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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Her driving the van containing a bomb, into a large body of water, was straight out of another finale last year. I figured that was what she was going to do. I also wondered where Virginia Madsen's character was. That guy works for her, doesn't he? (I've forgotten his name. Sorry!)
  2. I wondered if they would bring him back, since we didn't actually see him get shot. He could have been wounded, or they made it seem like he was dead, so that she might have less fight in her, thinking that she was really alone now. I don't remember much about what happened at the end of the book. If the commander dies, then I wonder if they'll change that, since I heard they have been renewed for a second season. I don't want a love triangle, I loathe them. And if Luke is a rebel, I guess he has grown up a bit. Being a part of that, doesn't sound like a passive response to what's happening.
  3. Same here. I really liked this one. When Shadow and Wednesday were sitting next to the windows, it threw me back to a small part of the first episode of another Bryan Fuller show (Dead Like Me - one of my TV shows that's the TV equivalent of comfort food for me). I usually like Fuller shows, so I'm glad that this episode pulled me in more. Cloris Leachman looked lovely in her scenes - it felt more magical to me, this episode, rather than grim - that sex scene (*fans self*) was really sweet, too. I also liked that Salim looked so happy. Mad Sweeney was funny, although that poor driver - that "yeah, you do that" in response to his offer to introduce him to god, made me laugh. (That was what he wanted, right?)
  4. I'm usually turned off by sex scenes, just because there's so much of it now, but I loved that last scene. That was the first time she'd had a choice in sleeping with anyone, in years. Alexis Bledel was amazing, once again. Emily looked alternately stunned and emboldened by what she was doing, once she'd jumped into that car. I'm glad they didn't completely kill her spirit, and was also glad to see that there was one nice wife, thinking of her, even though she was still a prisoner.
  5. I hate the term "snowflake" but she isn't the only entitled one, in this show. Olivia acts like she deserves the White House, Jake acts like he deserves Olivia, Rowan acts like he should be free to go wherever he likes, when he's murdered I don't know how many people - I couldn't believe he was just free to go in this episode, and that he was having dinner with Olivia, as though she's never tried to have him killed (over what he's done). He murdered Fitz's son, but c'est la vie, Olivia's in his bed, so all's good. Fitz reminding everyone that he's the President, whenever they dare to contradict him. The sociopathic trio from OPA. Mellie with the White House (and Cyrus). I still enjoyed this episode, but really.
  6. I liked the revival, too, for the most part. I want to watch it again. I'm here, because of Melissa McCarthy, and her next appearance on SNL. I haven't watched for years, but I'm recording it this week.
  7. I actually liked this episode. WTF? They're always promising a big shock, and that's mine this week. I liked Abby and what's his name together. David. I didn't understand his big need for closure with that woman - when did she talk about everything he mentioned? Unless it was what she talked about before Rowan killed her. I have the worst memory now, it used to be pretty good. Oh, and reading more posts yeah, Fitz killed people as well. Not the most important thing, but Olivia looked gorgeous tonight. I loved that outfit at the end. I also liked that she was just testing Quinn, because I was as annoyed with her as Quinn was. I actually liked Quinn tonight, and that they had a case of the week. Jake - I thought the same thing as someone above: he has no leg to stand on, when it comes to kicking Abby around for what happened, when he's been mustache-twirling evil at times, and killed people for years. Oops. Putting the preview bit behind the spoiler tag.
  8. Wouldn't she find out eventually, though? I wonder what they planned to do, once they were finished with their work. I'm not sure how they would have kept it from them forever. I did point out that I've forgotten things.
  9. I'd forgotten that Paige got into this by snooping. How did I forget that? Geez, she was always suspicious of her parents. She has been affected, though - although I don't agree with the pastor, that it's akin to sexual abuse. I need to re-watch, before I lose Amazon Prime next month. I thought she didn't know, until her parents approached her, because of The Centre.
  10. I think this is the most I've talked about the show, all season. It definitely pulled me back in with this episode.
  11. It would be, but he worked with the Americans, briefly. Why do you think they're focusing so much on him now? Unless those of you are right, and his parents are being investigated.
  12. Yep. And that's what I thought, re: that woman's family. That Pasha won't be safe. I wonder if she will do the opposite of what they expect, and report the fact that she was approached by someone representing Russia. Although that puts her family in danger, too - they've already bullied her son, in an effort to manipulate his parents.
