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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. I tried to train for one after I had my first kid. I was 30, in good shape, and still couldn't. I just can't do long distances. I am more of a sprinter. I talked about it with an ortho I worked with and he said it comes down to Type I vs Type 2 muscles (fast twitch vs slow twitch). Marathon runners have more slow twitch whereas sprinters have more fast twitch muscles. My husband runs marathons. Not as often as he used to but he will do them occasionally (once or twice a year or so). His average run is 8 miles which he will do a couple of times a week. If he knows he has a marathon coming up, he will stretch it out to 12-15 miles for his long run. He finds that if he can do 15 miles, he can do the full marathon (with snacks, of course). I will sometimes do 5K runs. I just go in the back because I'm a run/jog/walk person. Whatever you do, ignore the running community though. In general, they are horrible to 5K runners and act like it isn't an accomplishment to run a 5K. Do what you can and celebrate it!
  2. What I think a lot of people are also missing is that Bernadette's behavior is classic for the abuser. She is hurling insults, delegitimizing Bethenny's stories, etc. She is angry that she has been outed as an abuser. This is (unfortunately) why a lot of people don't come forward with their claims of abuse. The victim is always attacked by both the abuser and the abuser's defendants (be they legal or just fans). We (general, not specific to the board) need to be more cognizant of how we treat and talk about victims of abuse. Her history also doesn't absolve Bethenny of any responsibility if she does something heinous. I don't think anybody is saying that. We have seen Bethenny in therapy numerous times on both RHONY and her spinoff. But her upbringing is going to have longstanding effects on her personality and her ability to form and maintain relationships with others.
  3. It photographs well but there are some major issues with that place. IIRC, I think she was wanting $7-8 million for it. Didn't a past episode (SEVERAL seasons ago) mention that she needed new pipes throughout the townhome? Plus, the elevator doesn't work and she's next door to a fairly busy garage which is going to impact your ability to enjoy the courtyard. I also just have issues with the layout of the townhome.
  4. Rehab doesn't do any good if the person isn't going willingly and ready to admit that they have a problem. That is the similarity between Lu and Kim (IMO, of course). Neither one is really ready to admit that they have a problem (not saying Lu is an alcoholic, just that there is a problem with her drinking). She went because it looks good in court. She's gaming the system which pisses me off.
  5. Nah, I'll share him with you. He's pretty awesome. I just don't know how he runs marathons and stops for snacks. I would be throwing up. Hilariously, that was the same one that Oprah ran and she actually ran faster than him because he kept stopping for snacks. I take glee in telling people that Oprah beat him in the NYC marathon. LOL. I think it is the build up of cultural insensitivity over the years. She has an extensive history of this. I brought up the whole "Moroccan Princess" thing to show yet another incident of being culturally insensitive. There was 3 different incidents in 2 episodes! As you said, the braids were the most minor but it was just yet another example of Lu being culturally insensitive. As someone else said, braids aren't owned by one culture. However, there are very specific types of braids that are known to be an African-American variety (the box braid, etc). Yes, other cultures have used braids (think the Heidi braid when you think Germany/Netherlands area). However, there are different types of braids. No, unfortunately they depict African-American women trying to fit into white beauty standards. African-American women are constantly having their skin lightened in ad campaigns and on magazine covers. Beyonce had an ad campaign lighten her skin. Lupita's magazine cover a couple of years ago was lightened. Happened to Kerry Washington too. Women are told that their natural hair texture isn't professional so they have to perm it to get it straight which damages the hair and can cause it to start breaking off resulting in bald patches. African-American women are constantly told by our society that they have to look like white women to be successful.
