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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. He blamed gaining weight on his job? Did he take the cops/doughnuts trope as truth?
  2. How would they show off and look cute if they dressed appropriately for the chilly weather?! Priorities, please! Some of them *ahem Carlin and Katie* may, in fact, be too dumb to Google the weather.
  3. What's with the stripe down the side of Gil the Grifter's pants? I've only ever seen that on military uniforms or sweatpants, neither of which he's wearing. Gil and Kelly always look like stuffed sausages.
  4. Cue the attention-whoring and "seizures." I spy a nail appointment in the near future. Fill for one, please.
  5. Too thin and that made it look cheap and poorly fitted.
  6. They should both face away from the camera. Her dress looks cheap and ill-fitting from the front. I don't think I can edit the title. I put her name first because aren't women's names supposed to be first?
  7. It was too good to pass up! Why am I not surprised that the ferret's favorite meal is Bigot Bird chicken sandwiches? 🙄
  8. A space for snarking on Trace, Lydia, and her poor persecuted parents and their terribly oppressive native Germany. Thanks to @Salacious Kitty for the title! So what did her wedding dress look like?
  9. YES! Bonus points for snarking on her poor persecuted Christian parents and their terribly oppressive native Germany.
  10. The married kids don't need to find spouses, so they don't go. The unmarried kids HAVE to hit the meat market to find their own special someone. 🤢
  11. Typical of two attention whores to post a photo of themselves with some caption babble about "sweet husbands" rather than, you know, a Red Cross donation link or anything that might actually help the people affected by Ian. "Please remember him and everyone working down there," JFC. These self-involved dolts make me sick.
  12. Look at her parents and their BS "persecution" and "asylum" nonsense. Self-centered and childish all the way. Mega-Bates. Trace looks like the love child of a ferret and a chipmunk. I wonder what his children will look like. I guess we'll find out in a year or less. I kind of hope the wedding gets rained on. It would serve them right for being idiots.
  13. If it is, I have ten bucks that says they'll have another "accident" so the golden penis can have a shot at a brother. I feel sorry for the girls if they ever get a brother. It sucks to know you're a disappointment because you were born. Do I sound bitter or anything?
  14. There's that gaping maw expression I mentioned. The sound of wind whistling through her empty head must be deafening. The "artfully" torn jeans also look stupid.
  15. Could you post a link? Or DM it? I am 100% NOT surprised that the Bateses are closet bitchy and out-of-the-closet racist.
  16. I didn't say IVF, did I? There are other fertility treatments besides IVF, and some are not expensive. Topic: How long until ANY Bates makes the next "miracle" "surprise" pregnancy announcement?
  17. I'm pretty sure I remember something about the Paines visiting a doctor, or specifically a specialist, to find out what could be done after her ovary surgery. Then there was a "surprise" pregnancy announcement. Perimenopause or even menopause wouldn't stop someone from having a child via fertility treatments. My aunt did it at 47, about ten years after her early (first) menopause. Not to mention: celebrities.
  18. Wasn't the last one the result of visiting a fertility specialist? I predict they'll do it again, with the requisite BS excuses, and have another "miracle" baby.
  19. Are you in Michigan? If so, we should have a snark meetup. Incidentally, it was nippy this weekend, but it felt good to me. Capris and t-shirt and carrying a jacket today. Topic: Josie's hair looks better. The too-blonde look does not look good on her, or on Katie for that matter. Or anyone else who isn't a natural adult blonde.
  20. It amazes me that these two willfully uneducated jackasses think they know more than actual doctors. Carlin's "illness" sounds more like factitious disorder every day. How long until her next attention-getting "seizure"?
  21. That might be the first time Zade was ever photographed when his moronic parents DIDN'T face him outwards so the camera could get his face. Carlin must not have realized it. 🙄 Also, the expression in Carlin's eyes reminds me of the test pattern on older televisions.
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