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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Don't you mean "would of" helped her? Is there a rule against actually reading one's voice-to-texts before posting?
  2. "The kids of been under the weather." Go back to school, Carlin, and I don't mean the SotDRT. I suspect Carlin's mind is easily distracted, and not in an ADHD way.
  3. Misogynistic, selfish, self-centered, overly materialistic, and lazy on top of it.
  4. My guess is the fetus has a holy penis, based on their reactions.
  5. Those look like joggers, aka sweats, more than jeans. I can't really tell because whenever I see photos of Dumb and Dumber, all I can really concentrate on is their vapid expressions. I wonder which one spends more time on their hair. It may be a tie.
  6. Then they'll have to go to the baby shower in a few months. Probably one in New Jersey and one in Tennessee, which will of course prompt much drama. Then there will be a visit to the baby once it's (finally) born. No wonder Evan quit his job. Between going to Starbucks, Target, and Walmart; getting their hair and nails done; showing up late for Carlin's doctor's appointments; traveling to Nashville; vacations; BSB nonsense; and her family's mandatory and repetitive events, when would he have had time to go to work?!
  7. That's the fundie way. Specifically, it's the Bates way.
  8. Well, Gil and Kelly probably couldn't convince the amusement park/zoo/day trip site to comp them food and snacks for all the kids as a reward for gracing the venue with their fabulous fundie presence. I'm quite sure that if Gil and Kelly had managed to do so, there would have been drinks, snacks, and probably a full meal for each kid on every occasion. Then again, if Gill and Kelly (Gelly?) hadn't been so selfish, their kids might not be so FUBAR.
  9. It won't stop them from trying. Or crying. And begging.
  10. Is it just me, or does Katie look older than 21?
  11. Ew. The fundie Tawny Kitaen. Someone please pass the brain bleach.
  12. And with his own house, too. All the lying about the source of Travis's money reminds me of the Duggars lying about Smuggar "owning" a car lot (actually Jim Bob's) and a house (actually Grandma Mary's) when he married Ofsmuggar. Everybody, except maybe the dumbest leghumper, knew it wasn't true, but it fit their narrative so they lied anyway.
  13. Dumb and Dumber will find a way to get one. Can't be one-upped by kid sister's husband. Must be nice to be 21 and get everything handed to you.
  14. At least she doesn't inform us every time she has a bowel movement. Yet.
  15. Not surprising, though. This is, after all, the guy who quit a decent job with insurance to be a tree trimmer, sans insurance, while sticking the local ER with unpaid medical bills for basic healthcare for the huge family he clearly could not afford. In other words, in Gil's worldview, it's revolving around him. Kelly's too.
  16. Who else would have helped him? Jana? No, he did it himself. Smuggar isn't as dumb as people think, and he's only lazy when he doesn't want to do something. That's not unique to Smuggar. As for Ofsmuggar, unless it triggered the Covenant Eyes BS, how would she have known? I doubt she was suspicious enough to check his search history every day.
  17. That's been brought up here before. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9832-an-overview-of-factitious-disorders Out of curiosity, and because I will not give them clicks, what were the paid ads Carlin had sandwiched around her mastitis complaint?
  18. You're much kinder than I am. 😄 Info about the postictal state for those who might be interested: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526004/
  19. If she had had a twenty-minute seizure, it would be called status epilepticus, which is life-threatening and could have fried her brain (if she has one). I'm sure they would have taken FULL advantage of the fame-whoring possibilities if she had an actual life-threatening event. https://www.epilepsy.com/complications-risks/emergencies/status-epilepticus https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/status-epilepticus
  20. Some people do. I never did. It's pretty much moot because she's not having seizures. If she is, I'll eat my words. You make good points about recreations and the scripted/staged/edited "reality" TV bullshit. But I still think she's faking. I hate that I'm such a cynic, but I think they're lying liars who lie.
  21. There are means tests and requirements for bankruptcies. If Dumb and Dumber filed chapter 13, they'd be making regular payments for years and living on a strict budget. If they filed chapter 7, they'd most likely lose their house and whatever assets they have, including the boutique (laws on houses vary by state). Either way, there would be no "free living."
  22. Please don't let Lawson and Oflawson sing. My poor ears can't take it.
  23. Gil and Kelly ruined all their kids, didn't they? They can't do a single thing without involving attention-whoring. Most of the adult kids and in-laws don't even have regular jobs, and their lives seem to revolve around being what they think is famous and getting more famous. JFC.
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