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Everything posted by niklj

  1. I don't believe this show is really looking for an "Ink Master" anymore with this crop. I'm just going to be watching for the bad tattoos now because this week's were HILARIOUS. I do feel bad for those human canvases, though.
  2. Tartikoff came off really well, which I was glad of too. They portrayed him as kind of like a second father figure to Dustin, giving him the "You're a good kid" kind of talks as well as being a smart executive with good instincts.
  3. Lifetime acquired the rights to this film, they didn't produce it: http://www.thewrap.com/brittany-murphys-dad-is-cyber-bullying-lifetimes-biopic-star-amanda-fuller/ This was absolutely HORRENDOUS. It was like an Asylum SyFy movie but for Lifetime. This was even worse than their worst recent TV movies--it made the Saved by the Bell movie look like Citizen Kane. I will say, though, the casting of the Ashton Kutcher was pretty decent. Hilarious. He was the worst part of Kirstie Alley's cancelled show.
  4. I still don't understand how the Wizards were chosen to be the Wizards. I was definitely shocked that Murray was one of the contestants since he's been in the semifinals of America's Got Talent and he was even a mentor on Celebracadabra. And some of these contestants have won just as many awards as the Wizards. I wish it was just simply Magician vs. Magician--that's how I thought the show was going to be: either the same group of contestants a la Face Off or a new magician battle every week. The Wizard concept just needlessly complicates things and you end up seeing a variation of the same trick over and over again (which was very noticeable this week).
  5. I agree. First off, what makes one a "wizard" (other than the fact that one of them is a producer on the show)? What qualifies one to be a judge? WHAT THE HECK IS A MAGIC CRITIC?! And yeah I don't think that the wizards should be able to choose which will go against the contestants. Things should be an even playing field so if these guys are "wizards" because they're like, 10x more awesome than the contestants (which they clearly weren't last night), then the contestants should either be able to pick the wizards according to their specialty or whatever OR the judges should pick them based on whatever criteria they are judging them on. Not really loving this format. I think they could've done something more interesting with it. Was slightly let down.
  6. So freaking angry right now. Zach and Nicole gave the best 20 minutes of feeds today comparing notes and not 30 minutes later, he blows his whole game up. Zach, you are making it incredibly difficult to root for you. He's good feeds fodder but the worst game player, seriously. It could've been such a Janelle/Erika moment too :(
  7. Serious scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel going on here. They really should have just stuck to 1 season per year because if I were some of the more top contestants I'd be feeling pretty insulted that I was competing against someone that didn't even know how to make a mold. What the heck. Makes it a lot less fun to watch, more like watching for the train wrecks (that Easter Island head was just sad).
  8. Someone on Facebook brought up that if you look behind her when they are cooking the lizard, there's a big bushel of bananas. Guess they were better stocked than we were led to believe!
  9. That was weird how they kept pushing the love aspect (and on the Facebook too) when he clearly had a girlfriend. Even in the "Behind the Scenes" preview episode before this season, they promoted it as an episode where they could potentially fall in love. Kinda icky. I liked how they helped better each other. It was like the EJ and Laura episode.
  10. So...interesting...on the Facebook Q&A both Carrie AND Tom said that editing created a lot of the drama. For example, he says he did not refuse the body heat and they actually did huddle the first two nights but found it was warmer near the fire. And they also managed to catch a lot of fish and stuff where they were, so it wasn't like they were simply settling somewhere horrible and were too lazy to search for anywhere else. I am disappointed in you, show :( I thought you were above such shenanigans. (Although to be fair, some of that stuff they said could not be edited like when Carrie said something along the lines "We are not each other's favorite people." Though to be fair to THAT, they are also hungry, cranky, and probably tired of seeing the same person for 24 hours, 21 days straight...)
  11. I would've preferred to just watch Dani survive on her own. If the editors left all that about Justin in the show, I can't imagine what they left OUT.
