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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. You'd actually be surprised. Kandahar is the second biggest city in Afghanistan and it is a large base (it is actually their international airport). She was probably traveling out to FOBs and COBs from Kandahar but she wouldn't have spent the brunt of her time there. The majority of her time would have been at Kandahar. It is very common for the troops to do community engagement type things where they will be hosted by a local family (often the imam or another influential community leader). The family will feed them dinner (and you have to eat it) so she would have been exposed to local cuisine at that point.
  2. Didn't PK cheat on his first wife? I would think there would be some insecurity in a relationship if you knew your significant other had a history of cheating. We all know PK isn't anything special (come on, he's not exactly a Brad Pitt) but Dorit likes something about him (lord knows it isn't his wallet unless he has stashed money somewhere).
  3. I hear more "Chai Karak" but yeah, same thing. Either way, I'm pulling a face. LOL.
  4. I've heard women use it too but yeah, it does typically tend to be more men that use it in reference to other men.
  5. LOL. I know. I'm American. I just rarely hang out with other Americans so I've learned to just go with the flow and try to keep my eye twitch to myself. LOL. No, REAL Brits. Not faux-Brits. LOL.
  6. Each person views hijab differently though. I have friends that switch between sometimes they wear it, sometimes they don't. Some friends are scandalized if men see them without it whereas others aren't. I think what they were trying to portray was that Qadhiri views it as an outward sign of her faith but she wouldn't let it get in the way of saving a life. Abaya and sheyla are typically worn where I live but you will also see just hijab or abaya and niqab. Most of my friends wouldn't be particularly disturbed if a male saw them without the sheyla/hijab (my niqab friends would be though) but that is because they recognize that oops moments happened. Heck, my youngest accidentally ripped off a woman's sheyla when we were living in a more conservative Wahhabi country and she just laughed , said "Mashallah," and then gave us money for him. LOL
  7. I'm not Muslim but I live in the Middle East. So, most Muslim women that I'm friends with would rip off their hijab/niqab/sheyla if it meant saving a life. Saving a life is greater than modesty. There was a woman in Dubai just a couple of months ago who took off her hijab (and I believe her abaya also) to help put out a man that was on fire. My OB/GYN used to regularly take off her hijab in front of my husband to adjust it. Also, keep in mind that hijab is a highly personal choice. I have several friends that wear the abaya and hijab while in our country but once they travel outside, they take them off. It is an outward sign of their faith but not all of them make it more than that.
  8. You need to spend more time with Brits and Aussies. That is basically a term of endearment with them. LOL.
  9. Ugh, I'm not a fan of most of the suits. I don't even get Erika's. Seriously? Overall bathing suit? NO. I like LVP's but I hate the cut on the bottoms for the most part. I'm not a huge fan of the Baywatch legs (the ultra-high cut) and also almost all of them are a really skimpy cut on the back which usually just results in a wedgie. It looks like some of the models were already dealing with that because you can see where the suit wasn't laying nicely/flat against the bum. Kyle should just take her swimsuit as an insult. Horrible top and bottom.
  10. I think it depends. Mine has been grey since I was 16 (so 20 years or so) and I've colored it for most of those 20 years. Mine takes color just fine (both box when I was younger and the professional stuff now). I used to dye it my natural hair color (around Kyle's shade) but the roots were too obvious so I started going lighter. Some grey is resistant to dye but not all of it. Dude, the way Dorit is licking her lips and attacking her for everything, I'm just amazed she isn't carrying around a cattle prod! I agree. I think Yolanda is just one of those who believes that the only way to really secure your future is to marry well. And then marry well again. And possibly again. To her, college is a gamble because you could go and wind up a teacher making nothing or wind up a CEO of a major company but only after 20-30 years of solid work. Whereas, marrying well is instant money with no work. She isn't thinking long term.
  11. I think she has had a couple of sets of breast implants. I think her newest set came after the last baby and are way too large for her. It makes her look heavier than what she really is. I also think she has had something done to her jawline/cheeks. Maybe it was just normal aging and getting rid of the baby fat but I feel like there might be some creative use of botox there to reshape and thin down that portion of her face. Oh no. Those boobs are fake. I'm thinking she has done at least 2-3 sets of implants. There is a picture of her in an evening gown with a peekaboo neckline. She has had multiple babies at that point yet it is a full and perky breast just sitting there without any support. The newest ones are just way too big for her body.
