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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Maybe the goal should be to get to 150 episodes before thinking of 200. 9 seasons of a show is impressive/somewhat rare these days.
  2. Before Billy died, I would've been good with him being Prometheus. But now that he's dead and we've seen Felicity mourning, I'm off that train because Felicity's been through enough and they'd probably focus on how Oliver feels about it since he thought he killed an innocent man. If Prometheus is time-traveling William, I now need him to take out the GA figure mid-fight and destroy it. Preferably mid-flip.
  3. I think it's just going to end up being that TR deserved better than what he got. They needed a reason for Oliver to date Susan, so they had Felicity date first. (But are we going to see him call her his girlfriend when Felicity had problems with the word boyfriend after months?) They needed something to kickstart Felicity's 5B arc and give Oliver another reason to feel guilty, so they killed off her BF (even though they probably could have given her the same motivation to go after Prometheus if she hadn't been dating Billy and she had just wanted to go after him for manipulating Oliver - the quote about her hurting for Billy, Oliver and herself - especially if Oliver is busy with other stuff and not completely focused on Prometheus). I wonder what TR knew about the character going in: "So you're going to be in 1 scene in the episodes you're in, until the episode we kill you off. Then we'll give you a couple more."
  4. I've sort of given up on Prometheus' identity. It's fun coming up with theories, but I fear whoever he is won't be as interesting as what people on here are suggesting, so it's best to have low expectations about how that'll play out on screen. Same about Oliver. I want Susan to expose him. (But please don't make it something that everyone else has to help him fix and therefore ignore Prometheus, though that's where it seems to be going.) I don't want her to suddenly decide because of "feelings" she's not going to do her job. (But I don't want to see him all hurt because I don't want the show to be telling me he actually cared about her enough for it to truly bother him considering he should expect it after what she did to his sister. And I really don't want it to turn into something where he's supposed to understand how it hurt Felicity for him to lie because it's not the same thing at all. Fiancée he called his "always" - even if the show seems to have forgotten that - does not compare to woman he's barely dating.) And considering Felicity, Diggle and Curtis are going to be hurting right now, am I supposed to want to see Oliver not miserable? I can't help but wonder how Prometheus isn't looking at Oliver right now and wondering how he's so stupid/if he actually needs to do anything or Oliver will ruin everything himself. Right now, the only characters I'm rooting for are Felicity, Diggle, Thea, Lance (save him from the mourning a dead daughter/drinking cycle please!) and Rory.
  5. I feel like making characters former military is their way of eliminating needing to spend any time whatsoever on training. It's as simple as that. I can't wait to see how they explain trusting Tina with their identities after they just got screwed over by Evelyn. Sure, Prometheus knows who they are but what about trusting an anti-vigilante detective? Maybe it's all about Oliver trusting the wrong people: Evelyn betrays them to Prometheus, Susan could expose his Bratva past and Tina could expose the team's identities. Tina doesn't even need to be working for Prometheus for that. (I may just really want a good recurring female villain on this show.)
  6. See, the thing is, if Tina is somehow working for/with Prometheus, I wish they'd let the audience in right off the bat. I hate the need for these Gotcha! moments.
  7. How's this for an out there theory involving a secret son? Prometheus is future William, who time-traveled (and was maybe brainwashed - by time-traveling Malcolm?) and hates Oliver for some reason. He did his homework, so he could stage the Claybourne scene. He even put Billy in the suit so that technically, it was right name, wrong person when Oliver killed him.
  8. I wonder if Prometheus might leave Claybourne's body staged for Oliver in an episode around 513-516 if he's not Prometheus. Maybe we'll even get another set of S1 flashbacks and Prometheus will use Claybourne's son to recreate another scene like 509.
  9. I think that was the problem with casting JB as Malcolm. I love JB, I do, and I love seeing him on my TV screen, but dear god am I tired of Malcolm showing up. Wasn't he just there one moment and gone the next at the end of last season? I don't even remember where he was last seen in S4. He hasn't even been mentioned this year (and encountering him is probably something that Sara should call the team about, even though they have that special force field up that prevents the teams from talking outside crossover time), so I wonder if they've even thought about him in the writers' room beyond, "This is when we'll have JB available, so let's come up with some sort of story for Malcolm. Great!"
  10. I'm glad they're giving iZombie a panel since it's not back until April. April! (I miss iZombie.) Not surprised TVD isn't getting a panel since it's over in March. Not really surprised nothing for The Originals because that show is not going to last much longer.
  11. Yeah, that was awful. I think it was also because we barely saw any of Felicity/Billy's relationship. That was, what, the third scene we had with them? 1 in the premiere, 1 in 502 and then that one, right? So not even 5 minutes on-screen together and she's saying she owed him for cancelling on him? They could have easily made that a coffee date.
  12. Felicity financially supporting Oliver while he was lying to her will always make me rage-y. I remember thinking last season that he better not have been using her money to pay for trips to CC or anything related to Samantha or William.
  13. I wish we'd get the "Felicity and Friends" show so many people are always talking about. I'd be more excited about that show each week than I am Arrow right now. Maybe Felicity would actually get a POV for once. ETA: Also, then Felicity might have friends who care about her, are there for her and check on her after she goes through something traumatic instead of comforting the guy who killed her BF.
  14. That shouldn't even be in the article.
  15. Exactly. It's why I found the 509 "reveal" so disappointing. I just kept thinking, "really?" throughout the entire episode. Maybe if Prometheus had been unmasked, it wouldn't have been as bad (but still pretty bad)? But the fact that they're saying, oh, it's this Claybourne guy but not showing him yet? There has to be something else going on. (Please let there be something else going on.)
