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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. What I'm interested in seeing is the explanation for why Tina agrees to be the new BC (assuming she does, and same for whoever may take it up after her since they seem to be on a "must have a BC" kick). She doesn't have a connection to Laurel or Sara or even the Lance family. She doesn't have a connection to Star City. (Or will it come out that she and LL were BFFs one summer a long time ago when her family vacationed in Starling City? Maybe she'll really bond with Lance - detective and former captain - and decide to honor his daughter?) Are they going to make Tina so nice that she says, "Sure, I'll be the new Black Canary even though I have no reason to" in hopes of winning over the LL/BC fans? Why wouldn't she want to be her own person/mask/etc.?
  2. So are they saying the person behind the mask doesn't matter as long as someone's a Black Canary? Is that their way of handling the situation in case Tina doesn't work out? They can then just have a new BC every season until one sticks?
  3. Maybe they think it's better for the woman to be completely in the dark until the superhero dies in a fight against a villain, the news reports on it, she's waiting for her husband to come home still and then the news reports, "And X was actually..." and she learns that way that the man she married is never coming home.
  4. Yeah, that's my reaction as well. Sometimes I wonder if there are two versions of Arrow - the one that I'm watching and the one that others are.
  5. If you get to the point where you're marrying someone - or going to marry someone *cough*Arrow*cough* - there are certain things you should be able to tell someone, since if you're marrying someone, you trust them. Like, how you spend some of your time speeding around the city, that you have a kid, etc.
  6. Those articles are everywhere and they're all click/hate-bait. They want people to start raging against the idea, no matter how many times everyone says that won't happen. A press release could be issued stating "Felicity will 100% never become the Black Canary" and people will still say they think it's going to happen.
  7. Hasn't EBR also said she's wanted Felicity to have friends and then they gave her a BF this season? So... Exactly. So then when the others find out, she can point out that she didn't reveal who she is - which could lead to someone finding out who the others are - and was very careful. Considering how she felt after finding out about Evelyn's betrayal, this would make sense. (It would also make sense if, perhaps, she looped in Lyla, so she could have ARGUS as a backup and/or something to threaten the new group with.)
  8. Yeah, the poor guy gets out of rehab and has to deal with Rene. Who thought that was a good idea?
  9. Unless Felicity does everything from behind a computer to keep her identity from them? Then they could have them filming on different days - EBR does her stuff, then the others do their field stuff. Still impatiently waiting for anything on Thea and Lance in 5B.
  10. I can't help but think the minimal time they spent on Felicity/Billy in 5A could have been spent giving us another conversation or two between Felicity and Rory. They set that up as a friendship they were going to develop in 504 and then ... nothing.
  11. Not surprised. I'd expect an announcement to come semi-soon after TVD's finale if possible. And leading a new show makes more sense. Good way to try to make sure it succeeds - try to bring in his fan base.
  12. And think of it this way - how was she getting evidence/analyzing stuff before she started dating Mayo? Did they happen to have all the equipment they needed then in the lair, but suddenly, nope, don't have that because cop BF? They needed him to be a cop more for GA business - meeting GA in 503, crossing paths with Prometheus and leading to his death in 509 - than for Felicity. (If they didn't make him a cop, they probably never would have mentioned his job at all.) The fact that they gave them, what, a handful of scenes together, pretty much says exactly how little they cared about that relationship. These relationships for Oliver and Felicity just boil down to PLOT and the fact that they seem to think that they couldn't have them both be single when S5 began and not work on getting them back together in 5A.
  13. You know what flashbacks I'd rather see? Felicity and Diggle bonding between seasons 1 and 2. Team between seasons 2 and 3. Olicity on their trip/deciding to get a house in Ivy Town and Diggle/Thea/Laurel learning to work together between season 3 and 4. Etc. You know, flashbacks with the regulars.
  14. Ugh, WD. They probably hope that the flashbacks will paint him in a new light and make viewers, at the very least, warm up to him, but they're going to have to be pretty spectacular for that to happen. That makes me think that present-day 513 is going to be Rene-focused too. Oh joy.
  15. It might have worked if everyone had surrounded Felicity in 509 and only Diggle or Thea had moved to Oliver. Instead, he had an entire team of people telling him that they were there for him. It just looks like as soon as Oliver found out Felicity had a BF and he decided he should try to move on too, he figured that the first female to show him attention was his best bet. HT told him Susan was interested, so Oliver decided, "Yep, that works."
  16. I hope she's finally filming for LoT just so we finally find out what their plan is for her on there. What would be the point of bringing her back to Arrow, especially after 510?
