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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. Yep. I was constantly accused of being anorexic. Just my body build. It was really hurtful when I was younger but now I'm all "Meh." I put on about 15-20 lbs after my kids which has me at 118 lbs and 5'10" so I'm still underweight but I look better now so I just embrace it. Building off of what you said... Ok, so he kissed a guy (or two or three or whatever). That doesn't necessarily make him gay. He could have been experimenting. He could bi. You can be bi and still be in a committed relationship with EITHER gender. It is Tamra and Eddie's marriage. It works for them and they seem to be happy. I have a lizard that lives in my villa. The worst though was the flying cockroaches in Georgia. What the special gift from Satan was flying cockroaches???? I've explained it before too since I am a speech therapist and work a lot with bilingualism plus I live in a foreign country. I speak Arabic with a slight American accent (no matter how much I try, some of those sounds are HARD!). My daughter takes Arabic in school and my lord, the American accent is strong on her because we don't speak Arabic to each other. We speak English. Peggy's accent honestly isn't that strong. I do some accent modification work on the side and trust me, there is a lot worse out there. My husband and I actually got to discussing the "came out of left field" segment one night because I always thought it was a baseball thing but never really understood why it meant that. I just knew how to use it correctly. Peggy knew how we use it but she didn't understand the why. I wound up having to google it and found it was something about a psych hospital that was past the left field of some baseball field.
  2. I had to laugh at the bolded because my first thought was, "As opposed to a formal text?" LOL. A lot of people my age and younger (Meghan is 3 years younger than me) don't really talk on the phone much. We tend to do everything via text. I think over the past year, I've used maybe 100 minutes on my cell phone total (and most of those are the normal phone calls to the electrical and water company, etc).
  3. The other thing that could possibly change the tone of the texts was that Kelly has been very vocal about her marriage issues and that they had been contemplating divorce. That bit of info changes things. She was dating someone else prior to coming onto the show, IIRC so it wouldn't have been absurd or awful for Meghan to bring it up.
  4. Vicki: "I've got one day about me and that's it!" Um, no. You make EVERY SINGLE DANG DAY about you. I'm exhausted. If I had to hear her shout one more time about all the people at her party. Stop being pathetic. She was pretty open about having to discontinue her meds while pregnant but I'm not sure if they are safe to take while breastfeeding so she could still be unmedicated. And dude, post pregnancy hormones are no joke. I wasn't that hormonal while pregnant (or at least I didn't think so!) but dude, post pregnancy? I would cry at the toilet paper commercial where the bear has white fuzz on his bum. Vicki and a gun is a horrible idea. And how did she not know that Steve was carrying? Unless he has a small gun in an ankle holster, you notice when someone is carrying. I'm assuming he is probably wearing a holster on his belt so she would feel it if she put her arm around him or snuggled up with him. And if he was doing sleepovers then how has she missed it all this time? Plus, geez, that means an unsecured gun in her house. Her dress was also just bad. Vicki just needs to learn how to dress for her shape. That dress with those cut outs is really meant for someone around a size 4-6 or smaller. You can't really wear the high waisted Spanx with that dress or else it could be playing peekaboo all night. I'm a size 4 and I would not even necessarily wear it just because I have the belly of a mom of 2.
  5. What are you speaking about? I'm trying to spot it but I'm not seeing it. I'm seeing normal laryngeal structures... Torticollis? Doubtful unless he has had a recent cervical spinal injury. I think he just does the head tilt thing when taking pictures (similar to Teresa with her stupid head tilt that makes me want to rip her head off).
  6. This whole thing just makes Lu look like a doormat and that makes me sad. It just makes her look like she was so desperate to be in a relationship/marriage that she settled for this dolt and then hung on tight despite all the evidence that he was a shmuck. I would have much preferred Empowered Lu who just walked away at the first sign of infidelity and said that she didn't need a man and certainly not that one.
