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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. I really wonder how some of these sites are going to react, especially after all the "should Felicity become the new BC" polls I'm seeing. Wait, seriously? WOW. I really don't see the point in doing that.
  2. I don't get the point of the cupping of his face. (I also didn't get it last season when she did it either.)
  3. "Likes to cup his face." But I guess Prometheus doesn't know about the alcoholic part?
  4. Also consider the fact that the panel is for all four shows - there's only so much time they'll have for each show, and they might be trying to sell "masks, masks, masks" the entire time, so it could depend on what's been shown on-screen by then and how much time is devoted to audience Qs.
  5. Oh, I agree. But I'm talking about whether or not he'll notice, not if he'll do something about it. They could have him mention it to someone else (say, Diggle or Thea), wonder if she's talked to either of them, etc.
  6. Oh, I agree. But it's still ridiculous for someone to jet off to another country with people they just met after just moving to a new city.
  7. It's why I'm all for Tina and Rene having a past. It's the only explanation I can think of that would make sense with what's coming up and what we've gotten - talk about Rene's past/ex, Rene flashbacks, etc. I also hope there's a time jump between 511 and 512, otherwise, what, after a week or two at the most, the team decides, "Yep, we can trust Tina with all of this" and Tina's all, "Yep, flying off to Russia with these people I just met. Great idea!" ETA: Also consider this: Tina will have just moved to Star City. She has to find a place to live and move her stuff in. That kind of stuff takes priority over helping a group of people she just met in another country.
  8. Maybe that's why Thea's not going to Russia? Because she refuses to help her brother with a mess that he wouldn't be in if he had listened to her about Susan? I really don't want to see Oliver going to the team and saying, "So, I need your help protecting my girlfriend" and everyone just agreeing. I'd much rather Oliver break up with Susan, go to the team with his tail between his legs and go, "I'm an idiot. Please help me so it doesn't get out that I was in Russia when I shouldn't have been and about the Bratva?" And then Susan shows up in 515 for some other reason. I do want to see the others on Felicity's side when it comes to whatever she's doing. I'd love to see Diggle, Thea, Lance and Rory know before he does and not see a problem with her not telling Oliver.
  9. Even if she does, remember it was last season that Oliver told her she didn't have to be funny for him. So even if she's putting up a front, he should notice. Or did the break-up make him forget everything he knows about her? (The show is certainly acting like the break-up erased everything we saw about their relationship, so who knows?)
  10. I fear this is what we're going to see. Think about it - he's going to have to spend enough time with Susan that she's not suspicious of where he is or he's risking her looking into what he's doing and finding out he's GA. So I won't be surprised if we again (like in 507) see Oliver say something like, "Oh, I'm meeting Susan for drinks/dinner/etc" while the rest of the team is in the lair working on something Prometheus or villain of the week related. Especially since CP is only slated for what, 2 more episodes (if 15 is to be believed). They're going to have to have most of that "relationship" off-screen and in order for viewers to know he's still dating her, he's going to have to bring it up in conversation. Maybe he can even be shown on the phone with her in the lair while Felicity's working on her computers in the background. I wouldn't put anything past the writers.
  11. He started and ended the episode with bad decisions involving Susan. Think back to the fact that he brought Susan as his date to the holiday party that Thea planned. He brought the reporter who manipulated his sister to the party that said sister planned.
  12. Nope. 415 had Felicity as far away from William and any conversations about him as possible.
  13. Imagine if Billy is/was future William, heard about what his father did to Felicity and decided to travel back in time to try to be the BF he felt she deserved. He could even then be Prometheus too. (I don't think this will happen at all.)
  14. I really doubt they'd do that. Also, I don't see how that would matter? If she's pregnant and it's not Oliver's, why should she have to tell him? Unless they're back together, which I don't see happening by that point, considering everything else going on and how much they're dragging out the reporter. Plus, she'd probably have to start showing by that point, right? Depending on when 15 (or whatever episode it's in) airs. That's what I thought too. I don't think there's time for Felicity to have two secrets in the next handful of episodes.
