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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Black for funerals and colors for weddings is an outdated concept.
  2. His shoes look incredibly stupid with that suit, and she needs a haircut. Otherwise, well done, Dullards (by Dullard standards!).
  3. It's a child's handwriting, most likely Mackynzie's or Michael's. The spelling and penmanship are about what I'd expect from kids their ages, let alone kids homeschooled by Ofsmuggar Duggar. Did you spell everything correctly when you were his age?
  4. We don't have a like option here anymore? ETA: Never mind, I found it. Josh reminds me of the type of man who won't have his dog neutered because it will make him less masculine. He's exactly the type who will let his wife go through repeated childbirths or through a surgical sterilization, but won't get a vasectomy himself because he thinks it's the same as neutering.
  5. I got tired of people pretending Nancy was the perfect beauty queen from a perfect (read: wealthy) family. She's as blue collar as Tonya, but Nancy allowed people to give her class (and capped teeth) when Tonya wouldn't or couldn't. Tonya also came from an abusive family. Back on topic: I like "Josiah and Lauren: Marjorie Who?"
  6. I hope no Duggar or Duggar-in-law, except Jinger, ever has another girl. Girl Duggars are sister-slaves in the making. Want to bet Ofsmuggar has Meredith fetching bottles while Mackynzie changes diapers?
  7. Maybe, and surely they'd have asked her to remove her scraggly, chipped nail polish. So I vote she wasn't paid.
  8. Jill's an idiot. Someone needs to point out to her that it's Promised Land Dairy, not Promise Land, which she should have gotten correct since she had the container in her hand! #attentionwhore #nailslooklikeshit #dumbestduggar #howmanyhashtagscanicomeupwith
  9. Yvette, Yvonne, Yolanda -- all probably too ethnic or "furrin" for a Duggar. They have been known to use misspellings, however...
  10. The tuft of hair on his five-head reminds me of a Cabbage Patch Kid.
  11. "Her tender heart for others"? FFS, my eyes rolled so far back, I think I saw last week. Lauren doesn't look at all into Josiah. I feel sorry for her if that's the case.
  12. The pregnancy was filled with drama, exaggerations, and dubious medical decisions, IIRC. Not un-Duggarlike. I may be wrong. It's been awhile and I've never followed the Duggars, PPs, or any other fundies as closely as some have.
  13. What horrible biblical name did the PP and OfPP give their latest blessing? Is the surviving twin (from a few years ago) healthy?
  14. The mistake has been reported elsewhere, too. It does not mean a Duggar or Duggar employee reads here.
  15. Aldi Duggar. They're not really boring names, just overdone. I remember being in the first grade with four or five Lisas in just my class; that's how it will be for the Emmas and Jacobs and Aidans of the world.
  16. Yep. Bunkbeds were invented for a reason, plus it isn't like the Forsyth kids will need room for all their books and science experiments and academic trophies.
  17. That video gave me motion sickness. The kitchen reminds me of my uncle, who put a $12,000 kitchen in a house with a leaky roof and forty-year-old carpet.
  18. That is one sad-looking little house. Get some cheap artwork and cover the fuse box, at least. And spread out the curtains so they don't look so half-assed over the windows. Check out the look on Derelict's face. He's trying so hard to see what Joe is doing on his phone.
  19. I looked again. He's got acne and major wrinkles in the same place, plus helmet hair. His countenance is truly unfortunate.
  20. Austin is, what, 23? That is one wrinkly forehead for someone who hasn't even made it to his MID-twenties. If I didn't know better, I'd guess he was more like thirty.
  21. Nah, call it Lasiah. Then the people who wanted a Josiah/Lawson Bates pairing will *almost* have what they wanted.
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