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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. Oh, you can get hired at a Big 4 without an MBA. They attempted to hire me as a healthcare consultant because I have a doctorate in a healthcare field with real world experience. I would have gone in as a senior manager. You can also get hired as an analyst/entry level consultant with just a business degree (bachelor's level) but you won't move up until you get the business degree (or comparable masters degree depending on your area). My husband has 3 masters because of his area of specialization. So, you can get a job without the MBA but you are going to be stunted (possibly) in terms of promotions until you get that MBA. A lot of your higher level consultants will have an MBA plus an additional masters in their area of specialization (for example, power and utilities will have an MBA plus either a systems engineering or electrical engineering masters).
  2. Those IG sponsored posts pay BANK though. Busy Phillips (actress) was open that she made more doing those IG sponsored posts in one year than she did on acting.
  3. So, my husband is one of those high-powered business people that went to a Top 10 MBA school. To get in, you had to have minimum of 5 years of experience in the business sector (plus recommendations, GMAT scores, undergrad performance, etc). And in the business world, an MBA from a Tier 2 or 3 school is ok if you want just a meh job. But if you want to move up the ranks in a Fortune 500 company, you need that Top 10 MBA degree. True. A lot also depends on the company. Smaller companies like SG don't care so much about the degree. For them, it is the passion. However, if you are talking about a Big 4 consulting company/accountancy firms, i-banks, etc... Then you need the degree and the experience.
  4. I just have to laugh because all the speech pathologists are mad because our career was called boring. LOL.
  5. Those boobs... God, I don’t like to body shame but they are fake and they still look like that. Did she use a Groupon for those things ‘cause that plastic surgeon should be out of business if his work typically looks like that. How much you want to bet that she argued with the surgeon insisting on bigger implants? Remember, she doesn’t do anything in moderation. She’s all about excess and those boobs are definitely excess.
  6. Maybe it is because I’m Southern (and Methodist) but dude, potlucks with a 2-3 hour window of getting the food there is EASY. We had a potluck after work once so you had to bring in the food at 8 am but nobody consumed until around 4 pm. You just choose your food dishes wisely. Meatballs are always a good option as is mac and cheese. Avoid a potato salad unless you pack it in a cooler. If I have a chance to pick up something on the way, I’m bringing some fried chicken and I will replate it. I’m not Middle Eastern. Just live here. I’ve never seen food like that here. Maybe Ethiopian food? Ethiopian tends to look more like that... I’ve seen lots of yachts with helipads. You know how Dubai loves yachting! They weren’t really on a “yacht” but a party boat. Nothing to write home about.
  7. The one that drives me nuts is Jaguar. My Brit and South African friends find it hilarious how we say aluminum. I was raised United Methodist (still am). So, we are a bit different from most Protestant denominations. It isn’t enough that you believe that Jesus died for your sins. You also have to live “right” to get into heaven. You have to earn your salvation and even once it is earned, you can lose it by being a shmuck. So, don’t be a shmuck. See, we were taught that you weren’t punished if you were never given the opportunity to know Jesus. So, for example, if you grew up in North Korea, you wouldn’t automatically go to hell just because you never accepted Jesus as your savior. It still went down to how you lived your life—were you a good person?
  8. I love how my church is known for potlucks. LOL. All of our work for social justice and we are known for green bean casseroles and jello salads. LOL. I think you hit the nail on the head. She is choosing to act all sorts of crazy because she thinks it is going to guarantee a spot for herself next season. Plus, she didn’t really have any repercussions from her poor behavior last season. I want it to bite her in the butt. Were her boobs this bad last year? Did she cover them up a bit more? Or have I just repressed as much of Dorit as possible?
  9. Hailee Steinfeld wore a look that was literally fresh off the runway. Walked last week. It was amazing.
  10. And people will have no problem contributing that. I had a friend who just lost her mom about 2 months ago to lung cancer. It was years and experimental drug trials. It was ROUGH. So, my friend is obviously sad about losing her mom but she’s relieved and made a post on FB about how unexpected it was that she felt that way and some of her friends started hating on her. Making statements about how they would have given anything to have those months to say goodbye, she shouldn’t feel relief, etc. It was awful. I try to come from a place of kindness (although it is really hard with Dorit).
  11. I didn’t mean it as an either/or statement. I was using “grief-stricken” as more the literal breakdown, unable to get out of bed, shattering, world has fallen apart level of emotion. I wasn’t completely clear in that. Obviously she is grieving the loss of her spouse and best friend but was it necessarily to that level? Possibly not. She knew it was coming whether it be conscious or unconscious. Exactly and yes, I didn’t intend for it to be taken as an either/or situation. You can grieve and feel relief. However, not all people grieve to the level that it has been suggested (incapable of rational decision-making process)—especially when dealing with a long disease process such as Bobby’s cancer. It is one of the worst things to me that it is a dirty secret. People fear what other people will think or say about them and they think they are monsters for feeling relief. More people need to be open about it and normalize those feelings. You can be upset and sad about the loss of a loved one yet feel relief that they are no longer in pain, bedridden, relying on a feeding tube, etc. You can feel relief that your life is no longer revolving around someone else’s dr appointments, ER visits, home health visits, etc.
