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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. The language patterns make me think it is the same poster but Ericka just bugs some people and so they pick on anything and everything. To each their own. No.
  2. I dream of flying in the First Residence. LOL. Italia, oh I'm sorry, it looks like it is sol y luna, likes to poke fun at the spelling of Ericka's name.
  3. More likely, they are going to go with whoever is going to comp the rooms or actually pay Bravo to put the girls up in exchange for the advertising that they get from the show. A smaller boutique hotel wouldn't be able to absorb those costs as easily as a larger chain. Some of the chains will have a local feel. The Ritz in Dubai has a very Arabic feel. There are two large chains in India (the Taj and the Leela) that feel very Indian. I've done the B&B in France and I've done the castle in Ireland. You don't get the same amenities (minus the castle but it was actually owned by a large American company). So, while you think you are getting an "authentic and local" experience, it isn't necessarily so. Yep, you can get the lie flats on Business in most of the Middle Eastern airlines and a couple of the European ones. It is the American ones that suck, honestly. I know Etihad and Emirates have the divide. If you aren't looking closely, you might think the divide goes up to the ceiling but it stops a couple of inches short of the overhead baggage. Now, if you are staying in the First Residence on Etihad, you have two rooms, one of which is completely enclosed (the bedroom). I wasn't watching that closely. What airline did they fly to Berlin? If it was Lufthansa, it doesn't have the divides at the aisle like Emirates and Etihad. It just has the pull-up divide between the two in the middle that only goes up partway.
  4. I'm not and haven't justified Ericka in this. I've said that she was out of line and she was aggressive with Teddi. I was taken aback by it. However, the amount of hate being thrown at her is disproportionate, in my opinion. There are people on social media that are acting like she murdered Teddi. People just need to chill out.
  5. Just to be clear, I'm not referencing this board by saying that the amount of hate being thrown at Ericka is disproportionate. I'm referring to all of social media. The way Ericka responded to Teddi was disproportionate to what was actually happening. But what some people on social media are saying is OTT. Teddi is a big girl who can take care of herself. People (again, social media) need to stop infantilizing her.
  6. Hey, that's better than some parents that I work with who actually supposedly "live" with their kid. Just because you aren't physically living with them doesn't mean you are an uninvolved parent.
  7. Exactly. The hate being thrown towards Ericka isn't at all proportionate to what actually happened. People are OUTRAGED at her because she called someone a crybaby and told them (in an aggressive tone) not to call her a liar. Seriously? You can be irked by it. You can be miffed by it. But the amount of hate being thrown her way is just ridiculous.
  8. And her aggressive wasn't even physical. It was an aggressive manner of speaking. I'm wondering how many of the people that are saying they aren't going to buy her book weren't planning on buying it anyways. Let's face it, these Housewives have a niche market for who is going to buy their book. Caroline Manzo's had horrible sales. Most of the Housewives have not really been able to move a book. Bethenny, Brandi, and Teresa have had the most success with selling books and even their numbers aren't great--and everyone hates them!
  9. I don't get the hate towards Ericka. Was she a bit aggressive? Sure. But seriously, some people are acting like she skinned puppies during the episode.
  10. I call them the Baywatch bottoms because that is seriously what they look like. I get that the 90's are making a comeback (which, ugh) but those bottoms were not that flattering.
  11. There was a teacher in my high school whose name was Gregory Gregory. He was adopted. His birth mom named him and then his adoptive family just happened to have the same last name. I also knew twins whose name was flipped. So, Twin A was First Name Middle Name and Twin B was Middle Name First Name.
  12. So, has anyone else cottoned onto the fact that on the episode, Dorit's swimwear was supposed to be white, gold, and rose gold? And the designs were also different. So, what happened? Did the *coughrealdesignercough* intervene and then Dorit changed it back to this fug collection?
  13. Dude, I'm thin but I've got a butt. It would be awful. I wondered at first if she was being serious but Teddi being Miss Accountability would have corrected her otherwise. I took it as just a stupid joke that wasn't funny. Dorit has absolutely no sense of humor but thinks she is hilarious.
  14. I find it more to be a marketing tool. What better (and free!) way to market your company? Bethenny does it for SG all the time (and people bash her constantly for it) so it apparently works.
  15. It does. I imagine it is due to the damage from the extensions.
  16. I think he is laying the groundwork for shutting his company down. It is a way to stick it to Shannon. As far as the kids being filmed... To me, if you don't allow kids of divorce to film then the married ones shouldn't be allowed to film either. As long as they are showing more happy-type events (girls at sporting events, more of the band playing, etc) then that is cool. I don't want it to be though Shannon badmouthing the dad to the girls. That isn't healthy. Right. I think a lot of it is because he dragged her back into court over a frivolous claim. They weren't supposed to be in court. He initiated it. It was found to be false/unnecessary. So why make Shannon pay for it when she had nothing to do with it?
  17. I just wore a DVF wrap dress to an event on Friday. It never once budged. The biggest oops moment I had was when I was walking out of my villa and a gust of wind came up and I quickly had to grab at the skirt to hold it closed--but the wrap held! Honestly, for that to happen, she couldn't have even had a knot in there and she'd have to start shrugging it off/open.
  18. It makes her proportions look off. Like, her head looks as big as her waist but then she has the huge boobs so her head is in proportion to her boobs. She looks top heavy and like she would fall over if she stood up.
  19. *whispers* I hate karak. And halloumi. It is like eating rubber.
  20. I defend her. Overall, I like her. She has her moments where I feel she has gone overboard (nobody is perfect) but overall, I get her and I like her. I just have a hard time coming up with a big hate for anybody (except for Vicki. I have vicious hate for Vicki). Count me in your group. :) We are a mighty 2!
  21. It is also common in the South. I'm named after an aunt. My daughter's first name is my great-grandmother and middle name is from my husband's best friend who was KIA in Iraq. My son is after a great-uncle. If our son was going to be a girl, he would have had my mom's name.
  22. I'm on Team Nobody in this. I normally like Erika but her reaction to Teddi was way too much. I was sitting there just thinking how aggressive she was being. However, Teddi needs to learn to let things lie. It might make her uncomfortable but it was also a conversation for 3 months ago. Just let it go. However, I'm thinking Production probably told her to bring it up. And Dorit... Oh, Dorit. "You don't get to be mad!" Seriously? I think the only team I might be on right now is Rinna. LOL.
  23. I could go into a big long speech therapist explanation but basically, she just reverts back to what is automatic for her. Similar to how people will go through accent modification to sound more "central" American but when they get emotional, they revert back to the normal accent. I don't use my Southern accent when I'm working with kids but when I get emotional, I sound like Dolly Parton. LOL.
  24. I don't. I'm American but I live in the Middle East. I spend most of my days surrounded by Brits, Arabs, and South Africans. I still sound like I'm from the South. I've been over here for years. One kid was born here and the other moved when she was a preschooler. They both sound American (despite never having had American teachers or spending time with other Americans). Dorit drops the accent when she gets emotional because she reverts back to her native accent that is ingrained in her.
  25. I was just about to type out this so thank you for saving me the time! You can have one parent with sole custody while the other parent gets visitation rights. It could be that Bethenny has proof that Hoppy isn't making good decisions for Bryn or is interfering in the joint decision-making process so therefore she wants sole custody since he wouldn't have the ability to interfere anymore. Bryn would still get to see her father. Someone also remind me to tell all the psychs at the pediatric therapy clinic that I work with that they are emotionally damaging children. They would love that.
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