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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. We also have to look at it this way: How many scenes do we think TR is in in 509? Has he been in more than 2 scenes in an episode all season?
  2. Ugh, I hope that's not the case. With everything going on, they'd actually take time for them to meet that way? I'd rather they meet for some Prometheus-related reason, especially since it's taken until 509 for them to meet on-screen.
  3. Semi-agree. But I only want Susan and Billy to die after being revealed to have nefarious reasons for being in Oliver and Felicity's lives because I don't want to see them mourning temp LIs. (I already feared that if Susan got hurt and not killed, they'd show Oliver staying with her because, you know, character growth, even though he left Felicity in the hospital last year. It's one of the reasons I'm glad it doesn't look like she's around past 509.) I'd rather Billy dead (because he was evil and working for Prometheus and has outlived his use) and Susan's career completely ruined and her leaving the city. Maybe she tries to salvage her career by outing Oliver in Russia but completely fails? And Curtis can stay, as long as we get more of the Curtis from S4 and not the Curtis of S5 who interrupts Felicity and whom Felicity needs to help her do things she should be able to do herself. What happened in the writers' heads over the summer that they thought that they needed to change Curtis like this? If he's going to be in the field, stick with that. Let his focus be on training so that he can actually be out in the field without getting hurt constantly, not doing Felicity's job. And since it doesn't look like Wild Dog's going anywhere, please let them do something about his character for 5B. Maybe they can kill his attitude at least?
  4. Maybe the cliffhanger isn't just the big Prometheus reveal (beginning of the final scene) but something he says/leaves in a message for Oliver too (end of the scene)?
  5. I think they may regret hyping up this final scene, because I have a feeling it won't actually be that shocking for anyone except the characters. They've already announced that KC is in 510. I doubt they're going to end on a cliffhanger involving one of the temporary LIs, especially after the last two midseason finales. At this point, the only cliffhanger that would shock me would be seeing Tommy as Prometheus only because I'd be shocked to see CD on the show again given his Chicago Med filming and lack of him in the 100th, not to see Tommy as Prometheus.
  6. So either Prometheus kills him, Mayo's working for him or both. Yeah, and last year, Felicity and Diggle were there. Diggle can't be there this year (though, you know, maybe he can because clearly Oliver's security = stupid and he could probably walk right past them and no one would even know who he is), and I have a feeling Felicity's not going to be there.
  7. Maybe that's why Prometheus is striking now? It took him this long to put all the pieces together and figure out the Hood back then is the same person as the Green Arrow? (Remember, the public thinks Roy was the Arrow.) We saw the recruits be surprised to learn that Oliver was the Hood/Arrow/Green Arrow.
  8. That's where he's been this entire time - training! It's why we haven't seen him since S2. I'm almost desperate enough to want Walter back any way we can get him that I'd be okay with this even though I really don't want him to be evil. But seriously, I would be very, very shocked if this turned out to be true. At this point, I'll be shocked if Prometheus is someone we've seen before and not someone for whom they insert flashbacks like with Cupid.
  9. I've been assuming he's somewhere between Evelyn and Felicity (but closer to Felicity).
  10. Maybe Tina just stops by in the scene? But the people actually sitting down for the entire scene are Oliver, Curtis and WD? At this point, we seem to know that Felicity and Rory definitely aren't there, right?
  11. I kind of miss the days when only a few people knew about the team/the location of their base. Now, it seems more a question of when someone will find out, not if.
  12. OTA is canon. There is no arguing otherwise. And thanks for those GIFs! Love seeing those three together. I think the writers need to see them to remind them. I think a problem comes in with CW's promotion. Didn't the official Twitter call this season's team Team Arrow 2.0 when that's not actually the case?
  13. There's a new Marvel series coming out next year - already has a premiere date I think? - so there has been spec that this could be SHIELD's final season. Personally, I think it's possible because it's such an inconsistent (in terms of quality) show.
  14. Maybe the last flashback will just be a time lapse of Oliver's hair and beard growing before he's rescued.
  15. Maybe the Bratva will give it to him as a farewell present. "Here, get this tattoo. And take this wig and beard. Now you're all set."
  16. It'll probably depend on what's going on in present day at the end of the season. If it's not a major cliffhanger type moment in the present, I could see them ending it with the flashback.
  17. True. I'd be very interested in screen time per character devoted to that character's storyline. But that would probably be too time-consuming to do.
  18. That's something that's bothered me about Tina possibly being a LI for Oliver. Yes, Felicity has a BF right now but she barely refers to him as such in front of Oliver. Oliver/Tina would be happening right in front of Felicity. Please, let her be Felicity's friend. Let that be her primary relationship with the team. Although, since they seem to be against giving Felicity a friend (and showing her friendships with Diggle and Thea), I'm not counting on that.
  19. Maybe she was in town for ADR? I don't know where Arrow does that and with her filming Suits, it could have been easier in Vancouver?
  20. This is probably best case scenario. I just want Oliver to realize he's being an idiot about her because he looks stupid trusting a reporter. Maybe in 509 when that month is up, she publishes something about him the morning after a date or something, fades into the background and then reappears to again mess with his life with the Bratva episode? At least it seems we'll be rid of Mayo after 509? Or has anyone heard anything about TR being around more? That being said, I do wonder how much time will be spent on Mayo in 509 because they've done absolutely nothing thus far to explain anything about his character.
  21. I think that might have just been them using that set for the video? But I do really want to see Anatoly in the present this season.
  22. If that does happen, it's a good thing no one else wants to be mayor. Or maybe Prometheus kills her before she can because that messes with his plans. Sort of like he took out Church.
  23. Also, you have to think of it this way: How smart will they be making Prometheus if he can find Samantha and William since Oliver doesn't know where they are, right? Unless the whole point of the Prometheus arc is to showcase that Oliver's a complete idiot: trusting the wrong people, forgetting to consider that Prometheus might be able to find out about his son, etc.
  24. I think there will be a huge significance to it in the future if they decide they want there to be one. Or it'll be this:
  25. Maybe a recording for the government? Or the "secret" part only refers to their identities because of their masks ... never mind the ones without masks?
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