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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. I've been wondering about Laurel's grave. Though I don't think we need to see dead Laurel like we saw dead Sara in S4. One dead Lance in her grave is enough. I just hope someone (maybe Felicity, if she's skeptical?) brings up checking the grave. If Lance is still in rehab, he probably won't be told? Especially if they figure out it's Black Siren before he's out? They might just figure they'll skip telling him because they don't want him to relapse/maybe they'll remember his heart/etc. Maybe they won't even bring him up in relation to "Laurel." Thinking about it, Felicity can probably do her own vigilante stuff during the day since she still doesn't have a job. Oliver's off being mayor. Thea's working. Diggle's in prison. (Maybe the photo of the guys in the loft with champagne is from the celebration after he's freed? And even once he's out, he'll probably get a job/be busy with his family/etc.) Curtis will probably be sad over Paul leaving. Rory can be building stuff. Rene will be doing whatever Rene does during the day. (I doubt he'd notice anyway.) No one will be around to notice/be suspicious of Felicity doing whatever she'll be doing.
  2. That would probably be the most helpful to them right now. Do they really need someone else in the field with them, especially after they just learned that one of the team betrayed them? (You could argue yes and no on that one, I guess.) But considering that they know there are corrupt cops - or at least that Prometheus was able to get access to evidence in police lock-up - they could probably use someone they know they can trust on the force right now. And maybe the team can get a canary as a therapy pet. (They could all probably use a therapy pet, let's be honest).
  3. I'd also point to the (pretty much confirmed) spec that the BC statue is going to be destroyed. (And having that happen the episode before Tina's introduction? Well... ) So even if Tina isn't going to be BC, signs do point to a new BC popping up. Although, whether Tina masks up as BC or someone else, if she does join the team, doesn't it seem like it would be a bit obvious (say, to Prometheus) that she's the one under a new mask in town? "Hmm, new detective in town. And hey, new masked vigilante in town as well. And this detective came from the same city that three of the team traveled to just last week. Could that be connected?"
  4. I'd kind of like this especially since we haven't heard anything about what Rory's up to and he's had pretty much nothing to do except be in the background and wear his magical rags since 504. But I'd also be annoyed if it's Rory who notices something is going on with Felicity and not Oliver, Diggle or Thea (I'm hoping that she at least tries to spend some time with Felicity after she lost her boyfriend even if she's not with the team) since they've known her longer. But considering how this season is going... It's probably going to be Rory or Rene who notices something's up with Felicity first.
  5. At this point, I'm okay with Oliver and Felicity not getting back together in Feb sweeps as long as they show him being there for her and don't give either of them LIs for the rest of the season. I want to see them build back to being together. We didn't get to see them get from the S2 finale to S3 premiere or from S3 finale to S4 premiere.
  6. Hopefully the next quotes are about Thea or Lance. We know nothing about Thea and all we know about Lance is he apparently returns to the mayor's office, going off that photo.
  7. I wonder if this upcoming storyline is why we didn't see Felicity break down earlier this season? Maybe that's still coming and they decided not to have her break down twice in one season?
  8. Especially since Barry knows he's out there but hasn't done anything about it. If only he'd look for him. Maybe tell the others. Maybe they could find references in history and call their time traveling friends and exchange information...
  9. Cry, because it just reminds me that she was the one going in for another surgery in 410 and assuring everyone else it would be okay and covering for Oliver's absence with her mother.
  10. 101. Donna, because I don't think she's going to be back at all this season, even though her daughter just lost someone.
  11. You know, if they really want to go for some more angst, they could have Susan be working for Prometheus and have told him about Mayo being Felicity's date at the party - something she knew because Oliver brought her as his date. Then Oliver can feel even worse and need the team to make him feel better again. And then Felicity can bring Susan down in one of her those morally questionable moves.
  12. Yeah. I'd buy guilt. She feels like she should have never gotten involved with him or broken up with him (or maybe feels like if he hadn't been killed, she would've broken up with him, which she doesn't want to admit because of more guilt). Please don't have her say she loved him. If they really wanted the audience to buy that, they would've had to give us more of their relationship. We still don't know how or when they met (and probably never will).
  13. Especially considering that no one has told the Arrow team that Darhk is a current problem for the Legends. And that now Malcolm is with him. They just exchange information when the writers want them to/it's relevant to the crossover story.
