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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. I like seeing how much production hates Vicki. She makes the statement about how she likes nice housewives and it is followed up by a video montage of her being nasty to the new housewives at the first meeting. Watching Sophie drives makes me happy that kids can't get drivers licenses where I live until they are 18. I'm hoping that I can just send my daughter to college and somehow avoid the whole teaching her how to drive thing. Neither one of us have the patience for it and there is no way I would let my husband teach her (he is easily the world's worst driver). I had even more issues watching the episode this week. I started doing other things because it just isn't grabbing my attention anymore. I don't need the fighting back and forth to make it entertaining but I need *something*. What I don't need is anything to do with Kelly. I don't care about her vag rejuv, lying about what happened at The Not So Quiet Woman, etc. Just go away.
  2. Is it possible that Shannon didn't literally mean that Vicki was making her gain weight? I think Shannon is one of those that is a comfort and stress eater. She eats her emotions. So, the stress from Vicki, her marriage, and everything is making her eat/drink more which in turn is making her gain weight.
  3. I think 12 years is the sweet spot for the Ramona walk and posture. LOL.
  4. True! I took ballet for 9 years. I apparently needed the 3 more years to learn how to sit like Ramona. LOL. Oh well. I was always proudly in the last row all the way to the side. Never in front and never in the center for me!
  5. They also don't just give the Peabody and 3 Emmys to a hostess equivalent person. I sincerely doubt she has glamorized her journalism history. I think it is just a case of BEC for some people.
  6. I'm just going to disclaimer this with letting you know that I'm a teetotaler and have no tolerance for drunk people. My grandfather was an alcoholic, my in-laws are alcoholics, and I worked in housing during college and had to deal with drunk college students constantly. All of my experiences with alcohol have been negative. So yes, Dorinda's drinking is bad to me. As far as better or worse, I don't have enough information to really make an educated guess. We've heard Lu is a frequent heavy drinker but we haven't really seen evidence of that. I don't know enough about Dorinda's drinking and the compulsion behind it to say whether or not she would be classified as a functional alcoholic.
  7. Ramona was endorsing a hair extension line. That was why she started wearing the fake hair last season.
  8. I went to a university that was one of the top journalism schools (I was not in that program but had a lot of friends who were). They required a double major. The thought process was that you would be able speak/report intelligently about that area. I don't know what her BA was in but she might have done the MBA because she thought it would help her in a journalism career. It could also be that she just fell into the field of journalism. Her first job was as an intern and she worked her way up to producer.
  9. Ok, just wanted to make sure that it was clear that I didn't say that. :)
  10. Nobody ever made the claim that she went to an Ivy League. You can look back at my original post and I never stated that she went to an Ivy. I stated that the NYU MBA program is a good program (#12 in the nation according to U.S. News and World Reports). Nobody ever stated that she went to an Ivy. @ryebread took my quote and falsely stated that I was saying she went to an Ivy league school.
  11. Purple??? No. The only semi-decent one is the one in the middle.
  12. Continuing your side note: I lived for a long time in Atlanta and worked home health so I traveled EVERYWHERE. Her hints are all over the place as to her location. Proper Atlanta doesn't have a strong Hispanic area. The Hispanic areas are OTP and I think she has said before that she is ITP. I have issues with a lot of her postings though. You know you love me! And those drinks better not be alcoholic! LOL! As to your second point--she's Armenian and her husband is Syrian, I believe. That argument was nothing. It was nowhere near bad enough to lead someone to stop eating. LOL. I'm pretty sure my area could have an alien invasion and we would all still be brunching. Nothing will keep us from our brunches!
  13. Their MBA program is #12 in the nation according to US News and World Reports which is a credible source for academic program rankings. MBA programs would differ than their general undergra. The MBA program has always been highly respected.
  14. You can always come sit with me (while we argue about Bethenny). I'm a red meat eater. I need the protein. I usually only get it a 2-3 times a week or so now but I would have a steak every night if I could. Yeah, weight charts aren't the best. I'm 5'10" and I prefer myself around 115-120 lbs. I am tall but I have a very small build. I used to be smaller (I was around 100 lbs when I got married) but I felt like I was too skinny (although my doc was fine with it).