  15. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Thea then reaching for Oliver (while sort of pulling Felicity along in that half-hug) as the scene ended? (I don't want to rewatch even a GIF because it makes me rage-y.) Talk all you want about off-screen stuff, but that makes it seem more likely that anything off-screen after that wouldn't have included comforting Felicity but all the comfort from the team going to Oliver and sort of dragging Felicity into it and then Felicity wanting to be alone because, like she said in 413, whatever she was feeling/going through/dealing with wasn't as important. #GiveFelicityaFriendin2017
  16. Bringing these over from the Heartaches and 509 threads in case it gets (too) spoiler-y: The thing is, that spoiler from SA says that Felicity's secret comes out in 515, and assuming that it's what happens in 510-512 that puts her on her "darker" path, that's still another handful of episodes before Oliver presumably notices that something's up with her. (And I'm not surprised, considering we have BS, recruiting Tina, Bratva, Susan, forming a connection with Tina, mayor stuff, etc. coming up for Oliver.) There's being "unaware of the depth of her trauma right now" and then there's what we're seeing on screen, which is that they're intentionally writing Felicity as being so okay to the point that she didn't react to her friends being kidnapped by aliens and the majority of Havenrock in the earlier episodes was about Rory and getting him back on the team. My fear is that they're going to turn this into another way to stall a reunion by having Oliver think that Felicity won't want to get back together at all ever because he killed her BF, while Felicity doesn't blame him and instead just sees him with Susan (especially if she's around until 515) and thinks he has really moved on while she realizes that she didn't and couldn't. I don't want this to happen, but my faith in the writers is slim to none right now. At this point, I just hope that if the next BC fails, they decide that since the third time isn't the charm (let's not count Evelyn), that's a sign that they should just give up. (If only Tina could succeed as a detective but fail as BC, but I doubt we'll see enough of her as a detective for that to be possible.) Whatever reason Cupid is back, I want to see her interact with Felicity.
  17. This probably could have also been solved if Susan hadn't been in lingerie. Again, as has been said in this forum multiple times, seriously, it's December. Lingerie + kiss + ambiguous end to scene = sex on TV.
  18. Yep. Just think about when Felicity was paralyzed last season. We didn't get to see the doctor telling her she'd never walk again - or anything really about her in the hospital, other than her assuring the others that she'd be fine before yet another surgery and then seeing how Oliver was doing and if he'd gone off the rails - but we saw Oliver find out. And again, Oliver didn't have to be with Felicity. He could have even just stood outside the loft. Looked up at the loft. Jumped on the balcony. Even just looked at her name in the Contacts list on his phone. Something. And then went to Susan's so he'd have someone to give his speech to. It really says something about the show that the EPs and SA had to clarify multiple times that Oliver didn't have sex with Susan, and to me, that says that they honestly didn't think about how their hero would look - going to see the woman he's barely dating and who's waiting in lingerie while Felicity, Curtis and Diggle are miserable. That goes back to focusing on Oliver.
  19. Think of it this way: How would everyone have reacted if the situation was reversed? If say after the death of someone Oliver cared about, Felicity had sought comfort in someone else? (Say her actions hadn't even led to that person's death, just that someone he cared about died and then she was seen going to a guy she had gone on a date with?) Oliver's being a horrible friend/brother this season. It's as simple as that.
  20. Imagine if they held auditions for the next BC with OTA as the judges.
  21. You know, thinking about what people said about Grey's bringing in new characters and killing them (I think?), if the point of all these new characters is to have people to kill off near the end of the season with whatever Prometheus is going to have planned - wonder what he'll do in May - is the point of spending all this time on them to try to make us care about them? Because I have to say, it's not working. If it becomes very clear that Tina's not working, I won't be surprised if she dies because this interview makes it clear they just care about a Black Canary. (I wonder how many women are suddenly going to have a metahuman canary cry from being in CC if this is the case or if they'll go back to using tech.) No explanation necessary for WD. (Take him, Prometheus. Or have WD leave town. Something. I really don't want him around in S6.) They could kill off poor Rory simply because of the magic in his rags and then, between seasons, again talk about "getting back to basics" without magic. (Rory is the only one I'd miss.)
  22. I wonder if they'll even address how Lance is going to feel about someone else suiting up as BC. Please don't let it lead to him drinking again. ETA: I wonder if Lance will even have scenes with Tina or if they'll just avoid that as much as possible.
  23. Maybe they're going to wait to give her the BC name until they see if viewers like her. So then they don't have to have yet another BC next year - they can just get rid of Tina and try again without having to say "Yep, another BC failed. But BC is super important to GA, guys."
  24. Just realized that if they do have Tina going around as BC, I hope someone calls Sara and lets her know and she doesn't find out because of some news article stating something along the lines of "Black Canary Saves X in Star City."
  25. Gotta love how everyone else gets a code name within, what, at the most half a season of suiting up (assuming Tina gets hers by season's end and not soon-ish), but Diggle was in the field with Oliver and they were talking to Felicity on comms since S1 and it took until S4 for them to get code names.
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