  6. Ok, so I'm going to harp on something Lu said to Tins about dressing up as a Moroccan princess for her ex and surprising him at his hotel. First off, Lu has a history of being tone deaf when it comes to matters of cultural sensitivity. I'm assuming this was the Count and that marriage failed back in 2006 but most have said that they had been living separately long before that. Morocco's current princess (Princess Lalla) is their first princess because wives hadn't been publicly acknowledged or given titles previously. She was given the title of princess in 2002 so was there even a Moroccan princess around when she supposedly did this? Also, from what she was describing, it sounded like she was saying she wore a niqab or a litham with probably a djellaba. Now, djellabas are still frequently worn in Morocco. Niqabs (and even hijabs) are viewed as a more radical Islamic principle so you rarely see them in Morocco. Lu just irks me when she talks about Morocco or MENA because she clearly has no clue what she is talking about. She pronounces habibi wrong and she used it incorrectly (even taking into account that Morocco uses it differently than GCC).
  7. He said, "What? It was a really long time to run without snacks! I got hungry!" LOL.
  8. I googled too. LOL. I found a Cosmo article where they used baby powder on the skin but then had to lube the dress to make it shiny.
  9. Piggybacking on what others have said. You can get into the NYC Marathon without knowing people. Carole did it via the charity route, I believe. My husband ran it through his organization having x amount of spots so he took one. His time was horrible though because he kept stopping for pretzels and hot dogs. LOL.
  10. She married him in 1993 and they stayed married until 2009. At some point, in 16 years, she figured out that he was an anti-semite. Now, I don't need someone to be ranting and raving for it to be a dealbreaker for me. The fact that the belief is there is enough for it to be a no go. Someone doesn't have to be actively lynching people for their racism to be an issue in a relationship/friendship. Yes, people frequently suffer from biases. However, there is a difference between a bias and full blown anti-semite.
  11. But you have to consider that Lu was being complicit by staying with the Count all those years knowing that he was an anti-Semite. It tends to give off the idea that she is ok with anti-Semitism. For example, I couldn't marry a racist because I abhor those values. I couldn't even be friends with a racist. So, that was also referenced in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 2) during their Halloween episode back in 1997 when Buffy told Willow that she should get slutty because it is the one time a year that girls can get slutty without recrimination. Willow then dressed as a ghost (with the slutty costume underneath which was great because hijinks then ensued). Tl,dr: Slutty costumes for Halloween have been around forever because hey, let's shame women and make them feel like their bodies should be hidden away because heaven forbid a man be responsible for his actions.
  12. Never said that we didn't have great places to eat. We do. We just also have all the restaurants that seemed to have died off in the US. Anyways, it is majorly off topic.
  13. If it helps, there is a lot of glittering too. LOL. But yes, we also have the steakhouses too. I just want a comfy bra that makes for two boobs instead of one.
  14. Haha. So, funny thing is that my husband and I joke that Dubai (really, the Middle East) is where restaurants go to die. Like, there is a Ponderosa here. Is there even a Ponderosa in the US anymore???? I have some Yummie stuff. It was meh to me because it just smooths you out (which I didn't need). I did get the briefs with the tummy control panel after my first kid and all it did was roll down. It didn't hold anything in. If anything, it CREATED bulges.
  15. Well, pedophile is also a more severe accusation because it is actually a crime. Being a slut isn't a crime. Disclaimer: I like both Fredrik and Bethenny. You can't blame the "failure" of the show on either one. It was a gamble because you have two very strong personalities that are a love-hate type person. And let's face it, they don't inspire people to just have kinda "meh" feelings on them. It is vicious hatred that gets directed towards them. So, even if someone likes Fredrik, it has to overcome the amount of hatred that they have for Bethenny (or vice-versa). It probably would have turned out differently if they would have changed one of the people in that equation.
  16. I think it also makes sense when you are talking about an expensive city, like NYC. If the rent for an apartment vs the hotel are comparable then why NOT go for the one with housekeeping, laundry, room service, etc? Totally! She has the money and it isn't illegal so why not! I'd much rather see her blow her money on living in a hotel than on Tito's.
