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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Why am I not surprised that the unemployed Carlin, who's been away from home this time for a few weeks, has a fresh fill or fresh set of acrylics?
  2. So Kelly was in New Jersey, went home to Tennessee, and is now back in New Jersey, all in the space of less than three weeks?
  3. I must not have watched long enough for his chuckle. I watched about three minutes of the "OMG we're in New York City!" video, long enough to wonder how these dolts can possibly be so immature. That's about all I could stand.
  4. What mistake did she make? I refuse to click on their videos. Austin looks like he smells. Nice eye-roll in the still, Austin.
  5. They rented a house -- an actual house -- in Oxon Hill, MD. It was a decently sized house, especially for the three kids they had then. Marcus was born just before they moved to the DC area. Smuggar actually had a salary then, not just a Jim Bob handout.
  6. I have never actually watched a Stew video. Now I am curious about the giggle. I'm going in!
  7. I read that as "stealer plate." 🙂 Arkansas requires property tax on things like trailers and Jet-Skis and such? Keep buying, Jim Bob. You can't take your money with you.
  8. The bible-thumpers I've known in real life have their kids "dedicated" as soon as possible, typically by three months old. I'm legit surprised that Nathan and Nurie waited so long (over a year!) to have their first kid dedicated, and they waited longer than usual to have the new one (haha) dedicated.
  9. Nah, his wifey can drive him everywhere. I feel sorry for her. How did you know it was theirs?
  10. Absolutely. With the labels all facing out (including the Lansinoh), everything neatly arranged and posed, and the baby's gut covered for a change. "Angling for cash or endorsement" was my very first thought. Katie doesn't come across as any smarter or more introspective than any other fundie dingbat. I doubt she'll ever stop to think that one reason Travis had a better childhood than hers was because he was one of only three. (Gil and Kelly being lazy cult-sheep is a related but distinct matter.)
  11. It's not a matter of knowing whether the rules apply to him. It's that he never thought he'd get caught. Not even Smuggar would commit a crime or break a prison rule if he knew he'd get caught. Most criminals and rule-breakers have the same thought process, or lack thereof. I think Smuggar is likely to reoffend.
  12. Have any of the kids amounted to anything? They're just mediocre, with two or maybe three exceptions. (Guess who.)
  13. Well, it's not like they waste money on education or educational things for their kids. I wonder if these dolts have ever heard of overpopulation.
  14. I wonder how much time Carlin spent on her makeup and her artfully (artlessly?) tousled hair to make that video. Certainly more than she spends on what's between her ears. I would bet those pills are vitamins or MLM BS like the hair-growth thing, not prescriptions. Either way, it's ignorant and dangerous for her to allow her toddler to play with pills. An overdose of iron supplements, for instance, can be fatal to a toddler. And a lot of vitamins look like candy.
  15. The "episodes" will come back when she needs more attention. I predicted earlier that it'll be after they leave New Jersey. No further mention of the five-day EEG that I've seen -- that'll start up again when they think they'll get clicks for it. I think the chances of either Evan or Carlin growing up are about the same as me playing in the WNBA. I'm 5'1" and not athletic.
  16. You think Katie acknowledges that covid, RSV, and the flu are real?
  17. It's occurred to me that the "employees" might be volunteers/leghumpers who feel sorry for the Bateses. Like the people who got suckered into doing the Duggars' laundry or teaching their kids for free.
  18. I predict an "episode" right after they get home from New Jersey, whenever that will be. It won't be while they're traveling or at Katie's house. He has goofy hair days, every day!
  19. I wondered if he had a zit or maybe a bad hair day!
  20. I kind of hope that the Golden Penis turns out to be a bat out of hell, the brattiest, most ill-behaved, unattractive little shit in Florida. Spoil that, John and Alyssa -- you selfish, tone-deaf asses. But don't even think of blaming his behavior on your daughters because it's not their job to raise their exalted brother. It's inevitable, in my opinion, that they keep trying for boy #2 so that the Golden Penis can have a brother. The question is whether Penis #2 will be as important and entitled as version 1.0. And just for good measure, I hope Golden Penis is the MESSIEST KID IN FLORIDA! Take that, Alyssa! Go clean your house!
  21. I imagine a lot of them are just over the constant births, too. How many grandspawn does this make, and in only ten or so years? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz The youngest daughters might as well get used to the disappointment now. By the time they're having kids, they'll be lucky to have Kelly visit (and she's only there for attention and to get away from home). Nobody else will even take notice. The Bateses are making me a cynic (and I hate it).
  22. Maybe not for someone who grew up in a chaotic, messy pen like the Bateses'. It probably feels normal for them. It would drive me up the wall.
  23. They're going to pimp this kid out for every possible click and dime they can get. They might as well put a big dollar sign on her forehead.
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