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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Gil and Kelly Bates checked out a long time ago. Further, the daughters are married and thus are under their husbands' headships, per their stupid fertility cult. Gil gave up any headship over them when they got married.
  2. But would they listen? Nope. (Almost all my seizures were triggered by sleep, the lack thereof, not eating, or photosensitivity. No video games for me ever.)
  3. I'm quite sure they did, and the Stewarts are just lying. Probably spent too much time doing their makeup and hair in preparation for filming, and going to Starbucks, to be on time. I see my primary, a hematologist, and a gastroenterologist once a quarter, each, plus treatments. I get multiple reminders for each as well as options to check in early online, and my chart is online and through an app in case I happen to forget, which would be pretty hard to do. No WAY did the Stewarts not get a single reminder. Their lies are going to catch up to them.
  4. On her fingers and toes, the way most fundies do! Thumb, pointy finger, bad finger, I GOT A HUSBAND finger, little finger for rings, baby toe, next to it toe, middle toe, toe for rings, big toe...
  5. Because she has the maturity of a teenager and wants to be with the cool kids?
  6. Nathan is less homely when he's not looking at the camera. I hope he's a good preacher -- he's got a wife, two kids, and a family full of in-laws to feed.
  7. Future Real Housewife of Knoxville. Maybe they'll go big(ger city) and do Real Housewives of Nashville. I can't believe they wasted money on a manicure for a freaking two-year-old. Especially when neither idiot is working.
  8. I'm pretty sure Erin already had "assistance" to have her last one. Her idiot mother used hormone treatments to maintain her last pregnancies, so the hypocrisy is already established.
  9. So their vanity boutique thing with its monthly ditch-the-inventory sales is really doing that well? Or the "influencing" pays that well?
  10. They got a $10,000 kitchen appliance? JFC. Either real estate is going well for Whitney, or something else is going on.
  11. Well, it's not like they pay their ER bills. Proud Bates family tradition of screwing everybody else who uses that hospital. 😑 Seriously, I don't know how they do it, either. I know they're not wasting their money on worldly pursuits like books, newspapers, or education, but still. They're either lying or there is something we don't see, like welfare benefits, tax evasion, or "love offerings" from the suckers.
  12. I disagree. I have seen enough people (the factitious disorder person I've mentioned before, plus relatives) get treatments and/or medications and/or FMLA paperwork because they whined hard enough. They all had a lot in common with Carlin, too -- white, Christian to some extent, suburban, middle class, married, dramatic. It's real and it happens because doctors want to shut them up or they're afraid of getting badmouthed or worse. My own mother did it repeatedly and had multiple surgeries, the reasons for which changed depending on whom she was talking to or when. Sometimes in the same day. I think that's what Carlin is doing. I wish I were wrong, but I don't think so.
  13. It's not their responsibility to hold Carlin's hand while she attention whores for the camera. They may be selfish and/or self-centered in every other way, but she's NOT their responsibility. Not to mention I'm pretty sure they know by now that she's full of shit. Evan doesn't want to go back to work. That's why he hasn't.
  14. Some are, some aren't. This is probably what she's on, if in fact she's on anything. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK501229/ More accessible info: https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-18053/keppra-oral/details
  15. I do. Can't stand not to wear one, even to sleep. But I'm sure those photos of Carlin are planned, staged, and edited just like everything else she puts on social media. She's wearing makeup in that last photo, too.
  16. Didn't her doctors (if they actually exist) rule out cardiac-related triggers a few months ago? Don't these fundie parents teach their kids not to lie?
  17. FIFY Or the "helpers" aka servants feel sorry for them, like Michelle Duggar's laundry helper felt sorry for them.
  18. My guess about Carlin avoiding the ER is that they know she's full of shit. I don't think there is anything physically wrong with her. I have epilepsy, and I also did the epilepsy first-aid training through the EFA last year. (It was online, if anyone is interested.) We were taught that most people with diagnosed epilepsy don't need to go to the ER after every seizure unless it lasts longer than five minutes, is followed by another seizure, the seizure happens in water, or they hurt themselves in the fall (I've done that). Shall we start a countdown until Evan announces that he's abandoning his electrician license, five years of schooling, and a real job in order to be a full-time fame whore?
  19. It's six months in my state as well, but a year in Tennessee. I was surprised that Tennessee was so strict. I think Carlin and Evan are in for a rude awakening very soon. Even some of the Bateshumpers in the Bates subreddit are becoming vocally skeptical about the Stewarts' BS.
  20. Holding a baby *with his face facing outward for photos.* Zade probably wonders what his idiot parents' faces look like. Those jeans are hideous. I'm having a bad flashback to the early 1990s, when that style should have died and remained dead.
  21. It was a joke. Almost nothing Chad can do without training and licensing will adequately support his family and zoo. But he needs to get A JOB somewhere rather than think that social media and his wife's craft project will support them all.
  22. There's always Bigot Bird, aka Chick Fil A. Or Hobby Lobby.
  23. Even if not construction, Chad should get SOME job, preferably one with health insurance. He has five children and a SAHM to support, not to mention the animals and expensive tastes. He no longer has a choice in the matter. The whole "I'm so special, I am self-employed" thing is just BS. It reminds me of my uncle, who quit or was fired from multiple decent jobs because he could never get along with anybody. He was a failure at everything until he accidentally stumbled into a contracting job he could do alone, and he's a bible-thumper, too. I can see fundies like Chad being so self-righteous that nobody at a regular job wants to deal with them.
  24. Boy number 5: Kaden (it feels inevitable) Boy number 6: Kameron. Boy number 7: Karate. Girl number 5: Chelsee Girl number 6: Cereal (misspelled from Cyrielle, but Tori was homeschooled by morons, so doesn't realize it) Girl number 7: Caylee
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