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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I remember video of Smuggar walking from the bedroom to the bathroom in time to catch Michael, or at least witness the birth. I also think Ofsmuggar's labor with Michael was longer than her first labor, or at least TLC presented it that way.
  2. He awoke in time to catch Michael in the bathroom.
  3. Yeah, that. It's not unlike how Ofsmuggar was when she married the perv. It was before the TLC money really started rolling in, and I doubt she wore her sister's wedding dress just because she liked it.
  4. Maybe she didn't feel like wearing heels now. Maybe she knew she'd be on her feet a lot. Maybe she's got plantar fasciitis (like me) and opted for comfort. I like her dress. It's not Duggarlike at all.
  5. Everyone is different. My great-grandmother was the youngest in a big, fairly affluent family, and somewhat spoiled (her dad bought her a new car in the 1920s to drive to her teaching job). I imagine that she didn't have to wear hand-me-down shoes if she didn't want to. Heels make me want to cut my feet off.
  6. My great-grandmother was a schoolteacher when teachers were required to wear heels and dresses at all times. Her feet were deformed, too. I avoid heels for that reason and because they're uncomfortable. Maybe Jinger doesn't like heels because they make her feet hurt. Jinger can't win with some people.
  7. Why? It used to be fairly commonplace in big families. My dad's birth mother is one of 13. Their eleventh child and first grandchild were born on the same day. Seven years later, my grandmother (her second child), two of her sisters, and their mother all had babies within a four-month span.
  8. I'm aware of the potential issues. The point remains that having a septic tank doesn't make someone trash. Incidentally, my grandmother lived in her home with a septic tank for 45 years and never had any of those problems.
  9. There are plenty of communities here, in suburban Detroit, that have septic tanks. It costs a ton of money to switch to city sewer. Septic tank doesn't equal hillbilly.
  10. Are the Aldi's and Great Value cans EZ-open? If not, Joy and Mr. White Bread are screwed.
  11. Mullet's hair is a lot darker than it used to be, so she's definitely friends with Lady Clairol.
  12. I think you overestimated the American public's capacity for boredom. I don't think the last J'kids' weddings will be televised, or at least not to the extent the first kids' were. The lost girls will have to work hard with the soap and scrub brushes, or maybe they should just opt for a power washer.
  13. It certainly wasn't based on race for me. I'm talking about the people in that small, barely Reconstructed town. The same people who said a woman's sole goal in life should be to "get her diamond." That's how they referred to becoming engaged -- so and so got her diamond. I'm from Michigan. I've lived in other southern states and in the midwest and southwest. I hated South Carolina.
  14. When I lived in South Carolina, married (and divorced) white women were Miss Lastname, and unmarried white women were Miss Firstname. You could call them by their first names only if you were speaking to them and knew them well, but if speaking to others, it was Miss Lastname/Firstname. Black women were usually called by their first names only.
  15. Imagine how dull it will be in ten years when Jackson or the non-Miracle Child lost girls get married. It'll be like a Maxwell wedding. *snore*
  16. They could be rescue dogs. I have two Siamese, most likely mixes, who look exotic and expensive. One was a stray who showed up on my porch (she's my avatar); the other was my foster, and I picked her from a high-kill shelter.
  17. Not everyone can afford to have every piece of clothing tailored or custom-made. Honestly, Jill looks pretty good in that photo. It pains me to say anything complementary about her.
  18. Better than looking like Mullet. KJB doesn't make me think "And your little dog too!"
  19. At least, but which band size? 44? Higher? Smuggar might need to shop at a specialty store for his bra needs.
  20. That's like the post-birth scene from Look Who's Talking. "I look like a Russ Meyer movie."
  21. I forgot about that one. Yeah, I'm not sure that qualifies either. I was thinking non-professionals.
  22. I have a hard time believing that Smuggar got any woman to meet up to have sex with him.
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