  7. Exactly. I actually think worse of the person that plays a Countess-like person on TV but then lets it all loose when off camera. That to me says that she knows she is a shitty person and it wouldn't play well so she will play the good little role when the cameras are on but let all hell loose when off. Nope. I don't like duplicitous people. See, and let's link it back to the WWHL interview. Andy specifically asked her if Tom cheated on her and she vehemently denied it and said that she knew FOR A FACT that Tom did not cheat on her. Yet here we have her admitting that he went out with an ex-girlfriend. She said in the interview that he went out with some exes (I believe she used the plural) and she didn't know about it. This one was singular. So, how does she know FOR A FACT that Tom didn't cheat on her? One, I would call going out with an ex without my knowledge cheating. He was hiding it. He was cheating. Maybe she considers cheating as performing a sexual act. Ok, but how does she know they didn't have sex? Unless she had surveillance on him, she doesn't know.
  8. Yes, but you didn't say anything about relationships for the show. You said that these women can't comment on marriages since none of them have had a successful one and contrasted that with RHOBH where you have Kyle and Lisa's marriages. That's why I brought up the two widows. I don't think she needs to extoll his virtues. There is a middle ground where she can say that he wasn't the right person and the marriage didn't work but not bash him. She doesn't need to bash him but she also doesn't need to extoll his virtues. What she needs to do is just be honest about it. I'm just pointing out that there is a way to be honest about it without bashing him since some posters seem incensed with the idea that some of us want her to be honest and are making a false assumption that it means we want her to bash him. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
  9. I just want to comment on this one thing... You could say that for most but I have trouble categorizing Carole or Dorinda's marriage to Richard as not being successful. The only reason they ended when they did was because their husbands died. Who knows what would have happened if they hadn't died. Both women could still be happily married to them. On a side note... I do think Lu wanted it to work for multiple reasons. I think she was more in love with the idea of the relationship rather than Tom. Think about when she was listing all the great things about their relationship. It was activities like skiing. It wasn't actually anything about Tom (he's smart, he's funny, he's kind, etc). I think the divorce is hard on her because she is so concerned with her public image (even Andy said that she is very concerned about appearances and she agreed) and she's trying to spin it to where it makes her look good and also she just wanted the relationship (not necessarily the man in the relationship). Unfortunately, IMO, the spinning of it is what backfires. If she doesn't want to bash him, she doesn't have to. She could easily come out and say that she was in love with the idea of the relationship but if the relationship isn't with the right man then it doesn't work. Tom is a great guy but not the right guy. There are ways phrase things where it would come off better but still leave Tom's reputation intact (if that is what she is concerned about).
  10. Except they knew her exact conception date so the due date isn't really an estimate. Fact is that it is dangerous to go over a due date which is why doctors will induce once you are 1 week late. Their surrogate was right around that 1 week mark when they wound up inducing. It wasn't like they were trying to have her go early for convenience. She was already overdue and they were nervous about it.
  11. Exactly! And that is what is so maddening and really just makes her look idiotic.
  12. I just don't get why it is so hard for her to say, "I rushed into the marriage and it was a bad idea. I loved the idea of love, a big wedding, and a happy marriage which made me ignore all the warning signs and friends that were warning me off of it. Tom is good as a friend, great as a friend with benefits, and horrid as a husband. He had problems with fidelity and that was important to me so I decided to end the marriage." Like, she would start saying some of it but then she would walk back. She loved him, he loved her but they had problems throughout the marriage and did several breaks during it. Which one is it???
  13. Put me in the disappointed crowd. Andy asked great questions (rare for him!) but didn't actually hold her to really answering them (so typical of him). I feel like she talked around some questions, answered others vaguely, and just bs'ed her way through the rest. From what we have seen after the filing, I don't think Tom really cares or respects her. From what we saw during filming, I don't think he really cared or respected her then. Her whole answer to the Missy discussion at the party was complete and utter BS. If it would have just been a nothing story then they wouldn't have said, "Yeah, demic!" There wouldn't have been anything to demic about. And I doubt the way he was greeting Missy was really him just being sweet, chivalrous Tom. No. He's being a horndog. Lu is just so concerned about her image and it drives me nuts. The Lu that I've liked in the past is the one who doesn't care what other people think. She is still trying to craft this story about this marriage and it just rings as false and stupid.
