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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. "Significant financial contributions" = a couple of bucks, once. Because he was guilted into it.
  2. She's not a princess -- she's a duchess. I think she managed to avoid being hospitalized with the second and third kids, although of course she has staff to take care of her at home. Topic: I hope Abbie is not having a hard time and that John is a good husband. I really do hope he's a good husband!
  3. I skimmed it. It's bad. I don't want to talk about it again.
  4. Duggar is "...a profoundly hardworking man committed with every grain in his body to his family, his faith, and to helping those around him at any cost." CACKLE. Who the fuck do they think they're kidding? Please excuse my language.
  5. I can't imagine Smuggar being anything less than smug. I've been looking on Reddit but haven't found anything of note yet.
  6. We also have no way of knowing whether Jessa knew what Smuggar was doing; therefore, we have no way of knowing whether she was enabling him.
  7. I hope Bobby Randy Travis Smith makes good money and has decent insurance. I also hope they don't mind being crowded.
  8. I dislike "Middle of Nowhere," although I like the idea of it. I think it's the overdone southern accents and stereotypes of southern people that bother me. We're not all racist redneck hicks with hardcore Tara accents. The only people I know who sound like that do it on purpose. It's always fun to watch Benton out of his comfort zone, though. Remember the Halloween episode where he does a handstand to amuse the pediatric patients?
  9. After Anthony Edwards left, it also became more and more about the characters' lives outside the ER (especially Abby's) rather than the medicine and patients. It started to be more like a soap opera than ER. Most of the out-of-the-hospital episodes were deeply boring. I think the exceptions are Anthony Edwards's final episodes, the one in California with AE and George Clooney, and "There Are No Angels Here." (That might be because I have a crush on Eamonn Walker.)
  10. Esther's wearing a lot of spackle even in the bathtub. She'll fit in well with her sisters-in-law, with their hair done and full faces of makeup even in labor. She still needs to work on the open-mouthed airhead look look of "surprise" that Carlin does so well. Nathan creeps me out. I don't know why, but he does. I can hardly stand to see his photo. We hope so, anyway! You never know with attention-whoring fundies. It might be either a full swimming burqa or nothing at all.
  11. Poor Dave Bob! John-David seems to be aware of how dorky his own name is. I can't see him going for John-David Jr. or anything else with two first names, redneck-style. Maybe it'll be a classic, John Jr.
  12. Fundies are so predictable. "SO EXCITED!!!!" What's to be excited about? Yet another kid in a family of fiercely fecund fundies? (I did that on purpose.) zzzzzzzzzzzz
  13. Let's all pray in earnest that the kid looks like its mother, and not Bulldog Bates.
  14. I'd vote for Joe or Justin. They're the most normal-looking, which is, of course, relatively speaking. Jeremiah reminds me of a serial killer. Theodore Duggar. TOPIC: It bothers me that Jed and Katey keep calling Truett their "first baby." Yes, he is their firstborn, but why won't they even let his umbilical stump fall off before they start planning for another? It's like not celebrating your college graduation at all because you're already looking forward to your master's. It seems excessive even for a Duggar.
  15. He's the replacement golden child. He's off to a decent start -- he's got a scandal-free wife and baby already, and he's not so young that normal people think it's weird for him to be married.
  16. They can each have whatever SAFE, successful kind of birth they want. Not getting an epidural if they don't want one isn't a moral failing. His voice is irritating -- maybe it's the accent. Katey seems too normal to be married to a Duggar.
  17. Yes, it's a shame the nickname Smuggar Jr. has already been used (and retired -- for those who don't remember, Smuggar Jr. was Josiah). If not for the unfortunate pedophile connotations, Jed! could be Smuggar 3.0. Alas, he's destined to be Smugless.
  18. I had Apple on my original list! Let's not forget Exa Dark Sideræl Musk, aka Grimes and Musk's second spawn. Poor kids. Topic: Who will have the next pregnancy announcement?
  19. Spurgeon, Pilot Inspektor, North West, and Psalm have entered the chat.
  20. Insurance companies don't want to get sued, especially if a newborn and mother are involved. I remember when new mothers and babies were sent home within hours. Insurance companies got some blowback in the media as well as lawsuits, and things changed. My stepmother had no insurance, one cousin had private insurance, one had state insurance. Interestingly, all three ended up with unplanned caesareans; two were semi-emergency. Back to topic: I don't find it unusual or weird that Katey Duggar checked in the night before her induction. She's a first-time mom like my stepmother and both cousins were; I'm guessing her doctor was concerned she'd have a very long labor and deliver at 3 AM.
  21. They both started their inductions at something like 5 AM. Wee hour (haha) induction, potentially long labor = wee hour delivery that the doctor, who presumably enjoys sleep, wants to avoid. The early check-in was just for monitoring, I think. I remember my stepmother was told in 1987 to report to the hospital the night before her induction. I was watching her do her hair when the hospital called and told her to arrive the next morning instead. Stepmother was pissed.
  22. May 2. My birthday is saved. Oliver Truett would have been better, but honestly, I don't care. Just another Duggar kid. I wonder how many grandkids there will end up being. My great-grandparents had 13 kids over 27 years and nine months (stuff it, Mullet) and 65 grandkids. I'm sure it would have have been way more had the pill not been invented. Not necessarily. Two of my cousins were admitted the night before their inductions. I think some doctors do that so they don't have a middle-of-the-night delivery if labor runs long.
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