  13. Aww!!! Count me in with those who loved the wedding. I also didn't think a lot of acting was going on, but that was so sweet. This episode actually pulled me back in, after a few weeks of not rushing to watch it, as soon as I was awake enough (the following day). I feel awful for Pasha, and will be surprised if his mother doesn't realize that it wasn't a coincidence that she was approached. The woman who spoke to her - I've forgotten her name - was lying to her, right? Would they really just take them back, no consequences? Paige - she should have known not to take pictures of what he wrote about her, and her parents. oops. I do wish I had the option of shipping someone off to another country, if they pissed me off, though. I know she thinks she's doing it for the right reasons, that it would be good for him, but it has been stressing her out, and she has changed, snooping and such. He was right in that it's affected her badly. Philip has been worried about her, too. I hope they aren't leading up to Oleg getting a bullet. Where do you get that from? She's a teenager. Also: I thought she was more of a Christian, what with her involvement with Pastor Tim.
  14. I wondered that myself. I hope there isn't going to be any jealousy over who he gave the other syringe to. I missed who was talking about big money for a cure.
  15. So now they're shipping Henry off to private school? When I watched this the other day, I thought it was a convenient way to get rid of him, for whatever reason, since he wasn't around for a while, and it was all Paige, all the time. But from his description of the school, and the career opportunities, he could have access to the children of people who hold important positions in the country, right? I hadn't thought of that before. Just thinking of those who thought he had been contacted privately by the Russians, and was the one they really wanted. If he really just wants to go for the reasons he gave, good for him. Martha. :( It was nice of Gabriel to check on her, but I understand her asking him to not go back. Oh! and Kimmy, too. That was her name, wasn't it?
  16. The Shining Girls. I also bought The True Story of Hansel and Gretel. Something like that. They were both on sale in the clearance section, but the latter had on the back of it, "the best book of the year."
  17. I'm completely lost, as well. I'm watching on my computer, and clicked into another tab for part of it. I figured they would be killing cows, and I'm not up for that tonight. I'm either going to have to read the book, or watch this all together, after the finale airs. I don't have the attention span for this at the moment. I was wondering if Bilquis is going to get more to do, than have sex. I liked the part with the jewellery in the glass box. I also don't mind them balancing things out a bit, with the male nudity. I'm another who doesn't always see a reason for the nudity when they feel the need to throw in a naked, woman, just because.
  18. A burrito, and those cinnamon twists from taco bell. I love those things.
  19. I went through this thread, on another site. Mostly the same kind of stories, but it still gave me the creeps at times. http://allnurses.com/general-nursing-discussion/whats-your-best-108202.html
  20. I was going to post here the other night, but I can't remember what I was going to say. I've had some spooky experiences, but I'm too tired to go into them now. I've had something silly happening for a few months, though, that's just bugging me. I will be looking for something, an everyday object or food item that has its place. I'll look in the correct place, and nothing. Move things around, still nothing. Walk out of the room, check somewhere else, and when I come back, it's right where it was supposed to be. It happened again earlier on. I was looking for a can of refried beans - checked the cupboard several times, the counter, the hallway (in case it was in a bag down there), cupboard again. I moved things around, even from the back of the cupboard, and suddenly, it was there right in front of me, right at the front of the shelf. Just one of those WTF? moments. How am I missing something so obvious?
  21. Tea, please. Or hot chocolate. I also like just plain water, coke, certain types of juice, or smoothies.
  22. I've had an instant pot for a year now. I like it, it's definitely helpful. Sometimes I just like simmering things on the stove, though, or cooking something in the oven. I make a lot of soup in there, have made ribs, potatoes, and so on. I don't use it for boiled eggs, unless I'm following a potato salad recipe, that includes the eggs in the cooking of the potatoes. I love my cheap wide-mouth juicer, and my refurbished expensive blender. I don't use them often enough, but I do love them. My sister was here and said, "You have all this cool stuff, and you don't use it!!" I do, just not enough. No more chunky blended soups, or smoothies that aren't broken down enough.
  23. Just pizza, but I'm batch-cooking different soups (started last night, and will hopefully continue tonight), from a few different sites and books.
  24. I didn't recall that part, but I do now.
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