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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Carlin is either willfully ignorant or a lying liar. My money's on the latter.
  2. Heck, it wasn't even a proposal. It was "I DO marry you" and thus they were married. If Ofsmuggar announces #8, we'll know there were some crotchless bloomers involved. I apologize for the horrific mental image.
  3. I read it as yodeling, so maybe they're in Switzerland. Who am I kidding? I doubt any of them could find Switzerland on a map!
  4. They probably couldn't find anyone to give them an RV. Why would Gil spend his own money when there are plenty of suckers around to spend theirs on him?
  5. Preaching to the choir. I don't set the rules for GotHardites.
  6. What are their names? She could not be posing harder if she tried.
  7. His teeth were always like that. The Duggar girls got braces, but boys in their cult don't need to worry about appearances (see: FF, JD, Nathan Bates, Zach Bates, Trace Bates, etc. etc. etc.)
  8. The real question is whether Priscilla and David can continue their boy-girl-boy-girl pattern. Agree with whoever said Priscilla seems happy. Their beliefs are atrocious, but I think David at least treats his wife well and they both love their children. They're not in it for numbers.
  9. They weren't all in the RV. FF and the older boys were in a van with a trailer. Still overcrowded, claustrophobic, and probably smelly to boot. They visited another fundie breeder family in California, but I don't remember their name. That family had triple bunk beds and sister moms, which I do remember.
  10. She had a hysterectomy, and I don't see them adopting, or being allowed to adopt with their history.
  11. The actress who played Loretta has died. I was surprised at her age. She looked far older than her actual age when she was on the show. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mary-mara-er-law-order-225057394.html
  12. Well, it's not like they're spending their income on books or college or anything involving, you know, intellect.
  13. The mental image of twelve-years-incarcerated Smuggar squashed into his 2021 suit is hilarious. He better get a Costco-sized jar of Vaseline to help him squeeze into it.
  14. Not to mention, we're TWO YEARS PLUS into the pandemic. There is no excuse for every adult to not have at least one properly fitting mask. Kids should as well by now, except for the smallest. Topic: The Caldwells suck. Selfish, self-absorbed trash.
  15. It won't stop people from speculating. Most Duggar males wear oversized suits and look silly, but Smuggar FF managed to wear an undersized suit and look sillier. I hope the inseam chafed his junk. Bruising would be even nicer.
  16. About as real as any other (scripted, staged, edited) "reality" show. Heck, Carlin might be less fake and overly made-up than the various Housewives.
  17. That is true, but Michael is the one putting it on social media for all to see.
  18. Jose Bates? Another Bateseseses? Dog help us. (I kid, I kid. I know it's Josie.)
  19. She must use the XXL Bumpit. Or she actually has an orange juice can in there. https://www.amazon.com/Bumpits-BI021712-Volumizing-Leave-Inserts/dp/B002BABFOW/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3BQYOGOA2GDKO&keywords=Bumpit&qid=1655742557&s=beauty&sprefix=bumpit%2Cbeauty%2C95&sr=1-5
  20. I feel sorry for Kenna Joy because I would bet money her idiot father is disappointed that his magic sperm produced a girl on the first go-round. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the child looks like her mother and not Nathan. What an unfortunate face to happen to a child.
  21. You forgot "lazy." I have enough irritating coworkers already. I'll pass on more, not that Jill would ever deign to associate with my sinful self.
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