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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Yep. I doubt they decided, "hey, we framed this guy, but now that he's locked up, we're going to be good people!" Or maybe they did because they want to just drop that storyline except for when they need Diggle behind bars for a couple episodes. But I'm sure they probably also heard about Diggle breaking out so they could've used that opportunity to do something else and pin it on him since he escaped. There's actually potential there for an actual story. I'm not saying I'd be entirely interested in it, but they need to stop half-assing storylines.
  2. What bugs me the most about Diggle's storyline is there are still bad guys out there - the ones who framed him - and he knows that. And the others should know that. And who knows what they could do next? But that doesn't seem to matter. Proving his innocence also means proving the right people are guilty. But that has never been brought up.
  3. So Oliver's just going to leave town and leave Felicity to free Diggle? I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe he'll come back and they'll be like, "Surprise! Look what Felicity did and probably could have done months ago if you didn't exclude her in the first place." The photo EK posted of OTA from the lair - was DR wearing his Spartan outfit? I think he was.
  4. I'm going to assume they're also going to get Diggle out of prison during sweeps. (And I really want Felicity to be the one to do something to make that happen.)
  5. If that happens, the entire team better surround Felicity and comfort her. Thea or Diggle (but not both) can give Oliver a half-hug off to the side.
  6. Oh, me too. I don't know what exactly appeals to her about coming to Star City and joining this team or its police department. I mean, if she does any research before moving, wouldn't the annual May attacks be enough for her to reconsider. I'm sure she's doing some good in her city, enough good to attract the attention of the team in another city to warrant a road trip. I actually hope they explore her anti-vigilante stance (and who she is as a detective) and it doesn't end up being something that's resolved in two lines of dialogue. I want to see how she goes from "I'm anti-vigilante" to "I want to sign up to work with the vigilante whose past actions led to the villain who is currently terrorizing the city that's terrorized every single year by another evil guy"?
  7. You know, I wonder if Oliver's ever going to tell Susan that Human Target was the one to take her number. I mean, in Oliver's mind right now, shouldn't he be thinking that the beginning of whatever they have started with Human Target/Susan?
  8. Oh, I kind of wish Dark Willow would come pay Arrow a visit right now. Could you imagine?
  9. Oh, I'm completely joking. I don't think they'd actually have Susan (or Tina or any other LI of Oliver's) get pregnant. It's one thing to have a pregnancy from years ago lead to a present-day kid, but I don't think they'd want to devote the time they would need to to telling the story of a pregnancy in present day. Look at how they told Lyla's pregnancy - Diggle found out she was pregnant in the S2 finale and she gave birth in the S3 premiere.
  10. Maybe Susan can go away for a bit and then come back at the end of the season and reveal she's pregnant. "Scandal! Mayor Gets Reporter Pregnant!" (I'm assuming she wouldn't be reporting on that bit of news, but you never know.) Maybe this can even happen in the season finale just as Oliver and Felicity are getting back together - Susan can show up and tell him she's pregnant, maybe not want it to get out, and Oliver can be faced with a decision: tell Felicity or don't tell Felicity. "Hmm, last time I didn't tell Felicity when someone gave me an ultimatum. But maybe this time it'll work out!"
  11. Oh, that's promising. I need Arrow to show me soon why he's a series regular. But if this is true, I also hope that it's not like 507 - focus on him for the episode, then let him fade away until the next episode that gives him some focus. Wonder if this could mean Chase flashbacks? If 512 is all about the Bratva, I could see them following it up with an episode with non-Oliver flashbacks.
  12. Unless, now that Billy's dead, they plan to have Felicity have some big realization that their relationship wasn't real (obviously), she's not over Oliver and she's been bottling everything up since last year. Then they can play up the angst of Felicity realizing she wants to be with Oliver again (and ignore her very valid reason for breaking up with him) while he's "all in" with Susan. I wouldn't put anything past these writers. These characters will feel however they want them to feel for the plot.
  13. Oh please no. I don't want Felicity anywhere near anything having to do with Oliver/Susan. I don't even want Susan mentioned around her.
  14. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Susan goes, "Hey, nice tattoo, where did you get it? What does it mean?" And Oliver starts answering her with, "Well, I was in Russia and fulfilling a promise for a woman I knew on the island... I mean, uh, never mind. You didn't hear that, right?"
  15. Maybe Susan lasts past 512 and we're all wrong? Maybe she'll just be off-screen after the ep (while CP is filming Suits) and then come back towards the end of the season?
  16. Oh, I will rage if that happens. But (again), I have a sinking feeling that may have been foreshadowing him opening up about Russia - just not to the right person. You know, this just reminds me of when Diggle told Oliver in 3x23, "You trusted Malcolm Merlyn more than you did the two people closest to you!" Just replace Malcolm's name with Susan, and there you go.
  17. Those quotes from WM annoy me. But I guess it's nice that Oliver cares about someone since he doesn't seem to care about anyone on the team right now. (Going back to my earlier post about how he hasn't helped any of them.) You know, if Susan really cared about Oliver, she'd tell him about the photo she has, warn him that others could find it too and give him everything she has on him. I really don't want this storyline to end with everyone feeling bad for Oliver because, like he has been this entire season, he's being an idiot, but it looks like it's going to. "Oh, poor Oliver. You trusted the wrong person. There was no way for you to know ... except she did it to Thea. And she's a reporter. But you still couldn't have known." Exactly. And it'll probably be used to stall an Oliver/Felicity reunion even more.
  18. If this is the case, I wonder if we'll even see these people or if they'll do everything on the computer. The more I think about it, the more I get this sinking feeling that Felicity's arc is going to end up being more about the others' reactions (particularly Oliver's) to it.
  19. No, I feel like they're just putting Oliver in a suit as much as they can this season to remind us that he's mayor. Since, you know, he's not actually doing his job as mayor all that often. But that way, they can say, "See, he was working because he's in a suit. So he was coming from doing work that we're not showing him doing."
  20. Uh, I'm pretty sure that for most of the series after S1, Oliver forgot that Laurel even existed. I only skimmed this, but wow, I feel like we're watching different shows. Did this person just happen to forget that on her deathbed, Laurel also said she knew she wasn't the love of his life? That Oliver told Felicity she's his "always"? You know, sometimes I feel like the Laurel that the show wishes they had written - the one they're writing now that she's dead and that's retconning everything we saw about her - deserves better than the Oliver they're writing now.
  21. I do wonder what the official description will be now that the CW spoiled it's Black Siren. Or will they pretend that it could still be Laurel in the description?
  22. I do and I don't want this. I'm actually torn about that. Also, when Diggle gets out of prison, I hope he fires all of Oliver's security detail. Still can't believe Oliver was okay with them telling a reporter his schedule.
  23. I feel like we're putting more thought and trying to find more logic in this than the writers.
  24. It probably won't be anything logical. I hope it's to be a distraction while he's planning something else but it'll probably end up being because... it's not really explained. (And because they need to lead into new BC.) I can't imagine that Prometheus would actually think that BS would be able to fool them long enough to serve as a mole for longer than one night, maybe two days. Can someone remind me what BS did while working for Zoom on The Flash? How many people did she hurt? Maybe that's what will be changed because of Flashpoint? She won't have actually done anything that bad so Oliver won't look like a complete idiot (only 99% an idiot instead of 100%) for looking for a piece of LL in her?
  25. I can buy that. Especially if they want to have everyone believe that the woman in the final scene is BS until the last moment when they reveal it's actually Tina.
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