  14. I really wonder how they're going to explain this on screen. She couldn't call Mayo her BF and could barely say she liked him. But this is going to send her off on this arc? And how do they plan to resolve it? Have her get caught in a situation where she needs to be saved? How are they going to address the aftermath of it? Have it end around the finale so they can say they dealt with that over the summer? I don't think I'd mind if they have her say she's doing this because she thought she had to do it on her own because that's how she's been handling everything, especially for the last year: her paralysis, the breakup, Havenrock, this, etc. But that would mean acknowledging that on the show and I don't think they will. ETA: If they make Tina Oliver's LI while this is going on, what, just another instance of Oliver not being there for Felicity? Really? (Maybe we'll get another flashback during it too.)
  15. I'm not surprised she's going to be drawn away from the team, but I hope that someone is there to try to keep her from going too far from them. I don't want to see the team letting her do these things on her own. Let someone be there for her. Don't wait until it's too late.
  16. I can believe that Guggenheim has a plan about how the season ends, maybe even some big plot points he wants to happen at certain times, but I don't think he has any plan about how to get to any of that. I expect 510 to see Oliver questioning himself again after the reveal of Black Siren (assuming that's what's going on) and again the team rallying behind him to remind him he's not alone.
  17. I haven't really followed the social media accounts until I found his board and read stuff on here, but has anyone ever liked anti-character/ship tweets before like this?
  18. If any of the rest of those sides are on the show... And right now I specifically mean the whole "best fighter" part. She'd have to better than every single fighter we've had thus far then, right? I'd feel bad for all of them. (Does that mean that she'll be able to do some crazy flip like Prometheus too then? What was her training like while she was also training to be a cop and becoming a detective?) If they really want Tina to work as a new character (new Canary, just detective, friend, LI, whatever), they need to introduce her more like Rory - not like Rene, taking up a lot of screen time and all this "I can handle it on my own, I don't need to listen, etc." Let people come to their own conclusions and like her, don't try to force her on the audience as someone they need to like.
  19. You know, if this Laurel is Black Siren like we've been speculating, I hope we find out about the others on Earth-2. We only know that that Oliver is dead (or presumed dead at least), right?
  20. And if she doesn't work out, they can always just put out an ad on Craigslist: "Seeking new Canary to team up with Star City vigilantes. Just ask anyone where our lair is. And don't worry about security codes. You should be able to figure them out. (Or ask the villain currently terrorizing the city.) We'll be waiting inside for you."
  21. I wonder if they never address if it was a kiss/sex, and once they realized how it came across - Felicity grieving alone, Oliver going to the reporter - they decided to go the route that doesn't make Oliver look worse. Especially if there's any plan to get Oliver and Felicity back together. The best thing they can do with a new BC is no GA/BC romance at all. I think that might help with the reception of this BC with everyone, especially since she's not Dinah Laurel Lance - show fans, comic fans, certain character/ship fans, etc.
  22. The problem with Susan is that in her first episode she used Thea. I kind of hope Thea ends up keeping her promise. And considering what we saw of Oliver and Thea's relationship in 508 and the beginning of 509 until Susan showed up at the party, I can't believe that he's decided to trust someone (or even pretend to trust someone) who did what she did to her.
  23. Well, maybe that's why she leaves - she loses her job because she drops the story on the mayor and claims she doesn't have anything to write even though she probably told her boss she would. Why else would she be able to give Oliver that month reprieve without her boss getting on her case?
  24. This is my fear. Just look at the flashback in 509. How is anyone supposed to believe Oliver in an "epic romance" with someone else when he looked so smitten at a time when he shouldn't have? I feel like I've said it before, but I really hope the writers surprise me with Felicity's arc and it's something so good that it somehow makes up for 5A. (It would have to be big for that to happen though.)
  25. I feel like if Billy hadn't been killed, Felicity would have broken up with him. She still couldn't call him her boyfriend. But they would've had Oliver and Susan get together around that time to avoid Oliver and Felicity being single at the same time (because the horror! otherwise). Hey, maybe they even would have had Felicity waiting in the lair for him when he came back from Susan's to make it really hurt. I'm not so much asking as begging, "please don't do that. Please."
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