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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I saw an article just the other day that listed things that are NOT in style now. One of them was, you guessed it, cold-shoulder tops. Add me to the list of people who don't get why the Stewarts (and so many other fundies) don't seem to care much about their kids' well-being once they're born. It's really like the kid is born and that's the last their parents take notice of them, unless it's a photo op, of course.
  2. I've said before that Jill wants her daughters to look like crap so that she herself looks better in comparison. Disheveled mess is right. I felt sorry for Nurie, but I think I feel worse for Kaylee.
  3. Benton departed before the writers started trying to outdo themselves in the bullshit storylines category. I'm sure if he'd stuck around through the last seasons, he'd have ended up doing a brain transplant by himself while the hospital burned around him, or some equally ridiculous plot. Carol did have a car at one point. It was repossessed during season two or three from her parking spot at work.
  4. In all fairness, Alex didn't think of him as a thief/con artist/rapist. He was just Dad. Kids are allowed to love their parents even if they're awful. Ask me how I know. I would have said Wyszenski. Reece was there a lot, too.
  5. Somebody whose maiden name was Wyszenski? Or Taggart?
  6. Why NOT on a hayride? Maybe they offered to bring Elusive Sibling along for the fun. Saying with absolute certainty that "you tend to your own kids," in an extended family with dozens of kids, is silly.
  7. I saw spoiler activity on this thread, and I thought for sure Tori had been fecundated yet again.
  8. I thought I saw a line on the wall -- those vertical lines you see on the walls in mobile homes, like the wall material was unfolded.
  9. Bored with it, or realizing people see through her BS and she can't continue the lies? Five-day EEG -- what five-day EEG? Mayo Clinic? Is that for a sandwich?
  10. The only difference between that schlock and the TLC stuff is that this lacked credits at the beginning and end. I think they even used the same music. Keep trying, Jed and Katey. Do they live in a mobile home?
  11. But that could be anybody's baby. Hell, it could be Lauren's youngest sibling.
  12. So he's going to be a handyman? If he doesn't get licensed as a contractor, I don't see this working well for the Paines. Florida is strict about construction codes, for obvious reasons. For crying out loud, Chad, you've got a spendy wife and five kids already. Get licensed in some professional capacity. HVAC, plumbing, electrical. If Mr. Jogger Pants Stewart can do it, so can you.
  13. Carlin had a huge wedding but still didn't manage to brush her hair. 🙄 Wouldn't YOU age pretty rapidly if you were married to a Bates?
  14. Why am I not surprised that Dumb and Dumber managed to have an elaborately big wedding? Now I need to find their wedding photos. Anybody want to help a Heathen out?
  15. I imagine that dance looking like the funky chicken.
  16. How big was Carlin's wedding? I remember photos with her stupid vapid expression, but nothing else. I kind of don't blame Erin for being jealous of the TV money-influenced weddings. Hers was chintzy.
  17. Those boxes on the top don't look very heavy. I wonder if they're empty or only partially full. That photo couldn't be any more staged if they tried. Complete with those idiotic gape-mouthed expressions on Whitney and friend.
  18. I question the maturity of someone who uses those stupid emojis in a post about her mother's death. Grow up, Kelly. Act like an adult instead of a goddamn twelve-year-old.
  19. Kelly comes across as incredibly self-centered anyway.
  20. I really can't stand it when people like Carlin or KHate Gosselin use their kids for clicks. Stuff like that, with or without diaper, does not belong on the Internet for all to see in the future. Poor kids.
  21. MTHFR, which always makes me laugh. I think that's also what the Bateseses have. I have read that it's not technically a clotting disorder, but a gene mutation that can cause lots of different problems. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/gene/mthfr/#synonyms
  22. I just realized that even that child's TOYS are bland colors.
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