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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Well, the original casting announcement listed Tina as formerly from Central City so meta is very possible. She could've been there for the particle accelerator explosion. Maybe she doesn't like vigilantes without powers?
  2. Well, if Tina is a meta human with a power that's like tech used by a Canary in the past and if she's the new BC, it wouldn't be a stretch for them to have her take on a Canary identity even though she didn't know the Lances, I guess. So very convenient. But if she is a meta, gotta love the "back to basics" with one team member having magical rags and another being a meta.
  3. I doubt that Chase will have much to do with Diggle's storyline after this initial pitch if it's true. There will probably be some lucky break that proves his innocence so they can move on from that. Besides, Chase is busy being Vigilante and the DA and apparently doing both jobs (unlike a certain mayor). How much extra time could he have to really help Diggle?
  4. Especially if the party takes place at the loft and that's where EBR's photo of the guys in the loft is from. "You were just crying alone on this couch after I accidentally killed your boyfriend! But let's celebrate someone coming back from the dead here!"
  5. Maybe Thea got lost in one of the other levels of the lair since Oliver had her move in for her safety in 509 but she didn't come up to check when Laurel apparently was hanging out, waiting for Oliver to return. Or maybe she went home since they forgot about that safety thing by the end of the episode and she's off covering for Oliver at the mayor's office because that's totally more important. Or they just forgot about that relationship completely. Also, does Felicity not punch someone in the ep or did I miss that mention? Maybe that's not in 510?
  6. Wait. So they're using the Arrow midseason premiere to give a Flash character a redemption story? Really? If true, that's a big disappointment. It would be one thing if they had introduced BS on Arrow and then moved her over to The Flash. But just because she's played by KC doesn't change the fact that her story is a Flash one. Also, Prometheus shows up at STAR Labs? And no one thought to call anyone in Star City? So it's just another example of the really bad security at these bases and no one talking to each other unless it's crossover time.
  7. That...sounds bad. Like an episode that shouldn't be the first one back after winter hiatus. Maybe it just sounds that way because of how it's written, but... So no time has passed, Malone's not buried yet, but no one cares? They really decide to just throw a party? Also, if true, Donna is only going to be mentioned as related to Lance's storyline from now on?
  8. Especially after the scene of everyone making sure Oliver knew they weren't leaving him. Felicity, Curtis and Diggle didn't get that. Felicity was left mourning alone, both in the lair (hug from Thea aside) and at home. Curtis got one conversation with Felicity about Paul earlier. And no one was even doing anything to try to help Diggle prove his innocence. Everyone is acting like Diggle being confined to the lair is no big deal now that he can have his son with him sometimes.
  9. If this is true, what's the point in putting that out there? To say, "Well, it could've been worse!"? "If you hated that ending, just imagine what you could have had to watch!"?
  10. So they could have cut back and forth from Felicity crying to Oliver banging the reporter? Was that the point that they thought, "hmm, maybe this is a bad decision"? Not at any point before that?
  11. You know what I realized, thinking about the sneak peek from 510 of Oliver visiting Diggle in prison? Oliver is really lucky that everyone in Star City is an idiot (and maybe that he's possibly won over the reporter who was against him with his magic penis/whatever got her interested) because here's the mayor, visiting a friend in prison (there are logs of prison visits), who just so happened to break out with some help at the same time that Oliver was out of work/town with... was it gout? Was that the excuse Thea came up with? If anyone actually paid attention to all the times Oliver's MIA when he shouldn't be as mayor and everything that happened at those times, they probably could put the pieces together and have a pretty big story. But apparently there can only be one reporter in Star City doing any digging.
  12. Yeah, I cheered more for the Hawks leaving in the S1 finale than I did for everything else from season 1. Then again, I didn't go into LoT with a great impression of them - I hated that the Flash/Arrow crossover last year was all about them and couldn't stand them just in those episodes.
