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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. JFC, when I saw the mask in the photo, I thought for sure Carlin was pimping another "episode."
  2. It looks even dumber from the side. At least in this one, you could pretend she was laughing.
  3. Kelton's business is a franchise? That adds a new layer to the "Kelton, successful business owner" storyline. I don't necessarily think he and Josie think they're better than anyone, period. Better than her moronic parents and some of her idiot siblings? Yes, and possibly correct in that belief. I haven't seen Kelton quitting his professional job to work at the "boutique" or pimping out his own children for TV money. Josie is old enough to remember living in poverty and chaos because her parents wouldn't work actual jobs and kept having children they couldn't afford.
  4. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the other Bateses are discussing Carlin. I bet they can snark with the best of them. I've got a Starbucks gift card that says Carlin butts into all the wedding photos with that stupid open-mouthed expression of hers.
  5. Dog help us. Another Bates wedding. Then another Bates spawn. Cue the attention-hogging. Anybody want to make a bet on when Carlin will post something about another "episode"?
  6. The influencer version of wearing only black or dark blue. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Maybe they do beige because they can't match colors.
  7. *cackle* Good for Brandon and Michael for not allowing her to be a full-time doormat. I have no doubt that if they allowed it, Michael would be stuck babysitting the Stewart kids, cleaning the Stewart house, walking the Stewart dog, and chauffering the Stewarts around while they film. And if she had a minute or two free, Josie or Erin would jump in to claim it. The Bates subreddits pissed me off when people said Michael *should* step in to babysit Carlin so Evan could work (haha, as if). It's not Michael's responsibility. It doesn't matter if Michael has zero kids or ten kids. It's not her responsibility to be her family's doormat.
  8. Not to mention it would be a HIPAA violation for one of Carlin's providers to tell his or her spouse/children/neighbor/cousin/dog-walker that Carlin is a patient.
  9. Carlin and Evan: Hogging ALL the Attention Karlin and Evan: The Kardashians of Tennessee Carlin and Evan: How Does Our Hair Look?
  10. And what this means is that the next generation will only know how to be loudmouth attention-hogging drama queens like the Bateses. The kids will grow up to act like the Bates side because the "normal," other side can't stand to be around the chaos. Normal = only compared to the Bateses, of course.
  11. I doubt a random customer is as impressed with the Websters as they are with themselves. Why WOULDN'T the customer move on to another company if the Websters weren't available?
  12. Maybe he saw how his idiot in-laws (outlaws?) lived before television made them comfortable. Alyssa is old enough to remember life before TV money, too -- when there was a new sibling every year and the kids went without the basics.
  13. That's six kids too many if the parents couldn't manage them and/or were unwilling to spend the money to care for them. They may have had it, but not been willing to spend it for whatever reason.
  14. I don't think they're done yet, either. Erin will make more visits to the fertility doctor and have another "miracle" baby. I think John might worry about finances, too. How many kids were in his family of origin?
  15. But it wouldn't serve daughter #5 right, and how awful for each successive daughter to know they were a disappointment. I speak from experience. If this one isn't a boy, they'll keep trying for a golden penis and then for the brother he just has to have.
  16. Don't you mean "would of" helped her? Is there a rule against actually reading one's voice-to-texts before posting?
  17. "The kids of been under the weather." Go back to school, Carlin, and I don't mean the SotDRT. I suspect Carlin's mind is easily distracted, and not in an ADHD way.
  18. Misogynistic, selfish, self-centered, overly materialistic, and lazy on top of it.
  19. My guess is the fetus has a holy penis, based on their reactions.
  20. Those look like joggers, aka sweats, more than jeans. I can't really tell because whenever I see photos of Dumb and Dumber, all I can really concentrate on is their vapid expressions. I wonder which one spends more time on their hair. It may be a tie.
  21. Then they'll have to go to the baby shower in a few months. Probably one in New Jersey and one in Tennessee, which will of course prompt much drama. Then there will be a visit to the baby once it's (finally) born. No wonder Evan quit his job. Between going to Starbucks, Target, and Walmart; getting their hair and nails done; showing up late for Carlin's doctor's appointments; traveling to Nashville; vacations; BSB nonsense; and her family's mandatory and repetitive events, when would he have had time to go to work?!
  22. That's the fundie way. Specifically, it's the Bates way.
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