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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. That's the back of her ankle or her lower calf, not her heel. It looks about how I look in short boots.
  2. She looks dirty to me, too. So do Jessa and Joy and Mullet. Maybe it's their sloppy-ass hair.
  3. Not to mention that Cathy probably made and makes a good salary. I'm sure that went a long way toward paying for Derelict's (wasted) education.
  4. They're just meh about each other and they'll probably* be just meh about their shit ton of kids. I feel sorry for all of their future children. Joy might actually make Mullet or Jilly look good, and that's just frightening. *I say probably because a lot of people thought Jilly would be the Great Earth Mother and Jessa would be like Mullet, and it kind of turned out the opposite way. Joy might prove me wrong -- I hope she does.
  5. Yuck, Duggars in Michigan. It's too far for me to go, but I'm fairly sure I can't convincingly play a Duggar sycophant/bible thumper anyway. They'd ban me from the building. Did you notice "feauturing"? How much does a catered dinner cost in "love offering" terms?
  6. The Bateses reminded me with that stunt why I can't stand them. What self-absorbed twats they are.
  7. I thought it was a Joy announcement, too. Didn't Joe and Kendra just announce her pregnancy? When is she due? I feel like the Duggars have some kind of speeded-up pregnancies where they go from announcement to birth in about three months.
  8. NOOOOOO! No girls born to Duggars or Duggarlings ever again, except the Vuolos.
  9. Staged for the show. Jim Bob and Mullet are mediocre people with mediocre tastes. I'm not surprised they eschewed tasty, cost-efficient meals in favor of crap.
  10. I hope for the baby's sake it doesn't inherit Austin's nose. It reminds me of my third-grade teacher in Colorado, Mrs. W. Her nose had an actual hook, like if you turned her upside-down, you could hang your keys on it.
  11. Did she delete it already? I didn't see anything but her sycophants just now.
  12. Yes, Anna Marie is the one I meant. May none of her children be as horse-faced as the original Maxwells.
  13. She shouldn't have. It's fugly and so are the bridesmaids' dresses. Daughter-in-law number two is pregnant with number five? Is she even thirty yet?
  14. And Jill's know-it-all attitude probably got worse after she got engaged. I can just hear her gloating about being the first Duggarette to get engaged, exulting about Derelict's degree and his fancy job, crowing about the McMansion KJB and Mullet gave them, and so on. Joke's on you, Silly Jilly Dullard.
  15. Random Capitalizations are still Annoying as Hell even if done by Accident, although not nearly as annoying as superfluous Apostrophe's. (It pained me to write that.)
  16. Deena's Grammar isn't much Better than Jilly's. I'm sick of Random Capitalizations.
  17. Not to nitpick, but she turned eight in October. Kids change and learn a lot in a year.
  18. The Dullards and their type know it all, though.
  19. Maybe they really like eggs. Who knows? I live alone, and I sometimes buy eighteen eggs at a time. More if I'm planning to cook or bake something that requires eggs.
  20. I've always wondered if he's Steve or Stef or Steef. (I rarely watch tv so I've never heard his name said aloud.)
  21. There is a colander behind her on her left. The thing at her right hand is a giant egg carton.
  22. Yes, Clark Wilson was the Duggars' slave helpful friend. I wonder what happened to him; he wasn't that old. What did he do to get himself booted?
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