  12. My hair color is/was a shade or two darker than Kyle's. I started going grey at 16 (thanks Mom!). I'm almost 37 and am around 70% grey now. My hair grows super-fast (I average a little over an inch of growth in a month) so touching up my roots is a constant thing for me. I started going blonder several years ago to try to hide the roots but kept my base in the browns with just partial highlights. I am now thinking of going full blonde because I hate having roots 1-2 weeks after dying my hair. Honestly, Mason is prettier than what I thought she would be. I remember thinking during Season 1 how unfortunate it was that she was clearly Kelsey's child. She's got enough of her mom in her face that it is saving her (especially around the jaw and mouth). Her walk was clunky and needs some work but come on, Malan Breton is known for stunt casting his shows. Mason was clearly yet another stunt model for him. It is the only way he gets any publicity for his shows.
  13. Dude, 95% of what Gucci is coming out with lately is a mistake. That house has gone downhill the last couple of years.
  14. When I facetime my mom, she will take me with her to the bathroom when she has to go. LOL. Woman is 72. I'm not changing her. If it helps, my SIL had to have it done and it was a success for her. That outfit, pose, and facial expression are awful. She looks like she got caught mid-poo and those shoes... 1970's called and they want their platforms back.
  15. I agree that Mario also deserves credit. He was shown (especially in the early seasons) to be a very active participant in Avery’s life. Quizzing her for tests, dropping her off at school, etc. I can’t stand Ramona as a person. I do think both Ramona and Mario stressed to Avery the importance of school and making sure that she was kept out of trouble. Yes, Ramona went out also but I never got the idea that she was an absentee parent. It never seemed like they had a live-in nanny so I always assumed at least one parent was with Avery when she was younger and by the time she was old enough to be left alone, she already had the values of responsibility and good decision-making set into her.
  16. Enh, I don't know if I'd say she was a good mother. I remember Noel whining during Season 1 or so because Lu was going out again and complaining that he never saw her. She just kind of breezily said that she needed to go out and rolled her eyes about it. Then there is Victoria... Broke her arms climbing out of the Hampton's house, if I remember correctly. I also think there was a DUI in there. Oh, and she got kicked out of her private school. Ramona might have micro-managed but at least she was involved.
  17. I need this to be shown. I need an entire episode devoted to this and possibly an additional one for the aftermath. Ooh, and to have Kate Chastain give the talking heads/running commentary.
  18. Ugh, he is such a scumbag. What the hell with all the #discreet crap too? Shannon isn’t perfect but dude, he is just awful.
  19. Whoops. Someone should tell my dog that. 8 years old and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve heard him bark when it is not to alert me of someone ringing the doorbell. My Frenchie will occasionally do the Frenchie death yodel (maybe a couple of times a year). Her main sound is snoring though. LOL.
  20. I just love how confused Eileen is when they are first telling her that they were no longer on the outs with Dorit.
  21. I think the problem is that Jill sees herself as a connector. She mentioned that in Season 1. She connects people to other people and enjoys having powerful connections. Whether or not you like Bethenny, you have to admit that she is the most successful RHNY housewife. Jill lost that connection (and bragging right) and it probably irritates the living daylights out of her. That’s why she won’t let the Bethenny thing go—besides it being the key (in her opinion) to her return to RHNY, she wants that connection to a powerful/famous person back.
  22. Yeah, no. LOL. I'm currently at work in some Lululemon yoga pants and the work polo. Benefit of working with autistic kids all day. I dress for comfort. Not style. I don't think I'd actually mind working for her because I like her sense of humor and I appreciate people who are direct and to the point. The actual tasks would irritate me though but that's because I'm beyond that point in my ilfe. Great job if you are 23 and fresh out of college and have no family responsibilities. Dude, I tell my husband all the time that I want to come back as a frenchie in my next life. However, they are screwed in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
  23. I can bring my other potluck dish: broccoli salad. It is actually really good and everyone always requests it. Just have to keep it in the cooler and then assemble on site. Why can't these women figure out a potluck??? I think we just figured one out that will last 2 days. LOL.
  24. I'm just baffled by the idea that the dog has a schedule. Granted, I have a Frenchie so his day looks like this: 5:30 am: Potty and eat breakfast 5:45 am: Nap 12:00 pm: Potty and eat lunch 12:15: Nap 5:30 pm: Potty and eat dinner 5:45: Bedtime I actually envy my dog's schedule...
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