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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. I wonder what the logic is going to be behind Oliver, Rene and Curtis going on this trip to find Tina. Of course Oliver has to go, Curtis probably because he's tracking her/wants to get out of town because of marital problems/Rene because... why not? History with Tina would make the most sense for Rene to join the trip. They're leaving Rory and I guess Thea? to suit up if something happens in Star City while they're gone. And with Prometheus out there... If Prometheus is smart, he'll do something big while Oliver's out of town.
  2. Don't you know? If someone has the canary cry and is a vigilante, they must be good and trustworthy. It's why Oliver's going to be so eager to find any bit of Laurel in Black Siren. Never mind that Black Siren was going around using the cry probably for years before Laurel had it. And never mind that Laurel took Sara's tech and modified it. I feel like Arrow only remembers Sara was the Canary when it's necessary for the story. I will never understand that. Especially since they have a speedster for a friend. I'm pretty sure Barry would have ran around the world putting pieces of the totem in different places if they asked. Even if he was busy, he could have made a few separate trips. I wonder if they're trying to make it a surprise that Tina becomes the new BC and they think if they don't say much about her or make her the focus, no one will guess. Never mind the fact that it's everywhere online.
  3. Right? Especially since Evelyn's betrayal just happened. I'd expect them to take a good month or so to watch/vet someone completely before bringing them on. Ask Lyla to run a background check using ARGUS resources. Etc. Not see reports about a vigilante wreaking havoc, forgetting that they've been hunting down a vigilante pretty much doing the same in their own city, and decide, "Yep, she's good for the team! Let's go get her!"
  4. So happy Felicity's going to be trying to help Diggle. Please let this result in a really nice Felicity/Diggle scene once he's free. I guess the fact that she's been "wreaking havoc all over the country" explains why it's so easy for her to just move to Star City. The anti-vigilante detective who's a vigilante. Yeah, if all of that is true, I think she's going to be done being "anti-vigilante" before the end of 5x11. Unless she's anti-non-meta vigilantes? Or anti-every-vigilante-but-me? But Vigilante isn't female and since Evelyn betrayed them, they need a female vigilante.
  5. And with threats to his life because he's the mayor and Oliver Queen. Really, it's pretty impressive.
  6. You know, if they hadn't been so insistent on breaking up O/F last season using the BMD and Oliver had told Felicity about William from the start, we could have gotten a scene or two where he told her he was worried about going to see his son or something ... so that it wasn't just one scene of him with William in 408, a mention of trips to CC in 412 and then bam, William kidnapped and it being this whole "What? But how could that happen when the only people who knew included the man whose hand I just cut off?" We could have gotten something else that would make me care about the kid instead of thinking, "Wow, this kid is an idiot. But then again, his mom is telling him it's okay to play with men who are her friends, so..." They really should have done more for the father/son relationship instead of just making it "Well, he's his son, so therefore he's the most important person to Oliver."
  7. It really did ruin everything. Especially since in 412, Oliver mentioned trips to CC, and I couldn't help but think, "So, did you start making those trips after Felicity was out of the hospital and recovering at home and adjusting to life in a wheelchair or...?" The problem there was that they didn't want to deal with BMD until 414/415, so they kind of pretended it didn't exist, but still threw in that CC line. They weren't very clear about what was and wasn't happening there. That's just bad writing.
  8. It better not be a 409 redux with Susan. Maybe Prometheus recreates 409 with random people to get to Oliver? Sort of like he recreated the scene in 509?
  9. It's also the fact that we saw Oliver learn she was paralyzed but we didn't see Felicity get the diagnosis herself. We don't even know how many surgeries she had (just that she was going in for another one and Oliver was busy going out and fighting ghosts and getting nowhere). He didn't even know they'd brought in another doctor to consult - remember he brought up the doctor and Donna told him that already happened? All of this could have been solved if they didn't show people constantly tell Oliver to go see her and him saying, "No, she'd want me to be doing this." (No, Oliver, I'm pretty sure your paralyzed fiancee would like you to take five minutes to go see her.) Even Donna's anger lasted for all of one sentence before Oliver was distracted by the diagnosis, wanting to see Felicity and then leaving again after he saw the news report about Anarky.
  10. I think the problem is that didn't WM say that they talked off-screen? So while to us, there are still unresolved issues from S4, I feel like that's not the case for the writers. So yes, I'd like to see them talk about BMD (and clarify just how many times Oliver went to CC) and even bring up him not staying in the hospital with her (not as a main point, but even perhaps as a, "I'm used to doing things on my own, hence why I did X," from Felicity, etc., but I just don't think it's going to happen. These are things that I feel like I need to see them discuss on-screen before a reunion, but I don't think that's true for the writers. Right now, I think it's best to be happy that they haven't just moved on from Havenrock and are going to use it in Felicity's upcoming arc. They could have easily said she dealt with that over the summer and tried to make her arc all about losing Billy if they wanted, even with what we saw of them on-screen.
  11. I feel like there needs to be some big confrontation before they can even start thinking about a reunion. Especially after what we saw in 4B/5A.
