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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I would seriously, seriously angry if I found out some idiot "reality" TV morons posted a photo or video of their kid with me in the background. Not cool, Stew idiots. But what else should I expect from those two. I wonder when the infamous "5 day EEG" will take place?
  2. Look at the way the Bates boys are treated. Why is Alyssa taking Random Brother out to dinner while Slave Sisters stay home and watch HER children and get ready for Thanksgiving? She absolutely is treating them differently, and she's already talking about "spoiling" her son because "that's how boys are treated." It's clear as day.
  3. They could have picked more appealing material. That goes for both statements.
  4. The second-youngest little girl looks like she has the Princess Erin face down pat. And the hair. Are these Chad's parents, who married their daughter off to a convicted rapist?
  5. People who treat their kids differently on the basis of gender are trash. That includes my father. Imagine how the girls feel -- the Bates girls and the Webster girls. Boys get to do fun stuff, girls have to work.
  6. Alyssa acts just like her mother (and Michelle Duggar) did when she was growing up. Once you're married and reproducing, you don't have to do anything else in the house. Spawning is your job. And if you're actively incubating, you don't have to lift a finger even on holidays. Somebody else will do it for you. I feel sorry for the unmarried Bateslings, and really, really sorry for Alyssa's daughters, now that they've been cast aside. As I said before, Alyssa is trash. So is anyone else who treats her daughters like that in favor of a golden penis-bearer.
  7. Anybody notice that those three couples all look like each other? Not that Nathan looks like David -- Nathan and Nurie look alike, David and Priscilla obviously look alike, and the Keller/Reber couple look alike. It's kind of weird.
  8. That's an interesting point. Maybe Steve decided he'd have to let his daughters go, just in case anything happened to him, because of course Terri and her sinful Pepsi idolization could not be trusted to keep the daughters on the straight and narrow. They would have to have their own headship. 🙄 No matter what happened, I think we can all be relieved for Sarah, Anna 1.0, and Mary that they get to have their own lives now. I hope they make the most of it, and I hope Terri gets to have pop every now and then.
  9. I don't think they decided to move out and live free in the space of a week, or even a month or a year. I don't think vegan diets had anything to do with it.
  10. I read somewhere (maybe Reddit) that Steve's heart problems are what resulted in this massive change to the Maxwell family rules. Whether or not that's true, it's clear that SOMETHING happened to lessen Steve's control over his family. I would love to know what it was, and what other changes have happened. I checked out their blog just now. You'll all be shocked -- shocked, I tell you! -- to hear that Steve and Terri both still write like they have a large stick up their asses. They remind me of Stephen King's memoir On Writing, the section where he tells people how NOT to write.
  11. Because they lie all the time. If they really did have a dead battery, why did it take 45 minutes, in the middle of the night, at their "boutique" with two little kids, to get a jump? I accidentally left my dome light on last week, and predictably my battery was almost dead the next morning. I called AAA. It only took 45 minutes for them to show up, and they certainly weren't in the parking lot next to me to start with.
  12. Those tragic eyebrows. 🙄 Not Rodriguii-level bad, but still bad.
  13. Mother-in-law Jill would be sorely disappointed in my life savings! Is there any part of that name that ISN'T ridiculous?
  14. Then don't let the cat out. Easy solution except for these idiots.
  15. Don't forget that this blessed event occurred in the midst of a global pandemic. The Rodriguii idiots took a newborn baby out sightseeing during a global pandemic, and he almost certainly didn't get any covid antibodies from his sheep of a mother.
  16. Well, when Mommy and Daddy fund your lifestyle...oh wait, Travis and Katie claimed they pay for everything themselves. And if you believe that, I'm Michelle Duggar.
  17. I laughed out loud at the recap saying that Katie is planning a "babymoon." Her entire life is a vacation so why would this be any different? I thought Alyssa's comments about her sex life were performative.
  18. How long until N3 is born? I give it a year and a half, two years at the very most. There are more okay N names than I thought (okay as in not totally hideous): Nicholas (or Nicolas), Noah, Nathaniel, Nolan, Nash, Nico, Nasir, Noel Nancy, Nina, Nora, Nicole, the inevitable Nevaeh, Natalie/a, Naomi, Nadine, Noelle, Natasha, Nessie
  19. Newman is an okay name, although in fundie fashion, their "reasoning" sucks. It's still certainly better than Nebuchadnezzar.
  20. Look at how many women throw themselves at Ted Bundy types. Never underestimate the capacity of people to make poor choices.
  21. When is the latest Keller spawn supposed to arrive? I agree Jill is in Floriduh spending Nathan's money (and Kaylee's wedding gift money) and waiting for Nebuchadnezzar David to arrive.
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