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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. For all we know, Madison/Madyson was on the list of M names all along. Honestly, it could be a lot worse (here's looking at you, Mar Yella).
  2. I don't think any Duggar, except Smuggar, is that low.
  3. Wasn't it a chiropractor? I don't consider those doctors, although I know a lot of people do. I don't see the Stews spending money on their kids' health, or anything for their kids that isn't destined for Instagram or YouTube.
  4. Clomid isn't expensive. It's been around for decades, so it's available in generic form. Tomatoes/tomatoes. To me, anything that helps artificially achieve or preserve a pregnancy is a fertility treatment. Funny how fundies think it's god's will as long as it's something they want.
  5. I wonder if she's picked up from her mother a talent for attention-whoring. She might be a toddler still, but I don't think she's stupid.
  6. The Bateses aren't averse to fertility treatments if it suits them. See: Kelly's progesterone treatments.
  7. I was put on antiseizure meds before my first EEG. However, I should point out that it's Carlin's word alone that she's on anything. She could be taking heartworm pills and calling them antiseizure meds. She might be fine to take antiseizure meds (if she does...) during future pregnancies. Courtesy of the Epilepsy Foundation: https://www.epilepsy.com/stories/anti-seizure-medications-during-pregnancy I maintain my belief that she has FD, not epilepsy; however, I hope for her children's and dog's sake that I'm wrong.
  8. And how did Evan and Carlin report the results, if they did at all?
  9. Has Dumbass had an EEG at all, never mind the five-day thingie? The future lives of the Webster daughters just make me sad. I think @cerealityis right that the ski trips will end up being father/son events, while the daughters who might want to ski are just SOL. I can see that breeding a lot of resentment and anger toward their parents and the Golden Penis.
  10. Migralepsy info: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0035378722000364 Migraines and epilepsy info: https://www.epilepsy.com/stories/seizures-and-headaches-they-dont-have-go-together I do not believe Carlin has an actual epilepsy or other neurological problem. I continue to believe that she has factitious disorder aka Munchausen's.
  11. It's just a name. Why should Josiah and Lauren have to consider things like that when naming their children, if they even knew the names of those videos in the first place? This needs to be said. Josh is NOT representative of the Duggars as a whole. The (innocent) other Duggars don't need to go around the rest of their lives serving penance for Smuggar, just like I don't have to go around making amends for what someone in my family did. Josh does. The others do not. They didn't do it. Smuggar did. It's absurd to think otherwise, not to mention offensive. Who knows why the Smuggars named their youngest Madyson? Maybe that name was on the M list all along. I actually like the name -- it's a lot better than Maryella.
  12. The more time goes on, the more I think "Evan" is synonymous with "lazy." He was just looking for an excuse to abandon his profession, where he'd not get enough attention and where the other guys weren't into Evan's hobbies, like overpriced sweatpants, hairstyles, and shopping. I don't know about his parents and brother, but I certainly think Evan and Carlin are morons.
  13. The redemption-of-Chloe storyline makes me roll my eyes so hard, I see last month. Someone with a years-long history of drug addiction, legal trouble, joblessness, and no education, suddenly gets sober and lands a fairly prestigious, well-paying office job (that lets her take weeks off work to go to Chicago to redeem her abandoned child) all in the space of a few months? Bullshit. Not to mention the engaged-to-cop thing. "A Shift in the Night" is one of my favorite early-years episodes. "Krupf? Isn't that kind of a German name?"
  14. A lot of people who have epilepsy or other seizure-inducing conditions don't get seizure control from medication. It's not uncommon to have seizures even after being on medication for awhile. But I don't think those circumstances apply to Carlin the drama queen.
  15. Quite. For one, I very much doubt painters in BF, Tennessee cost that much. None of us knows if the landlord would pay for painting at all, if he'd pay for every room to be done, or if the exterior needed painting. In my unfortunate experience, small-time landlords won't paint, let alone pay someone else to do it, unless the walls are in truly bad condition or the previous paint job was an eyesore.
  16. No comments since last Saturday. Carlin must be beside herself. Hi, Carlin! It'll be time for another "seizure" soon. (Seriously, I was surprised there hasn't been any Stew Snark here since last week.)
  17. I like the baby shower episode, too. But why on earth would the hospital let Greene deliver babies after what he did to the O'Briens?! (Rhetorical question here.)
  18. Yuck. All I can think is mold and bugs, plus rodents. Plastic tubs are not rodent-proof. My former neighbor could testify to that -- she stored kids' clothes in plastic tubs in their shed, and lost them all to the mouse population.
  19. Yes, but speaking from experience in the state that once had the nation's highest insurance rates -- people will get insurance long enough to get rid of the ticket or renew their tags, then drop it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Rods did something like that. If they do carry auto insurance, they have to be paying out the ass, what with multiple idiots getting multiple tickets, and all the accidents. I can't see Jill willingly paying for insurance when all that money can be used on her instead.
  20. They want to make sure people know they didn't Do It before they were married. That's all.
  21. Most people can't have their parents take time off work and away from home to wipe their adult behinds for weeks at a stretch. It's the fundie and bible-thumper parents who taught their kids to fear the world who end up as and with stage-4 clingers.
  22. Now they include the dog in their giant-mirror selfies. Hi, Carlin! Why don't you join in the conversation here and do more than just read?
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