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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. There was never anything preventing him from working as an electrician in the first place, except pure-D laziness. If they had wanted to, they could have managed -- even without her family's help -- just like normal people would have had to do.
  2. Maybe Evan is acknowledging, even if only to himself, that Carlin's "episodes" are BS and don't prevent Carlin from actually doing anything. More questions -- did they drive, was this pre-planned, or did these unemployed boneheads shell out for last-minute plane tickets? I did that once, on a holiday weekend for probate reasons, and dang, was it expensive.
  3. And the marital rape. I don't care for the name, but it's not my kid so who cares. Honestly, I'm so disgusted with Alyssa's misogynistic proclamations about spoiling boys that she could name him Heathen J. Webster and I still wouldn't like it. I speak from experience when I say it's a special kind of hell to be an (unwanted, at least in my case) daughter with a wanted younger brother, and to know you can never compare.
  4. I still want to know where the Stewarts' dog is. My current suspicion is that they dump her off on Evan's parents. Hell, the squatters could be in the kitchen and the Stews wouldn't notice. It's not like Evan and Carlin are in there cooking meals for their children or anything.
  5. Seriously. My kids all have tails, but if I had a dime for every time a friend or relative was told their spawn would arrive early and it didn't... Well, I might be able to afford one trip to the nail salon, with maybe a small Starbucks thrown in. Did the Stew idiots take their dog with them, and if not, who's watching her? Did they forget about her? Did Evan get to drive the Tesla yet? Who wants to place a bet on how long the idiots will be infesting New Jersey?
  6. What the hell is she at Katie's for, already? Pre-planning the baby shower? These people's lives are a joke.
  7. Reddit speculation has it at summer 2021 based on her hair in the photo. Her hair has always looked the same to me, so who knows.
  8. It hasn't been that long since they were married. Less than a year. It's also possible that she was on birth control earlier but isn't on it now.
  9. If only because they're too damn lazy to get up and take their kids to school. Not because of any firmly held principles about homeschooling, since I'm quite sure they don't have any principles.
  10. Probably because they can't afford it, and they can't grift the entrance fees. Or it just hasn't occurred to them yet -- dog knows lack of financial sense never stopped Carlin and Evan of home-buying-and-giant-floor-mirror fame.
  11. It would be easier to believe that than to acknowledge that her husband is a pedophile. Ofsmuggar is fundie garbage, but I do feel sorry for her in that one respect.
  12. Yes, I've seen it in formal engagement announcements in the South. Of course, Jill and Ofjill weren't in the South, but fundies seem to idolize what they think were antebellum ways, so it fits. David's father dying by suicide when David was a little kid puts a different spin on things.
  13. It's Oklahoma. They like people poor there, unless they're in oil.
  14. She's an attention whore. Must be time for an "episode."
  15. Girls just need to look cute and have a functioning uterus. Men need good, solid names! Those two make me sick. The girls -- sorry, the Golden Penis's sisters, since that's all they are now -- are in for it.
  16. Full-time work, maybe. Stopping the baby train -- in their cult? I doubt it. If they don't have more, it'll be an accident.
  17. I just saw that on Reddit. They're pathetic. If they were any more fake, posed, or attention-seeking, they'd be Kardashians.
  18. Still speculation, not proof. Not to mention that Josie makes abundant use of filters and Photoshop.
  19. Definitely an attention-seeker, just like Michelle Duggar. That's probably what led them to having nineteen kids each (to point out the obvious). Carlin and Alyssa come by it honest. Kelly has tutors, too? So she doesn't cook, probably doesn't clean, and doesn't homeschool. WTF does she do all day?
  20. Why would she want Carlin the attention hog with her? That's so weird -- unless Carlin talked her into it so they have film-worthy plots. Of course, all the Stews will go. Queue the freaking attention whoring now! Packing. Driving to the airport. The airport. The plane. Driving to Katie's house. Tesla Tesla Tesla. OMG, is Katie in labor? Is she or is she not? OMG, Katie is finally in labor! Drama drama drama! The baby! OMG, time to go home! Carlin can't stand to leave Katie! Driving to the airport. The airport. The plane. Driving home. Carlin is soooooooooo tired now! "Episodes." OMG OMG OMG. How did I do?
  21. I wonder if Carlin embarrasses some of her siblings. I know that if my sister (I have one) acted like Carlin in public -- the endless drama, the photoshoots in Target, the gaping maw, the fake illnesses -- I'd be pretty discomfited.
  22. I think FOMO goes for Evan as well. See: Tesla that his brother-in-law has, so he wants one too. I agree the Stews would have gone if they could grift it or had the cash of their own.
  23. I don't believe in gods. Belief in deities doesn't make someone a better person. I never understood how Carol went from Doug to Tag to Shep. It just seemed weird. Tag, that engagement ring, and that cathedral for their wedding, to Shep working on an old beater car in front of Carol's house. Not a classic car -- just an old beater. Edson is an asshole, and ITA with the rest.
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