  13. Don't forget free Diggle from prison too.
  14. They probably only need CP for one or two scenes in 512 - especially if it's her last episode. Hopefully it is because otherwise, how long are they going to drag this out for? Obviously she's not going to stick around as a LI, and they can't stretch out the Russia storyline forever, especially with an episode titled "Bratva." I wouldn't be surprised if she's not even mentioned until she pops up in 512. (And honestly, I don't think it'll look good for them to have Oliver say, "Hey, I have plans with Susan," "Hey, I'm going to get drinks with Susan," or "Hey, at dinner last night with Susan," with everything else going on, but he's clearly made bad decisions about going to see her in the past few episodes.) Maybe they'll have Oliver (finally) realize that dating a reporter is a bad idea and so she decides to use the information she has about Russia because he rejected her. I would hate to see them do that, but then again, they probably have to wrap it up quickly because of CP's availability/everything else coming up and I think they could have written a much better storyline with a reporter if they didn't make her a LI. Maybe one of these days, we'll get a female character who isn't a LI. (Crossing my fingers for Talia to be that, but hopefully she's not the only one.)
  15. Maybe it'll come up later? But then again, there are so many things I wish they'd address from previous episodes that they don't, so I'm not holding my breath. It could just end up being that neither man listened to her and they thought that people would like that Oliver answered her question at the end of the scene in the lair.
  16. I feel like the CW in general needs to do something about promoting their shows. It's like they have their shiny favorites that are the focus and everything else might as well not exist/gets the bare minimum.
  17. Thanks! I'm going to say Oliver never "clocked the new spring in Felicity's step" because it just wasn't there, at least not in any way that he could've seen. Part of me can't help but wonder now if that was intentional because it could've been easily solved with one sentence - "We met X," maybe even in a babble when she introduced him to Curtis and Paul. I actually hope it comes up in 5B, that Felicity says something like, "I met him X months ago/over the summer/etc., when I was trying to not think about Havenrock/etc." I could've understood holding off on that if Malone had been working for Prometheus and 509 was going to include a reveal of how he pursued Felicity to get close to her because he was evil, but since that wasn't the case, I don't understand why they never addressed that when he was alive.
  18. Question: does anyone else remember the interview mentioning Felicity having a spring in her step related to her BF? Did we ever actually see her with a spring in her step? I don't remember one, but maybe I missed it? I think that's one reason I'm being cautious about any interviews given about anything coming up in 5B.
  19. Wouldn't be surprised. But at the same time, I don't want any more focus on HR. I love Tom Cavanagh, but I cannot stand HR.
  20. I especially agree with this. They really need to do something about connecting Vigilante to the main story because otherwise, what? They're just going to keep trying to hunt him down like at the beginning of The Flash's part of the crossover? Can't do another 507 episode with him because that would be stupid. He needs to be unmasked already (even though the audience knows who he is) on-screen, and they could do that through Felicity. Have her figure out who he is, propose a partnership and set his sights on Prometheus.
  21. At this point, I'm a bit more interested in what we'll see of Tina as a detective - especially since it seems like the team needs the police only when the writers deem it necessary. (Felicity needed Malone to test Rory's rag because she didn't have the right equipment just so they could show her visiting him at work, but they have all this other stuff in the lair that they use to run tests.) Will we see more corrupt cops, or did they drop that when they killed Church? Will we see Pike again? Etc.
  22. "I just threw up in my mouth." Yep. I agree. That's the kind of writing that has me closing tabs, throwing out books, deleting ebooks off my tablet, etc.
  23. "Were we too obvious?" Not to Oliver. With the way they're writing him right now, I really am convinced that Susan could tell him she's taking a trip to Russia to meet with a source for a big story and he'd just tell her, "Have fun! Bring back more vodka!" I expect that to blow up in Oliver's face around the same time that Tina joins the team, Felicity's off doing her own thing, Lance returns from rehab, Diggle gets his freedom and Prometheus decides it's time for another major attack. That will all, of course, be in one episode. Maybe Thea and Rene will also have stuff going on then too.
  24. I feel like they'll keep having Thea sporadically suit up as Speedy and have her give half-assed excuses as to why ("Aliens!" "Uh, Felicity's boyfriend I never met is missing even though I'm going to do nothing but stand here on this roof!"). Maybe she'll suit up again in 511 while the guys are off on their road trip, so she'll be covering for Oliver in both his day and night jobs. I really wish they'd give Thea and Lance (but no more drinking/mourning a dead daughter for him please!) something to do in 5B.
  25. I'd also like them to bring up what Felicity went through last year. Don't they remember how she wanted to help people with the same chip that allows her to walk? So far, the only time I think they've even addressed what happened to her is that quick flash of Oliver's in 508 when he's holding her right after the shooting. She was paralyzed last year. She lost her job last year. Show that this is a culmination of all of that. Have someone fill Rory and Rene in on it since they weren't there. Just acknowledge it, show. Come on.
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