  15. I think there must be a difference in the yachting industry (or at least on BD) because we regularly see the Bosun and Chief Stew go out with the rest of the crew when at port. Now, I do agree that she is a sloppy drunk and that makes people lose respect for you. That was how I took it too.
  16. I'm just using the nutritional value charts that Texas Roadhouse has. It concurred with other websites. But no, I don't cook my steak in butter. I season it with some pepper and seasoning salt and that's it.
  17. Oh, Malia... Tonight was not a good look for her. So, her getting pissy at the end because neither boy was paying attention to her really reinforced to me that she was cognizant of what she was doing with them. She is one of those women that thrive off of playing boys off each other and the drama of the triangle. I also thought it was very telling about her comment about how Captain Sandy was giving her a hard time and she was lead deckhand and didn't deserve that. No, your captain gets to criticize you whenever you do something wrong--no matter what your position is or how you earned it. I also thought her little spat with Bobby showed an immature side of her. She is very immature for being 26. Before I found that out, I thought she was around 19. She reminds me of my days as an RA in college working in an all girls freshman dorm. She was the girl that drove me nuts and I wished would just move out. Max... I still adore Max. Oh Bugs... Shit stirring Bugs. So, Hannah can do no right with her. She doesn't get along with Adam and Bugs snarks about it. Hannah gets along with Adam and Bugs snarks about it. Hannah does no work. Bugs does all the work! When Hannah was pulling the late shift, Hannah was taking the easy shift and did no work. When it got switched then all of a sudden Bugs was taking the hardest shift and doing all the work. So, which is it? Oh, that's right. It is just Bugs hates Hannah and will take any position (no matter how hypocritical) to justify her irrational hatred of her.
  18. Different set of norms in Australia. I love my Aussie pals but dear god. They use C U Next Tuesday so casually. It is like saying buddy to them. Anyways, bum chum is socially acceptable in Australia.
  19. I will say this... I order a steak when we go out. When we go to Texas Roadhouse, I get an 8 oz sirloin which is 340 calories and 8 grams of fat. However, if I got the healthiest salad on their menu (grilled chicken salad), it is 790 calories and 50 grams of fat. So many people just go, "Ooh, salad!" and order it thinking it is healthy when salads are very deceptive. Their salmon caesar is 1360 calories! So, I won't automatically judge her for getting a steak (now, the alcohol is just empty calories and that should be cut).
  20. Plus, B isn't always on social media. She has maybe an Instagram post a day. If you want to judge somebody for being on social media who is a mom then you have to look at Kim K because her presence pre-burglary was non-stop.
  21. I'm really trying hard to remain interested in the show this season but it is seriously hard. I do wonder if they brought in Peggy to go off on Vicki for the cancer scam.
  22. Yeah, I saw the original comparison. I think it was a bad comparison. There are actual laws over who can refer to themselves as a medical doctor. Lately however, just about anybody can call themselves a journalist. Thank you, Internet. A student working on their school newspaper will refer to themselves as a journalist when working on articles. It isn't illegal. However, a student saying that s/he is a doctor and attempting to engage in medical practice is against the law. A more apt comparison would be to compare referring to yourself as a journalist vs referring to yourself as a teacher. Just because you homeschool your kids doesn't make you a legit teacher with an education degree utilizing evidence-based pedagogical practices.
  23. Actually, no. I'm a Dr but I'm not an MD. There are tons of various doctorate degrees out there that aren't just MD. I would also venture to say the fact that she has a Peabody and 3 Emmys would give credence to her being a journalist. She worked her way up from being an intern up to producer. She also has an MBA from NYU which is ranked #12 in the USA. You don't get into that program or graduate from that program if you are lazy.
  24. So, testosterone can result in a lower pitch of the voice. Estrogen, progesterone, and androgens will have an impact on the voice. Menopause, normal aging, and thyroid disorders can also have an impact on your voice. Odd fact of the day: your voice actually changes when you are on your period. Correct. The size and thickness of your vocal folds will determine your pitch.
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