  12. Oh no--the aftershow "Naked After Dark" was cancelled, not the actual show "Naked and Afraid." That one is doing quite strongly in the ratings. The aftershow was the one where they had random Twitter questions, Bob the Blur, and interviews with the cast members (BTW the contestants are having Q&As with fans on the official Facebook page now instead).
  13. In case anyone was wondering, Naked After Dark was cancelled according to Josh Wolfe and Taryn Southern's Twitter accounts. I honestly didn't even realize it wasn't on until it occurred to me late last night. It had potential as a show but had too many dumb bits that overshadowed its good qualities. Should've just been a half an hour show.
  14. I thought Kashia was actually improving but wow, did she just fall apart during this episode. Something tells me that Scott's attempts to talk back to GR was more to assert his manhood than anything. So weird. Joy still FTW.
  15. I hope they give his own storyline soon now that Chris has gotten one. He was really interesting in his first season with his military background and now, to quote jessied112: Nick's keeping me hanging on to this show!! Hopefully they get rid of Duncan soon. I am glad they haven't really called him "Selfie" outside that one time in the first episode--so cringey.
  16. Me too! Don't think I've forgotten about that drugged-up confession from Dov, show! I still remember the Christmas mornings with the straw color-haired children! Still waiting for Nick and Andy to have a real conversation. The whole Fite Nite thing was so lame. I agree with everyone that the cases were boring. Chloe was adorable though. But is she just leading Wes on? Are they going to have a confrontation?
  17. I thought it was a very interesting show too and it made me very excited for the new season. It's great to see how passionate and thoughtful the crew behind the show is as well.
  18. Seriously. How unprofessional of her was it to keep screaming "8-hour workday!!!" So everyone in the entire squad has to adjust their schedules to make sure that they fit hers. What the heck. If I were on the squad, a part of me would really want to walk a little extra slowly that day. Haha that's true!! What happened to the wife?!
  19. So confused. Chloe explained why she wasn't with Wes anymore but she never explained WHY SHE IS STILL MARRIED TO HIM. That was like the big elephant in the room. "I want to be with you, Dov, we're good together, now kiss me!" I was expecting him to say, "Wait a minute, are you going to be doing anything about this whole 'I'm still married' thing?" But nope. Go Sam's sister. Although I wonder if she knew about the stuff like Sam getting locked in a shed all night by their dad. Chris's storyline is already unfolding so heavy-handedly. Also, I would not want Andy as my T.O. But I would not want Duncan to be my rookie either. Both lack fundamental common sense.
  20. In the beginning, Sandra seemed like the toughest no-BS person. By the end, she was crying at every. Little. Thing. "OH MY GAWD MY LAMB I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT IT!" Holy moly, dramatic much? She needed to go. A lot of these people need to go sometimes just because it seems like if they stayed even longer they would eventually break--kind of like Ink Master where one of them really did stay too long and cracked, getting violent with one of the judges.
  21. I...wh--...huh? I don't even understand what happened on this episode. Wait, I'm so confused. Nev throwing the phone into the river was hilarious. I am still so confused about what happened in this episode. So how are those companies going to get paid?! Looking forward to next week. Tracie Thoms!!
  22. Although it seemed like he was quoting some of their texts when she said something like "I talk like how I write in real life" and he said they used special emojis for each other. I don't know anymore.
  23. niklj

    S28: Ponderosa

    Seriously. I don't think that bar area was used as much last year. But the old saying is true: it really is the first person at Ponderosa that sets the tone and unfortunately Sarah was a bitter Betty so.... They didn't go on a field trip yet, right?
  24. This season has now become "anyone but Kass." Reward challenge? Anyone but Kass. Immunity challenge? Anyone but Kass. Wait, let me rephrase that, there is one instance where it is "please let it be Kass": Loser at Tribal Council? Ugh, just from the beginning where she was getting all huffy about Tony's decision. "Look at what happened to Sarah! That's what happens when I don't know about decisions!" Oh so sorry Kass that Tony did not run all decisions by you first. Then she begins to talk about how everyone needs to play for themselves. Woo was very cute with the kids and I feel bad for Tasha, but she really should've tried harder to scramble, even for show.
  25. I am so happy that Coach is now a series regular for Season 4!! I am really enjoying the cast's chemistry this year.
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