YES!" and everyone else is going, "Nah! She'll start talking in her own time! Don't worry!" And guess who the mom listens to? The 40 moms who don't know what they are talking about. People don't respect medical (human or animal variety) professionals anymore. They just go online and google it or ask Twitter/FB.
  21. My guess would be that whether or not it could be easily disproven, just putting it out there hurts Terry's practice. People are going to remember the accusation a lot longer than they will remember the retraction.
  22. *raises hand* Um, I can easily state that I have never sent stupid emails or engaged in crazy cyber stalking during a break up. Sorry but that isn't normal behavior. 1-2 stupid emails, you get a pass. But 600+ emails... That's a whole 'nother story. I hope he takes the warning well and adjusts his behavior accordingly.
  23. Yeah, she died of "post-operative complications." Supposedly there was a cardiac condition but she also checked herself out of the hospital despite it being recommended that she go to a facility for a couple of days to recover. She said she could go home because Kanye's cousin was a nurse. However, he left to go to a party and she was home alone and died. There was also supposedly a lot of Vicodin in her system.
  24. I can't help but wonder if this is Sonja. LOL. There is a suspicious quote in there. It says that several cast members accused Scott of buying Tinsley's role on RHONY. I don't recall anybody making that accusation. They met towards the middle of the season, I thought. She didn't go into the season dating him and contracts would have already been done. I also only remember the Coupon Cabin commercials happening during the last couple of episodes. I liked them together. I thought he was a good, stabilizing influence on Tinsley (even though he was a bit weird with his history with the Housewives).
  25. Plus, without knowing any extra information, she could really be giving out false information. I'm not a surgeon but I work in healthcare. Patients sometimes just die and there isn't anything we can do about it. The patient could have had an undiagnosed cardiac condition, could have had a stroke, etc. The patient might have had an allergic reaction to anesthesia. It isn't necessarily due to Terry's negligence. Vicki is a hateful, mean, spiteful witch.
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