  12. And that’s your experience. I’m just giving my experience having gone through it personally and also having family members speak to me from 10+ years of working hospice, home health, and nursing homes. Yes, they were sad but they also felt at peace. They knew their loved one was in a better place but they also got some of their life back. It is completely possible that people deal with the loss of a loved one in different ways. I’m just trying to give a different perspective on it that hadn’t been voiced. Neither one is wrong. They are just different.
  13. Ok, I’m just going to speak from personal and professional experience. For some people who have dealt with a loved one being sick over a long time, their death can seem more like a relief than a grief-stricken life event. This can be from cancer, dementia, etc. Jill knew it was coming. He had been dealing with this for a couple of years. Honestly, you are just relieved that they are no longer in pain, bedridden, etc. It is also just a personal relief because now you feel free again. And the horrible thing is that people don’t talk about it because they know other people will judge them for feeling that way. It is the dirty secret in the hospice crowd. So, Jill might have been fully cognizant of what she was doing by allowing Bravo’s cameras to film. She might not have agreed because she was so grief-stricken that she couldn’t comprehend what was actually happening.
  14. She probably is getting lip injections like Juvederm but more to minimize the disfigurement from the botched silicone injections. Doctors did silicone injections in the lips like 20-30 years ago and it caused horrendous reactions in people. When she had the silicone pulled out and the scar tissue removed, it more than likely left her upper lip deflated and misshapen. The Juvederm being injected would minimize the misshapenness and also fill out the upper lip a bit. It is kind of like how you can't just take breast implants out and be left with great boobs. You often have to put another implant in because of how the skin stretched.
  15. She said something a couple of episodes ago along the lines of that she knew her daughters wouldn't have these opportunities in the modeling world if it wasn't for this whole celebrity kids, instamodel thing that is going on right now. I think she is very quick to realize that they wouldn't be high fashion models without it (catalog, sure but not high fashion). As far as her lips... She has been outspoken that she got a lip implant put in eons ago and her body had a negative reaction to it which caused scar tissue (which is what is causing the deformity). She has had a couple of corrective surgeries on it apparently but that is as good as it is going to get. I feel for anybody that had a medical procedure that went wrong--even stupid elective ones like lip implants. To live and work in such an image-conscious place like Hollywood is hard and tons of people are urged into getting these procedures done in order to get jobs. Plus, I just have issues with the body shaming aspect of it.
  16. It is hard because her “accent” is all over the place! I do some accent modification for fun and I live in Dubai so I’m around people from all over the world. I work with Brits and it isn’t a British accent. It also seems to have changed between last season and this season (of course, I’m remembering last season off of memory so I should find a video clip to confirm). Now it is really just weird stress patterns, elongations, and distorted vowels. The main thing to get down those is to be a coked up, heinous witch. She is truly awful this season and I didn’t like her last season! I also feel like she is really trying to play up a FASHION card this season. She’s kind of doing a weird and creepy “I’m going to peel off your skin and wear it” thing towards Ericka. I don’t remember her doing FASHION last season (and she didn’t do the wigs) except for the golden goose shit in her hair.
  17. I'm a speech pathologist and I'm always analyzing someone's speech/language. It is just what I do. I can't turn it off. Other SLPs that I'm friends with say the same thing. The psych might not be obvious about it but you can sure bet they are analyzing you. What, I'm not supposed to text a random coworker every time I sit down? Blair Underwood. And man, he has stayed hot too. This sentence becomes hilarious when you change where you put the pause and stress.
  18. Ok, I was raised in the South and also United Methodist (we are the People of the Potluck and Casseroles) so we are hardcore into food. That said, I've never brought a dish to someone's funeral. I've sent flowers, if I was close but never brought food. When my grandma died, 2-3 people brought food but that was it. I've seen more flowers than food. Food was typically what close friends brought. Someone that was just coming to pay respects but was more tangentially connected wouldn't do food. I think people are also beginning to realize that you start drowning in food after awhile and a lot of it goes to waste.
  19. I feel like this section should be renamed Small Talk: The Regency Bar. LOL.
  20. I had to go pull a couple of pairs of mine to see. On my high end denim, 7's just had a small (seriously, like .5 inch) red label off to the side with just the number 7 on it but I had another pair by 7 with no label. J Brand had nothing. Rag and Bone had nothing. Paige sometimes had a label but again, it was small. Nothing like what Levi used to put on their waistbands in the 80's.
  21. The Army actually still issues bayonets for the M-4's that they currently use. They rarely use them nowadays but that is more due to the type of warfare that the military engages in. It is no longer really close combat like it used to be. The last officially recognized US Army bayonet charge was during Vietnam.
  22. I have a WWII Japanese rifle with bayonet attached and from the quick glances we saw, I thought it looked like that but I’m no weapons expert.
  23. So funny because I remember him more as Hal from Cliffhanger than his role on TWD.
  24. So sad to wake up and hear about Bobby this morning. I didn't always like Jill but they always seemed to have a great marriage.
  25. Dude, she’s nicer than me. You get 15 min and then I leave. If I am supposed to meet you at 4, I will text you at 3:55 to tell you I’m there (and in reality, I’ve been there for 10-15 minutes). I will text at 4:10 to give you a 5 min warning that I’m out. At 4:15, I leave and will send a text saying that I’m out. I don’t do lateness. It is so beyond rude.
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