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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. The question is, whose idea was it? Have these two dipshits seen Gladiator?
  2. I think some of their look (at least the thinness and the dark circles) is genetic. One of Jilly's sisters has the same look. The outdated, oversized, ragamuffin clothing is not genetic. That's their wretched mother trying to make them look bad so she looks better.
  3. Somewhere in Arkansas, Jim Bob reads this and gnashes his teeth at the missed opportunity. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/couple-12-children-uses-same-134254762.html
  4. I think a lot of normal, non-fundie people would decline to donate in case the funds "accidentally" made their way to Smuggar and his defense.
  5. Not anytime soon. Too many overweening egos in the parental units.
  6. Or the SOTDRT taught him that vasectomy is the equivalent of castration. Yes, he was clearly done by the third pregnancy. I feel sorry for Marcus and the subsequent Ms. Speaking from experience, it sucks to know your parent doesn't want you.
  7. Thanks -- I go through periods where I don't read about fundies at all. If it's not in the news like the fat felon, I don't hear about it. How colossally stupid do people have to be to NOT put an infant in a damn car seat?! JFC.
  8. I feel like it's inevitable that some fundie's water breaks or she actually delivers at a wedding. It would make their boring-ass nuptials a tiny bit more interesting, anyway.
  9. Dog help us all, but especially Nathan. He better get to work on his grifting skills, or plan on spending all his free time mowing lawns, if he expects to support Nurie, a new kid every year, and Nurie's siblings and worthless parents. I envision the Kellers' future in Duggars-before-TV-level poverty, and it depresses the shit out of me. Pass the Plexus.
  10. It bodes well that Justin moved to Texas instead of Claire moving to Arkansas. That alone indicates a tiny bit of independent thinking. He's the only Doom to leave the confines of NWA (until FF goes to prison, that is). I hope her fertility patterns run more like her mother's than any Duggar's. Make it a fairly normal-sized, well-spaced family rather than a Duggar baby chute.
  11. Kathleen Wilhoite (Chloe) was in Road House, that crappy Swayze movie from 1989. She had a hard time keeping her eyes off Swayze's bare behind. Don't judge me -- I'm trying to stay up all night (I work nights, but I'm off tonight) and decided to see what the movie was like. It's a stinker.
  12. It's generous to think people like the Duggars and Bateseseseses ever had critical thinking skills to start with.
  13. It's odd that Jed* is so much taller than the others. Is he standing on a rise? Wearing Tom Cruise-style lifts? Something isn't right there. *he needs a nickname to reflect his new...avoirdupois.
  14. There were plenty of tragedies that happened in the 1950s and '60s. You just didn't hear about them, because no 24/7 news media, or you don't remember.
  15. I feel like it was inevitable that there be a Hannah Duggar. Jana, Joy-Anna, Johannah, now Hannah. There should be just a plain Joanna in there, but there isn't (yet).
  16. Starting? 😏 He also looks like someone squashed the top and bottom of his face together like a bulldog's. I wouldn't be surprised to hear him bark.
  17. My mother was bipolar. She had the wild ups and downs that one expects from people with bipolar disorder; she exposed us to a lot of people, situations, and things that kids should never ever be exposed to. "Collateral damage" is exactly how I felt, and still feel about her. At times I wanted to tie her to a chair and force her medications down her throat, and other times, I could not stand to have any contact with her. Our relationship at the time of her death and for years before was limited to texts and what little information I chose to give her. I could not trust her with more. I kept her out of most of my life to the extent that she did not know my friends' names or where I worked. That was all I could allow, for self-preservation. Yes, it's true that people with bipolar have a disease and can't help it. Yes, it's true that bipolar people are notorious for going off their meds because they think they don't need them or because they like how they feel when they are manic. But that DOES NOT MEAN they get to destroy or damage other people's lives without penalty (like having an angry daughter who wants to commit them), and it doesn't mean that the people who are collateral damage are not entitled to their own feelings.
  18. The classically trained British actors, like Judy Parfitt, just kill me. They make so many "stars" look like amateurs.
  19. Nah, he probably just pushes them down far enough to release his magic wand. It's the ultimate muffin top. (Here's some brain bleach.)
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