  16. At this point, I just hope they knew who Prometheus was before the season began and don't just throw something together and that's why he hasn't been unmasked yet and the 509 explanation seemed weak (at least to me, for a big reveal like that).
  17. I hope that it's acknowledged on-screen that it's everything that has led Felicity to this place. I don't want a scene of the others thinking, "Oh, wow, Billy meant more to her than we thought. She must have loved him, etc." I want them to remember, "Oh, yeah, Felicity has been through a lot over the past year. And no one has really tried to talk to her about that..." I don't want Felicity to have to remind them. I don't want them to have to say it in an interview like they did for Evelyn's betrayal or spell it out in tweets after the episodes air. The more I think about it, it's too bad they couldn't have just made Billy Felicity's friend. She could have still been upset about his loss, and he could have still been targeted by Prometheus and died in the same way (because he's a cop, and Felicity still could have used him for evidence, told him she worked with the GA, etc.). She could have still had the same motivation to go after Prometheus and still could have been bottling everything up, but we just wouldn't have had all the times where she stumbled over what to call him and she still could've been wary about introducing him to the others because she wanted to keep her Team Arrow life and a "regular" life separate. Felicity still could've been awkward with Oliver/Susan at the party, just minus the double date comment, since Billy was really an afterthought in that entire exchange. But no, they had to make him her boyfriend so Oliver could date Susan for the Bratva storyline.
  18. Hmm, true. (Though I don't feel like re-reading the Reddit spoilers to check.) Maybe this is when BS kidnaps Felicity? Or the Reddit guy had an earlier draft of a script? The photos do look to just be from one scene of the episode.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens. I feel like Oliver is always just going to see her as "the one that lights [his] way." I don't think the show would actually have her do anything that dark, but instead, it's going to be about her not telling the others. So, the 510 photos. Not one of KC? There was already that spoiler-y promo. Come on, CW. I will say that I'm more excited to see Felicity and Prometheus in the same room than I am for another Oliver vs. Prometheus fight. Especially since the fight can't really go anywhere because it's only the midseason premiere.
  20. One problem is that I feel like even if just Oliver decides to make some sort of "I am Green Arrow" announcement, the others might have no choice in their identities being revealed because of the connections that can be made from that (much like how I mentioned before about revealing LL as BC). So then it better be a group decision - as in, unanimous, every single person 100% for it, pardons acquired for any wrongful actions they could possibly be prosecuted for, etc. - before it happens. I think another problem is dealing with the public knowing who they are for at least another 23 episodes (in S6, if it happens in the S5 finale). Maintaining that with movies is a lot easier than doing so with a TV show. Unless the plan is to then have that be the conflict - who is okay with it and who isn't, how the team deals with it, would Oliver still be mayor, could the others have jobs, etc. But how many episodes could that last? ETA: And would Oliver then reveal he was also the Arrow or still pretend that was Roy?
  21. You know what I'd like to see? Similar to that outline MG posted about the pilot, I'd like to see any notes from previous seasons about the next season. (Like what they thought in S1 they'd do in S2, S2 in S3, S3 in S4, S4 in S5.) I'd like to know if whatever plan they had for Olicity after the breakup is the same as what we see on screen. We know that they had different versions of what LL said, but did they always plan to bring in Tina (or a new female mask mid-S5)? Etc.
  22. I think that's why they're going to have BS destroy the statue. Sure, it's still written on Laurel's gravestone, but it's another thing to have a giant statue of the previous BC when a new one is going to be popping up? Maybe Oliver will hold a press conference to announce, "Oh, isn't it wonderful that the BC legacy is being carried on by, uh, someone, I have no idea who it is (and ignore the fact that there's a new detective in town with the skills, and she popped up right after I took some vacation time). I'm completely in the dark, even though last year, I revealed that my ex-GF was BC, who protected the city with three people and it's not a stretch to imagine they had someone else helping them, maybe on computers, and what do you know, me, my ex-fiancee (who went to MIT and would be able to work computers), my sister and my former bodyguard hung out with her all the time. And it's not suspicious that none of us had any other friends. But I have no idea who this new person is going around as BC. No idea whatsoever. But this is a good thing." You know, they could have had Susan (or some other reporter) decide to start looking into that - if Laurel was BC, doesn't it seem a bit obvious who the other masks are in town? Then the reporter could have maybe felt torn between continuing to dig - it would be a good story - and leaving it be - isn't it better to not reveal who they are because they're protecting the city? Especially if it's around the same time Prometheus showed up and started dropping bodies?
  23. I've had the same thought. I guess because Prometheus wants Oliver to suffer and it would be more difficult to do his thing if the public knew who he - and everyone else on the team - is? Maybe that'll be part of his game plan in 5B - would actually be interesting to watch as the team has to scramble to cover their tracks in the event that that happens.
  24. I think it all comes down to the fact that Oliver is going to be forming a connection with Tina at the same time Felicity is going down a dark path and with people not on the team. It may not come across that way on screen, but it sounds like they're trying to give O/T time to develop - as friends, as a future couple, whatever - while keeping Felicity out of the picture. Now that may just be down to interviews/what little we know about the timing of Felicity's arc and if/when someone will notice and be there for her.
  25. Oh, I've completely given up on Oliver ever apologizing to Felicity for the BMD. I think the show would sooner have Felicity apologize to Oliver for it than admit they did so much wrong with that storyline. I think that the show took a moment to have Felicity say to Curtis that she and Oliver don't talk anymore, but they haven't had anything from Oliver's side saying the same thing. (I might be wrong.) I think that if they had, maybe Oliver wouldn't come across as not caring about Felicity in season 5. (It would have also helped with the fact that the majority of the Havenrock talk was for Rory's part of it.)
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