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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Abbie Duggar is the one shilling the planner. Ironically, she's probably the only Duggar or Bates who actually has use for a planner.
  2. Yes indeedy. One of the shows had a clip of Helmet Head spraying his 'do. It wasn't just spray and move on. It was spray and SPRAY and spray and SPRAY and spray and SPRAY and spray and SPRAY. And probably another blast in the afternoon, too. I also remember the clip of the J'slaves complaining about having to clean up the grody hairspray residue in their parents' bathroom. You'd think the SOB would have the sense to spray over the shower or something. But we're talking about Jim Bob. He and common sense are like Clark Kent and Superman -- never seen in the same place at the same time.
  3. Good gawd, check out the mullet AND Jim Bob's helmet head. Their hairspray and shampoo bills must have exceeded their food bill. No wonder the kids had to wear hand-me-downs and live in poverty -- their parents had to maintain their looks.
  4. I got my first iPhone last summer. It's an SE. Before that, I had a five-year-old Galaxy that was outdated a month after I bought it. And I work! F you, Stewarts. Maybe the Stewidiots won't be so obvious as to buy a new car right after their rivals sweet besties did, but yeah, big purchases in their near future.
  5. I remember that. I think it was maybe Johannah or Jennifer's births. Michelle looks better now than she did when she had that stupid mullet and the '80s makeup. And the godawful Peter Pan frumpers.
  6. Jill and David, who don't have jobs, don't want to be inconvenienced. The other daughters and sons-in-law, who have jobs and stuff, can't give up their lives for a week each month to take care of Pat. It's not like Amy -- poor SEVERELY PARALYZED INVALID Amy -- would be able to help her mother to the bathroom.
  7. Small-town cops aren't making $100,000 SUV money. I doubt the "boutique" is making that much, either, at least not above board. Zach and Whitney are stupid.
  8. That was my experience in South Carolina as well. People I barely knew would try to recruit me to their churches. And South Carolina had blue laws, too. In their version, you couldn't buy alcohol or general merchandise from 11 PM on Saturday night to 1 PM on Sunday afternoon. They'd rope off the GM side of Walmart.
  9. Amy wasn't mentioned much during the early Duggar TV years. Then all of a sudden (please remember that "reality" TV is heavily scripted, staged, and edited and bears no resemblance to actual reality), she was in many episodes, including some in which she was the main focus. She also had a short-lived attempt at a country music career, which was probably also ginned up by TLC. A lot of people think she's just an attention whore. I think people can be attention whores, and also be right about her pedophile cousin and POS aunt and uncle, and appear in documentaries in support of that belief. Derick is...complicated. I think he's a lying liar who lies in the way that so many overly religious bigots are. But he's still right about his in-laws.
  10. I would pay money to watch that happen. A Very Duggar Special! If it were Jim Bob doing it, after the documentary, they could put it on pay-per-view and match the GDP of a medium-sized European country.
  11. Like the state of Texas trying to rebrand the Middle Passage as the innocuously-named "Triangular Trade." Anything to avoid accountability, and guilt, for white people. Topic: I think the documentary did a good job, in its limited timespan, linking Gothard and the Duggars and what happened to the girls. The Joshua Generation is not something I am familiar with. I'll be reading about it today.
  12. Not everybody reads every single post. I have a number of people on ignore. So why wasn't Deanna sent to another Christian school? Surely there were others in their area.
  13. I do. I have ADHD, and for me, that means "out of sight, out of mind." I have to write it down to remember it. If I used an electronic planner, well, I wouldn't actually use it. It would be a paperweight. Topic: Since Abbie has an actual paid job, I don't mind her Instashilling so much. Don't get me wrong -- it's still annoying, but not at the same level as Carlin Stewart-style Instawhoring.
  14. I'm watching the first episode now. I had forgotten how much I dislike Jill's voice. I hated listening to her on the specials and the regular show. Her voice is still nowhere near as annoying as Mullet's baby voice. Especially when Mullet is ginning up some tears to open the wallets of the GotHard faithful.
  15. When I first moved to South Carolina, I didn't understand why that small town in a fairly rural areas, where education is not emphasized, had so many private Christian schools. Then I found out that they were founded in the 1960s. after Brown v. Board of Education. To keep the white kids from having to go to school with Black kids (or heathens). I would bet Jim Bob's private-school education had something to do with that idea. Don't ask me why their parents didn't feel the need to keep Deanna away from Black students. Maybe she protested having to go to a different school than her friends went to, and her parents gave in. Someone should ask Deanna, or Amy.
  16. The only kind of marriage he was likely to get? He's a know-nothing, do-nothing, prematurely-balding, homely little shit with no ethics. No non-fundie woman with a brain would go anywhere near him.
  17. I can see feeling sorry for her because she's married to an asshole, but at the same time, she's had exposure to non-cult life. She's an adult with Internet access, too. She had choices and made the worst ones.
  18. There are plenty of uneducated, barely literate people who manage to hold down jobs. The Duggars, in this alternate universe where Jim Bob and Michelle finally get what they deserve, wouldn't get a bottomless social safety net just because their parents suck. Not wanting to work is an entirely different story.
  19. To show off her pedicure? I hope someone got a screenshot so we can examine her "broken" toe.
  20. I would be humiliated if my romantic partner said out loud that my feet smelled. And if I already knew about it, you can be damned sure I'd have done something about it. I really need to clean something now, and take a shower too. My hair is still damp from the first one. Does Dial come in extra strength formula?
  21. Baptist, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, and Pentecostal followers all do twice-on-Sundays and once-on-Wednesdays (and whatever other days they can find an excuse for). Plus various other no-fun, I'm-right-you're-wrong offshoots follow the same schedule. Topic: I notice in the photo that Carlin has resurrected the attention-getting, all-black Velcro shoe thing. I believe I have earned the Most-Hyphens-in-One-Post Award. Since I was baptized Lutheran, we'll have coffee, apple juice, and doughnuts or cookies after the award ceremony. We will not eat in the sanctuary.
  22. I was legit surprised that Austin took off his nasty baseball hat, at least for the photos. One, I was taught that it's impolite for men to wear hats indoors, even baseball hats. Two, that thing has to smell! Talking about the Forsyths' lack of hygiene makes me need to clean something. And take a shower.
  23. It's easy to be "debt free" if you don't pay your medical bills and you rely on other people to feed and clothe your zillion kids. And you rely on a television program to build adequate housing for them. Gil and Kelly are garbage.
  24. The Spiveys don't have a freakish number of kids, and the ones they do have are well-spaced. I think they probably used some form of birth control, or maybe they're just not as abnormally fertile as some of the other fundies we snark on. I hope, I hope, that one or both of those applies to Claire and Justin.
  25. Gag. 🤢🤢🤢 No wonder Joy and Austin of the gross beard seem so well-matched.
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