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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. My great-grandparents had thirteen kids. The oldest and youngest were 27 years, nine months apart. Do that math! When the youngest child was born, there were already 12+ grandchildren, including a seven-year-old. Topic: I hate seeing girls work so hard while their brothers get to goof off and do fun stuff like go on trips. It's not exclusive to fundies, though -- when they visited their mother, my mother and her sisters would end up cooking and being helpful while their lazy POS brothers watched football, but the lazy ones got all the attention and praise. And my grandmother was not a fundie. I think it was the same in her family of origin, too.
  2. And ruffles on the outfit. How else could we tell the spawn is female?
  3. At least it has a lot of kitchen cupboard space? It does look sad, but to a girl who's finally escaping from her freak show of a family, it probably looks like the Palace of Versailles. Built in 1850. Huh.
  4. Still weird that they took Michaela's youngest brothers with them. Oh wait, they're fundies -- everything is weird.
  5. There are hundreds of different epilepsy syndromes. I have juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Carlin has factitious disorder "epilepsy."
  6. Even anything as exotic as chocolate ice cream is wasted on them. Get them some cheap, boring vanilla and they're set.
  7. It was one suitcase, on wheels. Not like she was toting an entire store's worth of suitcases. More importantly. Once again: scripted, staged, edited. Not reality.
  8. His family knew. Amy may not have known specifics, but even she, who didn't live with him, knew something was wrong. Besides, as I said, the Duggars whored out their children for money and fame. The Wissmanns did not. I was clearly not referring strictly to their beliefs. Their beliefs are six of one, half a dozen of the other.
  9. Do the Wissmanns have a convicted pedophile in their family? Did they pimp out their children for money and fame? No? Then they're better than the Duggars.
  10. I'm not saying they're not fundie. But they're better than Jim Bob and Michelle.
  11. They look like Wissmanns to me, too. Maybe one or three of the Duggarlings does have enough sense to say, "I'm going to be with people who aren't totally FUBAR. It's better for my family and me." A snarker can dream, anyway.
  12. It's the Duggars. The crap is probably made of some super long-lasting plastic that lasts longer than Styrofoam, and they picked it on purpose.
  13. How could they ever afford to live in California, unless Tiffany started busting her ass going to auditions and getting parts? The same probably goes for Floriduh. Dog knows Lawson isn't going to get a job.
  14. Well, it wouldn't be very Kristchun of her to put San Diego and Bumfuck, as in Bumfuck, Tennessee! So she had to do city/state.
  15. I've never heard of the Ace family. Give me the snark version, please? @GeeGolly, that's not true. The Stewarts plan their next attention-whoring "spontaneous" trip to Target like they did for that pregnancy announcement/gender reveal/whatever. That wasn't a vacation! Certainly not for the Target employees who had to pick up their "props."
  16. It's a damn shame that these gullible fools think they're going to be rich and famous off their shitty YouTube videos, and if they get their way, their own "reality" show on some low-rent TV channel. How do people get so foolish? Is it just laziness? Extreme impressionability? I'd like to fast-forward about twenty years and see what's become of them. Any guesses?
  17. A lot of women with epilepsy find that their cycles affect their seizures. But that's real epilepsy, not Carlin's factitious disorder "epilepsy." Lying liar Stewarts are going to have to have scripts and cue cards before long just to keep from stepping in their own bullshit.
  18. Somebody, please go ask Dumb and Dumber what the hell they're "breaking" from!
  19. Did somebody delete their posts? It does not matter if Dumb and Dumber use cloth or disposable diapers. It does not matter if they do or do not have a totally bullshit reason for not yet toilet training their toddler. What matters is they filmed their toddler daughter saying and doing something that does NOT belong on social media or in public view, ever. That says more about Dumb and Dumber Stewart than anything else ever could. They used their kid for laughs and clicks without regard to that clip being available for anybody to see and embarrass Layla with in years to come.
  20. Nothing about a kid's personal habits, including dirty diapers and bowel movements, should ever be on social media. The internet is forever. In fifteen or twenty years, if someone wants to embarrass Layla, their work is done for them. Shades of KHate Gosselin.
  21. It's not as if Grifter Gil's suit fit properly anyway. He apparently shopped at the Jim Bob House of Men's Cheap Suits.
  22. Well, that's convenient. Just in time for the wedding.
  23. The Kartrashians do pretend to be real even if everyone knows it's a lie. Remember Kylie Jenner lying about whether she'd had lip implants? She doesn't even look like the girl she was ten years ago, but she continues with the pretense that she hasn't surgically changed her entire face. No different than Bates or Duggar "wholesome Christian family" lies.
  24. What did Grifter Gil have done to his hand, and did he pay for it or grift it?
  25. Chump change for her, but I still found it just and amusing. The Kardashians are as fake as the Duggars and Bateses, if not more so.
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