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Everything posted by niklj

  1. Chris Nunez: "If I were all of you, I would've played it safe too." Human Canvas Jury: "This safe tattoo is in the bottom." Ugh. I actually love how much the contestants are pushing back against the judges* this year. Really no reason to respect either of them to the amount they seem to expect to be respected (say that five times fast). *Obviously not talking about Dave because he's never not awesome.
  2. As much as I hate Cat and hope for some karmic payback (LOVE how she talked over Jessica while saying that Leigh talks over people), I fear she will turn out like Brittany and actually win with her abrasiveness being mistaken for assertiveness. But I also don't understand why Leigh and Cat had to be together the entire time. Or why Leigh kept hugging her. Why. Why. Why.
  3. My favorite part of this episode. The voice-acting was spot on.
  4. I loved all the segments this week. And every time Jason Ritter is in one of the stories, I know it's gonna be a good one. He and Justin Long's chemistry was really good. I liked Mark Proksch's segment--even the least funny ones you end up learning something!
  5. I really enjoyed this whole series. I had pretty low expectations going in and ended up really liking what they did with it. I actually even screamed out loud at one point! Glad they are sticking with these characters like the movie--I really came to love the characters, especially Noah. Pretty much every line he said in this episode was gold. Same goes for Brooke and Audrey (wish Jake had more of a redemption arc, though). Happy this is coming back for a season 2, but I wonder how they can have more murder next season (please keep Noah safe is all I ask).
  6. Thank goodness next week is the last episode--I almost feel like I've endured as much as they did. That hateful group of 6 is absolutely exhausting and I agree that Dani should've just struck it out on her own since she did pretty well those first few days alone. When did N&A:XXL stop being a show about survival in the wilderness and become The Real World? And, since we're on Survivor-esque territory, I'll sum this episode up with a famous Survivor quote: "Stupid people, stupid people!"
  7. Based on his Twitter, he is okay. He even went naked skydiving! I find this weird, too. And yeah if I were in that group, I'd totally be thinking quietly about how I would prefer to join their group haha. Seriously! On her N&A episode, she only survived because she spent the rest of the time after her partner tapped out sleeping the days away. That's the only way she survived--she just didn't die! She is not the survivalist she thinks she is.
  8. Keep Shane!! He works hard just like you both do!! Hope you guys catch something to eat soon. Quick question: how come you guys didn't save any of the rainwater for drinking when it rained for those 2 hours?
  9. I freaking love this show. This part killed me the most. If there was another reason Adam gave for changing his mind, we could still give him the benefit of the doubt but it was exactly this that made him seem like such a coward. What happened to the Adam that would go through with marrying someone to protect Rachel??? Now all of a sudden he's running away because he thinks that Rachel had been hospitalized before without talking to her about it first? Sucks because they have such good chemistry together, I hope there's some sort of redemption arc for his character in store for next season (on a shallow note, Freddie Stroma was well cast as this show's eye candy). And I loved how Quinn and Rachel worked together, especially with Rachel pointing out that Brittany was Chet's hot mess. LOVED IT.
  10. Kristin said in the Facebook Q&A: "It was really, really windy and if we had built it on the flat ground we were afraid that it would light our shelter on fire."
  11. Agree that this was a very enjoyable episode. It's nice to occasionally have episodes where the contestants are doing extremely well (see: EJ and Laura and their handmade yacht in the Amazon). They seemed to work together very well and found their roles. I didn't mind that Debbie didn't contribute as much since it didn't seem like Bo had a problem with it. Interesting that they got a bow drill as their 3rd item instead of a fire starter, though. That postscript was terrifying--hope they both got better. Edit: Saw Bo's post on FB and he said they're all healed up!
  12. I was at the event last night and I will say that no spoilers will be more satisfying than watching the episode as it airs. The audience was laughing and gasping the whole time, the energy was absolutely electric. It serves well as both a season and series finale and, IMO, where they leave each character is smart and made sense. Three more days!! (If you haven't seen the Yahoo screencast of the Q&A you really need to, the cast was hilarious.) Sorry for the vagueness but just wanted to assuage any fears that the finale will be a letdown.