  17. The thing that got me was housekeeping coming in and disrupting my routine. I never felt like I could relax because I never quite knew when they would come in and clean which was awful when I finally got an 8 month old to take a nap. Most of the people on my floor were long-term guests so I always worried about my son waking people up in the middle of the night when he would want a bottle, slamming doors waking him up, etc. There were some conveniences like the babysitting and stuff but the restaurants being close is fairly common in Dubai. I have a coffee shop and multiple restaurants where I currently live. I just call our supermarket and they will deliver whatever I want to my villa (including the night I called for one Starbucks coffee). If it was just my husband and I, we would totally be living in a hotel right now. But with kids? Forget it. Never again. Hotel living totally makes sense for Tins at this stage in her life.
  18. That's a different lawsuit. There were the ones between Yummie and Spanx and also the ones about the credit card issue. The one I was referencing was the one specifically about the backer refusing to step down from running the company after the debt was paid off.
  19. There was a lawsuit between Heather and her business partner. He loaned her money for a 49% stake in the company. He was supposed to run it until the debt was repaid but then refused to step down. There are articles about the rebranding being done in October 2017 by WWD but I can't seem to find any updates on the lawsuit which makes me think she lost in court.
  20. I've done the whole live in a hotel suite gig. Let me just tell you, family of 4 (including an 8 month old) in a hotel suite (even a 2 bedroom with a kitchen and laundry) is hell. It was not my idea of fun. I had never been so happy to leave a hotel. I have friends who lived in a suite at the St. Regis in Abu Dhabi for 2 years and they loved it but they also had 2 teenagers so I think that makes a difference. Hotel living with adults is fun. Hotel living with small kids is horrible. If I was Tins, I would totally be living in a hotel suite. She also mentioned that it helped her out a lot because she wasn't having to move all of her furniture up to NY from FL. She wasn't finding anything that she really liked in NY at that price range which was part of the reason why she went the hotel route. The other part, if I remember correctly, was that she thought she would be moving in with her boyfriend in the fall which whoops.
  21. PANDAS is an autoimmune response after a case of strep (similar to Sydenham's chorea). It can cause a wide range of neuropsychiatric symptoms. It is a controversial diagnosis and not listed in the ICD or DSM
  22. 1) Sonja: It is like she had a buffet of options at the plastic surgeon and took all of them. And detox is the official story? Ok... 2) Bethenny: Yes, she "bragged" about what she accomplished in PR and TX. People were criticizing her for putting it on social media when she was doing it and they still are. But here the is other side of that--people saw what she was accomplishing and so they decided to donate to her. She wouldn't have been able to accomplish nearly as much if she hadn't been all over social media with it. You can argue why she was putting it on social media all day but nobody truly knows why she did except for Bethenny. You can assume but you don't know. However, she accomplished a lot and has helped a lot of people. I'm not going to shade her for that. 3) Lu... Oh Lu. I can't believe that in this day and age people have to explain that black face is NEVER appropriate. It wasn't even a good Diana Ross. As posted above, she should have gone with an iconic Diana Ross look. Not a racist trope. 4) Ramona: Unh. Pinot Pooch was on full display in the BritBrit costume. But hey, the girls were covered up so yay?
  23. So, there is PANS and PANDAS. I've worked with children from both. PANDAS is a subset of PANS and is the one directly related to strep and can seriously cause some major issues in children. As far as Dorit... I would hope that she isn't exaggerating or outright making up a story about her family and the Holocaust. I had assumed it was common knowledge that there were no concentration camps in Russia/Siberia considering that Hitler was fighting the Russians (and sucked at it). I believe she is referencing the gulag. It is also common for families to have been broken apart during that time and some found other surviving members but others did not. So, I could see where parts of her story are accurate but a lot of it isn't. However, let's face it, Dorit isn't the best at recalling past events or listening unless it directly involves her.
  24. WhatsApp is very popular overseas and gaining more popular in the US, from my understanding. It is a way of texting with international friends without paying additional fees. I'm figuring she purposefully forwarded it to Jeff and either forgot or is playing dumb. However, she is a luddite so I wouldn't be surprised if she accidentally forwarded it.
  25. Actually, if she is using WhatsApp, it is crazy easy to accidentally forward a text. It happens all the time in some of my groups.
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