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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Maybe she actually IS turning into a Bates. The Duggars will get some random Bates sister Kelly and Gil won't miss, and the Bateses get Joy.
  2. I hope Ofjonathan got a hair brush as a wedding gift. It appears that she does not own one.
  3. I would not be surprised if eventually, there were "closing down the boutique to devote time to family" announcements. Or whatever spin they put on it.
  4. I think the Floriduh plans are off. Tori's dress was also the only one that was neither Generic Fundie nor apparently designed to make her chest look bigger.
  5. She could even *GASP* color her freaking hair at home. It's not like she's doing something complicated. Ten to one no medical test has been scheduled. That incessant peace signing is getting irritating, especially coming from someone who probably doesn't know what it means. I'd like to tape all her fingers together.
  6. So she claims. Does Evan's family of enablers respond to or comment on Carlin's poor-sick-Carlin posts?
  7. Alyssa is trash, and so is John if he allows his daughters to be subjugated to the "little man." I hate knowing how those little girls are going to grow up.
  8. The Carlin humpers on Reddit are ridiculously out of control. I got downvoted for pointing out that Carlin can actually read her words, and correct mistakes, before she posts. Apparently, that was too much for the humpers. I don't think any of the Bateses are smart. Some are just not as dumb as others.
  9. And if any of them had had, say, a cleft palate or lip, you can bet they'd have found a way to get the best cosmetic repair possible. Anything visibly "wrong" would have been fixed.
  10. I agree. It's the same for any of them continuing to have kids past numbers two or three. I have a problem with mega-breeders.
  11. Unless he's sitting in the car at the office "working" at editing videos, or shopping for overpriced sweatpants. I'd like to know how much of Carlin's dumbassery is real and how much is a fundie-dingbat act.
  12. Then none of them should have gone, or Princess Erin could have gone alone. I speak as the second daughter (with a much younger half-brother/golden child) who was the one left out.
  13. Then they should try getting real jobs (both of them -- plenty of couples trade off childcare so they both can work), not having any more kids, and laying off spending on more animals, flowers, redecorating, or stupid campers that are already too small for their family. And stop the tithing to gawd or GotHard or whoever. They need to take care of their family first, and that includes not treating one kid better than the others.
  14. Ofsmuggar's miscarriage (between Mackynzie and Michael) was very early stage. I think she said at one point that it was the day after her positive pregnancy test. If she weren't in a fertility cult, she probably wouldn't have noticed. Back to Joy -- I think my count is the logical answer to 30. Even the photos that people claim "prove" that Lauren had another baby only show one car seat. The alleged breastfeeding photo of Kendra only showed one baby.
  15. It's still gross. If you have a mixed-gender family, it's all or none. ALL kids go, regardless of whether one is in the wedding, or none go. Otherwise hurt feelings are guaranteed, and parents who willfully do that to their children just suck.
  16. I think it might come down to the Bates family competition for attention. Alyssa's not getting any attention for stopping at three kids or even four. She's getting attention and fundie brownie points for continuing to have kids, especially since it's a boy! and after her heart issues! she's so obedient to gawd! The family competition is what I think is at the root of Carlin's fake health issues, too. How different their lives would be if they'd ever gotten adequate attention from their worthless parents. If useless Gil and Kelly hadn't joined a fertility cult and kept having more kids at the expense of the ones they already had, Alyssa might have been the youngest of a big, normal-sized family instead of just one of way too many.
  17. Rhetorical question -- then why the hell is she having her fifth kid?! Kids bring chaos no matter what! Not to mention, they bring noise and mess and crumbs.
  18. Or Jim Bob doesn't know how to count to 30. It's always a possibility. IF the persistent(ly annoying) rumors about Joe and Kendra, and Josiah and Lauren, having another one are true, then I have the count at 29. Maybe they're counting Annabelle to make it 30? Smuggar 7 John 2 Jill 3 Jessa 4 Jinger 2 Joe 4 Josiah 2 Joy 3 plus Annabel Jed 1 Jeremiah 1
  19. I have a feeling that for the girls at least, life at Chez Webster isn't all as peachy and happy as it's portrayed. Alyssa strikes me as the type who has a mean streak and a tendency to fly off the handle if things aren't perfect. I hope I'm wrong.
  20. My first thought was that Evan isn't a macho manly man, and maybe that's why he doesn't act like Layla is less than Zade. Evan also doesn't have a macho manly man business to pass on to a golden penis, like Kelton does. I don't know what Zach's problem is, except he's the #1 golden penis in his family of origin. None of these bozos are masculine.
  21. Did Princess Erin and PW Chad actually do that? Take the oldest child, who just happens to be the golden penis, and leave all the others at home? That's fucking low. I hate all these people. I hope all their uteri and testicles pack it in and none of them, except Michaela, ever have another child. They're all misogynist trash and have no business having children. I hope Little Lord Webster turns out to be a total hellion.
  22. She's clearly a graduate of the SotDRT. How embarrassing to post a second-grade error for all to see.
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