  12. Oh, I never thought she'd wear LL's. I think that with every new (Black) Canary, there's going to be a new costume design.
  13. Random question I just wondered about: Whose suits are in the cases in the lair? Is it still GA, BC, Speedy and Spartan? Do the newbies keep their gear elsewhere? Is Tina going to have to do that, or if she takes over as BC, will she get upgraded to a case?
  14. I still think it would be funny if the guys made this road trip to get Tina and she ended up being part of whatever Felicity has coming up. Let the guys do the leg work and then have Felicity recruit her. (I know it won't happen.) I do wonder if 514 could have the Dark BOP (if this actually happens) due to the filming dates for the women and then 515 is more about the fallout/aftermath of whatever happens? Maybe the team ends up picking up from where the women leave off or something? It really all depends on how long Felicity's arc is going to last. Of course, this also depends on what Prometheus is going to be up to in 5B, and I don't think we've gotten any real indication as to that. According to the 510 leak, he apparently frees Black Siren, but then what? (Hey, maybe once Diggle is out of prison, he and Felicity should team up and put together some sort of security firm for superhero bases. It's way too easy to get into the lair and S.T.A.R. Labs.)
  15. I thought it's 5-4ever? As in, instead of 511, 512, etc.
  16. We also know Lance is in 513(?) from that BTS photo of PB and SA in the mayor's office. I went back to re-read the comments about Thea from over the summer and it's all about how she's doing an amazing job as Oliver's chief of staff, better than he does as mayor (and may suit up as Speedy again), so I wonder if they plan to have her continue on that career path and that be her focus for 5B? I really like seeing how far Thea has come from S1. Also, wasn't there spec that WH and EBR were filming together based on EBR's tweet?
  17. I hope we get Felicity/Thea/Lance/Rory scenes (or some combinations of those four) while the guys are on their road trip. I'm assuming that 511 is going to be the episode where Diggle's innocence is proven (since he seems to be going to Russia in 512), so he might not get scenes with the others until the end? Bring on Talia. She's definitely a new character I'm very interested in seeing on screen. I wonder if 511 will just introduce her and we'll get more of her in 512? Oh wow, I always forget that DJ was a character that actually existed. Thea has not had much luck LI-wise, has she? (Which reminds me that I couldn't tell if Alex was dead or not last season.) I thought he said that if they wanted Oliver to be a playboy, they needed to write him as one. But maybe I'm remembering a different interview?
  18. That's what I'm hoping. And probably something about Chase, perhaps connected to Diggle? Maybe also something flashback-related, especially since 511 should be leading into the Bratva stuff in 512 (and I still think that's the episode Oliver's getting his tattoo).
  19. This. Especially if they plan on having Tina be the new BC and stick around. If we're going to have to see a new BC, I want to at least like Tina as BC, whatever else she has going on. But I don't want her to be the "best fighter ever." Let her be a great fighter because of her background, but make it clear that she's not the best. She doesn't have to be perfect. I can understand if they don't want to spend time training her and think that's the way to eliminate that need, but it's not and they've had other fighters who should be better than her unless, while she was a Marine and a detective, she also spent time in the LoA, trained in Russia with Talia and did like three other things to learn to fight. Which is impossible.
  20. This is why I think the smartest thing for the show to do is make Tina Oliver's friend - and only his friend. Susan claimed he needed a "friend" when she invited him for drinks. Since Oliver seems to have forgotten he has friends who have been there for him for years, fine, give him a new friend who doesn't have some hidden agenda and let him and Tina just be friends. (Then again, they could still do that this season and set them up for a relationship next season, though I do think keeping Oliver and Felicity apart for another summer would be stupid unless they're never going back to them.)
  21. Yeah, I don't get this either. Maybe they had a different plan for Susan? All I know is that as soon as that aired, I wanted Thea's threat to become a reality. And especially since Thea has pretty much nothing else to do this season - at least so far - I want her to be right. Imagine if they hadn't gone the LI route with Susan and had instead focused on Thea vs. Susan, with Oliver firmly on his sister's side in the matter. That's what I had hoped for.
  22. Maybe they got confused and instead of getting flashback Russia Oliver to the point we met him in the pilot, they're making present day Oliver match flashback Oliver? I don't know. But yeah, this is definitely too far.
  23. My problem is also he says he ruins the lives of those around him, and guess what? He went to a woman who almost had his sister resigning from her job and possibly ruining her professional life. (Right? I'm remembering that correctly, right?) Maybe the show shouldn't have been pushing how important Thea is to Oliver all this time and then had him date Susan after what she did (and can still do).
  24. I would really hope it would tell them something if the next BC fails. This is still one of my favorite things. Wasn't this interview from post 309 too? After Oliver had said "I love you" to Felicity? Or am I remembering incorrectly?
  25. Especially since Thea suited up to stand with him on a roof. But it just comes down to the fact that they don't want any drama between Oliver and Felicity. So therefore, Felicity immediately blames Prometheus. I don't think it has anything to do with Felicity herself.
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