  14. First off, @BBHN , I only need to see Chris Evans douse himself in water. Repeatedly. Like, a lot. Second on the limiting herself and not addressing the immediate need... I forget where I read it because it was awhile ago for a different disaster but they talked about how people always give in at the beginning of the crisis and all these charities flood in but 99% of them don't stick around. So, a couple of weeks after the disaster strikes, everybody leaves and that is really when these people need the help. They are getting into their homes and realizing they lost everything. They are struggling with finding ways to restart their life. I lived in Atlanta and we had a ton of the Katrina victims right after it happened. So, I'm not going to judge B for focusing on a need that isn't necessarily immediate because the need is still there after the initial recovery efforts.
  15. That's why I was speaking in general about what is usually involved in a prenup instead of stating specifically that these things were in their prenup. I would disagree though about the only things coming out were from Team B. It is just my opinion but I think we have seen quite a bit from Jason because there have been a lot of "sources" leaking anti-B info which I would assume would come from Jason.
  16. So, there is actually a really good reason financially to do the generic #thisisacrisis t-shirt instead of one advertising specifically Hurricane Harvey. She is using this hashtag across her charity which allows her to place a bulk order for these t-shirts. The more t-shirts you order, the more the price drives down. For example, you know those $5 flag tees that Old Navy sells? It costs them $1.40 to make those tees. However, if she did just a run of 500 shirts that were specific to Harvey, the price would go up significantly (probably around $7 a tee since it is a 1 color print job) and then she would be stuck with leftover t-shirts. By using one generic design, she can reuse it for multiple purposes which will drive down the overall cost.
  17. 99% of prenups will outline spousal support and some will also outline child support (especially if there are already children or a pregnancy going into the marriage). So, for example, some will say that you get x amount of cash for every 5 years of marriage. Others will do just a blanket amount no matter how many years of marriage. That was where Harrison Ford screwed up with his first wife. No prenup and he got hosed in it. Kelsey Grammar with Camille was the same way. However, other celebrities or famous people that have had prenups usually walk away with not a lot. There are usually some exceptions in prenups like if one spouse is caught cheating then the prenup can be forfeited or the spouse gets extra money.
  18. Because you asked for a reference on Meghan having breast implants? Dude, foot fetish is real and very scary. *shudders*
  19. I was just referencing the OP's comment about how a marriage could never work between one spouse who enjoys working out versus one who doesn't. Each marriage is different. I just don't think you can put such a generalization on all marriages.
  20. Ooh, I don't know... The burritos... I might knock her out with a coconut and steal the food truck of burritos. And then I'd probably run over her, accidentally back over her, and then drive off. I have a weakness for burritos.
  21. Enh, I disagree. My husband is super into physical fitness. Runs marathons for fun, benches over 400 lbs, etc. I don't run due to knee and hip issues. I will play an occasional game of tennis (my husband doesn't play).I will sometimes do yoga. But run or lift weights? Not my thing. Spouses don't necessarily have to do everything together to have a healthy marriage.
  22. Still watching the episode and haven't read all the posts but if Vicki is going to quote the Bible, it would help if she got the verse right. We are supposed forgive 77 times or 7 times 70 times (depending on the translation you are reading). Not 777 times.
  23. She was looking at apartments previously on the show in that same price range. There really is no difference between spending it on an apartment hotel (which is really closer to what she is currently living in) versus an apartment. Either way, she is throwing money away instead of investing it in a piece of property. Going with the apartment hotel actually saved her money since she didn't have to move all of her belongings out of Florida to furnish the new place.
  24. Is there a government owned hospital where you can go? They usually have a sliding scale. I used to work at one. We lost a close family friend last year to melanoma. By the time he went to the doctor to get it checked, it had metastasized everywhere (lungs, etc). He lived about 6 months with chemo to prolong his life but there was no quality there. It is scary. I used to go to the derm yearly in the US because I'm fair skinned with a history of sunburns but haven't been since I moved to the Middle East. I need to find a derm but until then, I've been keeping a close eye on my skin.
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