  17. If they're going to keep WD beyond this season, he needs a serious attitude makeover. Maybe Lance can give him once since they have at least one scene coming up together. Maybe the machine that braids Curtis' hair before they go out into the field has a "personality transplant" option. I definitely agree about Curtis. If they don't want him in the field, let him do something else in the lair, not help Felicity with something she would have done herself before he came along. I really hope Rory doesn't die. However, if we suddenly get a Rory-heavy episode or arc, I'm going to be very, very worried about his future. I don't know if Evelyn is dead or if she's just going to fade away until (they hope) people forget she existed. That's the problem with Oliver dating a reporter when he is who he is (mayor and Green Arrow and part of a team). As I've said before, his decisions affect others. What if Susan decides that she's not going to use what she has against Oliver but needs a good story so starts looking elsewhere? And what if her focus moves to those around him since no one else seems to be important in Star City? She already reported on Lance's "questionable" appointment. What if she looks into Oliver's former bodyguard who was arrested, broke out of prison then was arrested again? Etc. That's the problem if they make Tina the new canary right away. That should wait until the end of the season, until they know they definitely want her around in a series regular capacity in S6. Black Flash only goes after speedsters, so unless someone on Arrow is revealed to be one (or gets in his way maybe?), I think they're safe. But he's free to go after WD if he wants.
  18. I was wondering that too. They'll probably go from being in the lair to being in Russia after a commercial break. No explanation needed! (I'm hoping they at least say they take an ARGUS plane. Maybe they can say that Lyla gives them one to use as a thanks for proving her husband's innocence? I don't know. Just give me some sort of explanation, show.) Also, they're bringing Tina to Star City in 511 and the next episode, she's jetting off to Russia with them? I really expect Oliver's pitch to her to be the best thing anyone has ever said because otherwise ... why? And how is Thea going to spin this one? "Uh, the mayor is out of town visiting some friends in Russia. But don't look too closely at that. And please ignore anything a certain reporter he's stupidly dating might say about him being in Russia when he should have been on the island. Also, don't question that the number of people going with him sort of matches up to the number of people on Team Arrow." Unless they're planning to sneak Oliver over and pretend he has another medical emergency and that's why he won't be seen in Star City.
  19. Maybe Oliver won't find out Susan's connected to whatever happens in 512 until 515? I really hope Oliver/Susan is over sooner rather than later. I don't want him dating her off-screen up until (at least) 515. (What would he tell her about all the times he has to go for GA business? I hope he's smart enough to not tell a reporter he's GA - and risk her finding out about the others.) And if he keeps dating her after finding out she was investigating him? Dear god no. Would we then get a scene of him telling someone (maybe Thea), "Well, she was just doing her job?" (Really hope not.) Is the show going to be trying to tell us that this relationship is "real"? Honestly, if he does keep dating a reporter after she digs into his life, I'm not surprised Felicity - or anyone - is going to be keeping secrets from him. Who knows what he could let slip? And sure, even if Susan doesn't use what she finds against him, who knows what would happen when they break up? Such a bad idea. I don't think they'd be so stupid as to have a love triangle next season. At least, I hope not. I sometimes want to sit down every single EP and writer and make them watch shows that put couples together and actually let them be together, like Bones and NCIS: LA. Guess what? It works!
  20. I think it depends on what Oliver's doing at the time. If he's focused on being mayor (perhaps damage control after however the Susan stuff ends?) and splitting his focus between Prometheus and other bad guys as GA, we may get another "oh, it's not as important as..." (which still bugs me about 413 and made me think the reason Felicity deals with things on her own is because that's what she always had to do and that hasn't changed) or "well, you were doing X, so I took matters into my own hands because Prometheus needs to be a priority..." I'm just going to keep hoping Noah comes back at some point. And that the show at least mentions Donna in relation to Felicity. I wonder if she even knew she was dating Billy or if they've even considered that in the writers' room. Maybe they'll say Felicity didn't tell her about him (another mark in the "wasn't real" column) and that's why she's not visiting to be there for her daughter?
  21. They haven't forgotten about Havenrock! (I just hope that what we're getting in these interviews is what we see play out on screen.) That gives me hope for more Felicity/Rory scenes. Please give me more Felicity/Rory scenes. (Give me more Rory scenes in general. Give Rory something to do other than be the human shield when the team goes out into the field.)
  22. Are they trying to make this the season where everyone keeps something from Oliver? Evelyn hid how she really felt and joined up with Prometheus. Thea kept Lance's drinking to herself (even though Oliver just didn't do anything about it after he visited him in 501). Susan's hiding that she's investigating his Russian past. Now Felicity's not going to be telling him what she's up to. Am I forgetting anything?
  23. Watch the whole point of this be to have Felicity apologize to Oliver... I'm going to try to have more faith in this storyline than that, I am, but it's going to be hard. Whatever happens, whoever ends up part of this storyline, I hope they give it a good chunk of screen time and the majority of it features Felicity and not the others talking about her.
  24. Unless Oliver and Felicity are back together, engaged and actively planning a wedding by then and Felicity is lying to him about where she's going, no, it can't be the same at all and I don't care what the show tries to tell me. That does make me think that 510-512 is going to be what leads to Felicity's arc, so seeing Oliver more focused on BS, recruiting Tina, Bratva/Susan storyline/whatever that ends up being, etc., leads to her looking elsewhere to take down Prometheus.
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