  13. I'm enjoying watching Chris and Luke the most, EJ and Jeff second, Dani/Laura/Eva third, and Shane/Alana/Dani fourth. Now that Honora's gone, I'm loving the vibe over at Chris and Luke's camp. Thought it was pretty obvious that Dani should've jut stayed with them, not sure how well the boys will take to her bringing the other two to their camp without her asking. And LOL to EJ and Jeff--I also think maybe the producers had something to do with it, but tortoises are good at digging. Glad Shane up and left, it was getting pretty mean over at that camp.
  14. If I were Luke and Chris...I'd be sleeping with one eye open.
  15. I was watching this show with someone who's never watched and they thought Dom had the star power. Hm! So done with Michelle. Her constant "I've never done this before!" "I've never tasted this before!" "I've never even heard of this before!" was so tiring and made her "food authority" basement-level.
  16. It was funny how the narrator kept talking about how these are the most elite survivalists EVAR. And then there's Honora.
  17. Would Adam really have been able to stand by and watch one of the contestants doing their private one-on-one interviews?? That was a little far-fetched to me (yes, on this show).
  18. I too hated those "THE LAST 30 SECONDS ARE UNBELIEVEABLE" ads--it's kind of like when someone tells you there's a twist in the movie so you don't enjoy it, you end up thinking about all the possible twists and then whatever it is ends up usually being disappointing. When the little girl ran up to the ex-husband so warmly, I thought maybe there was more to the story than first thought, like maybe it was actually Mary that broke Lilly Belle's arm during one of her episodes. Then I thought that maybe Mary would discover Adam and Anna's secret tryst, thus shattering her delusions about her happily ever after with Adam. THEN it would lead to maybe an OD (mixing her meds with the alcohol like they kept hinting at). But nope. So the reveal was less impactful then the ads made it out to be. Needed more Rachel and Adam.
  19. I'm surprised that this week the judges didn't go ballistic over Alex's use of such foreign words as "banh mi" [/sarcasm] Speaking of which, if you're the expert on sandwiches, Alex, at least pronounce the name of the dish you're preparing right. It's BUN me, not BON me. I literally had my hands on my face during Dom and Michelle's presentation. It was not the fun kind of cringeworthy (will still never forget Eric Warren from Season 1 staring blankly into the camera while spreading frosting on a cake with a potato peeler during one of the on-camera challenges...now THAT was good TV).
  20. Another thing: was there any reason they were in an airplane hangar in the beginning?
  21. I did something I did not expect to while watching this show: I awwed. I loved how protective Dave was over his mentor Earl. As opposed to the douchery of Ryan who threw his own mentor under the bus when he came under fire. Karma says hello.
  22. OH HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU, SHOW. Binging the first four episodes was such a mistake, my love for this show kind of crept up on me. So happy for a new episode, finally! Also, looks like the strategy of putting those episodes OnDemand may have worked out: http://headlineplanet.com/home/2015/06/30/ratings-unreal-surges-to-series-high-devious-maids-also-improves/ The Faith story was so wonderfully played by all involved and another great example of the twisted teamwork that Adam and Rachel have. The Quinn/Chet storyline was so blahh....wish they'd be over it already.
  23. That was a total shocker. I for sure thought Dom was going home, producer's favorite or not. What a surprise because I thought they did like Rosa a little bit, too. This was all sorts of weird. "Sando what? Kaahhhtsuuuhuh? I don't understand any of the words coming out of your mouth!" Like, seriously guys, the words he was saying were not that hard. Still kills me how they do not mention Jeff Mauro at all, guess he won't be showing up as a guest mentor this season... He should just go with Giada's suggestion about making "international accessible" or whatever. Same thing with Eddie and Jay--their Southern concept is very Neely's. And the same with Emilia and her spices--that was all Jeffrey Saad's stuff. Arnold's idea has already been done (and cancelled) by the first season winner's Party Line with the Hearty Boys (yes I had to look it up). And how many more Italian shows do we actually need?! Why are they not mentioning any of this stuff/
  24. It was interesting that for some reason everybody's "POV" took a backseat for the challenge this week. Sandwich Guy really needs to drop his shtick because it seems so forced. He made a CRUDO f'heaven's sake. His best dish seemed to have been his street-food-inspired dishes, I think that's a more interesting concept. Dom, why are you making it so hard for me to root for you?
  25. Why does this show have so many clip shows? AND Naked and Afraid: Uncensored? Talk about wringing something dry. That said, there were some pretty interesting clips in here. Afften wasn't totally useless since she thought of fishing using the bags, I guess.
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