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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. I still think they regret 503 but can't completely forget about it so Thea continually brings it up because she needs something to do, but Oliver just doesn't care because that's what they need. It's actually Tina Dinah Laurel Drake Lance Boland. She shortened it, but once she moves to Star City, she's going to go by Dinah Drake.
  2. And everyone around him is pretty miserable right now, but he's going to be diving into a relationship and trying to find hope/maybe be happy or something? I really don't get this. Do they not realize how Oliver is coming across onscreen?
  3. Another interview: http://www.cbr.com/arrow-wendy-mericle-laurel-lance-black-canary-green-arrow-talia-al-ghul-dolph-lundgren/ Can they stop telling us that Oliver and Susan "genuinely care about each other" when we're not seeing Oliver caring about the people who have been in his life for years? AKA "Yes, Tina is the new Black Canary, but we just don't want to say that yet." Someone asked about Thea! But nothing new.
  4. It started out sort of promising with 501. But after that? It's like "Thea who?" And I liked Thea and Lance in 501, but then they decided that those two had to be stuck on City Hall island and basically only talking to each other. (Also recently got mad again about the fact that Oliver knew Lance was drinking in 501 and did nothing about it. If not for Thea, Lance would have been left to deal with things on his own.)
  5. Have I missed anything in these interviews about Thea or Lance? I know we got that one tidbit about Rory, so I can check him off my list. But Thea and Lance? Nothing, right? Do the EPs remember they are characters who exist on the show?
  6. http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/arrow-producer-teases-laurels-return-talia-al-ghul-midseason-premiere-1201969626/ Again, really?! Why? And this: Why is that even a question?
  7. Yeah, I feel like that was the whole point of that awkward "inside man," one of the many times Felicity was stumbling over calling Billy her BF in the lair scene. It's getting to the point that I just assume Prometheus knows everything and there's absolutely nothing he doesn't know. I just fear that 513 is going to be the "please love Wild Dog, look this is his tragic backstory" episode.
  8. But he was also part of the ACU, which was reporting to Oliver - and Oliver said as much in that press conference, so that was public knowledge. I'm going to assume Prometheus knew Billy was part of the ACU because he knows everything else. So you actually never know. You could argue that Prometheus could have still wanted Oliver to be responsible for the death of one of the cops on his task force and would've done the same thing he did even if Felicity wasn't dating Billy. So if Billy had still been investigating and Prometheus caught him? You don't know. I think the only thing you can say for certain is he wouldn't have sent Felicity that photo because they probably wouldn't have known each other if they weren't dating.
  9. I just hope that what we see on-screen for Felicity's storyline is worth it. These interviews are hyping it up and all, but until it begins on-screen? I'm not sure. That's promising. Maybe the comment about 5x20 is really about the entire arc, not just Felicity grieving for Billy? (I still would love some acknowledgement from someone that Felicity is usually left to deal with things alone/what she's going through is pushed aside for everything else. Please let that happen in one of these upcoming scenes.)
  10. Considering we see them throwing her a welcome back party at the loft, it doesn't seem like they're going to ask any of these very logical questions.
  11. Or why Laurel wanted to go to Oliver's present? I mean, why wouldn't she want to be brought back to as close after she died as possible? Wouldn't Laurel rather her friends and family not spend months grieving for her? Speaking of, I wonder how long it will take for "Laurel" to ask about Lance. Or if she even will. Maybe that'll get Felicity questioning her "return."
  12. I do have to say I like that Felicity was coming to the lair on her own - I guess to start looking for Prometheus? - and that no one called her and said, "Hey I know Oliver just accidentally killed your BF and you're grieving alone, but come to the lair because Laurel's alive and we want to celebrate! BTW, we're also going to need your loft for the celebration."
  13. And she mentions that Sara gave her a second chance like Laurel gave her. WOW. Prometheus knows pretty much everything?
  14. Right? That makes me really hope this ends up being about everything that happened to her and not just Billy's death, that his death just makes her have to deal with everything else and they don't want to reveal that yet. Otherwise... I'm sorry, but that makes no sense. "She hadn't done it yet?" But it still would have had to happen and therefore he should remember that. They were there when she died. Unless they're saying the hospital's machines and doctors were wrong and she wasn't actually dead yet, this explanation makes zero sense. Otherwise, she's saying that technology brought her back from the dead? Wow...
  15. No, his present-day storyline seems to be all about mayor stuff, Susan, that mention of talking to Diggle and Felicity in 512 and ... yeah.
  16. http://screenertv.com/television/arrow-wendy-mericle-oliver-felicity-dark-place/ ... Really? Also: That makes it sound like Felicity's going to be grieving for Billy longer than we saw her with him. Can WM please stop trying to make this relationship seem like it was more than what it was on-screen?
  17. It may not be the case, but my first thought upon reading that interview was that they seem to think they can't give Felicity whatever storyline they have had planned for her in 5B without keeping her and Oliver apart. So they're probably holding off any thoughts of a reunion - or a decision to not reunite - until after it's done, hence It makes it sound like in order for Felicity to have a storyline, she and Oliver can't be together. That may just be me, but that's how it seems to come across when first reading quotes like that. Exactly. And that's a disservice to Billy's character as a detective, which is the only thing we knew about him. It can't be on Felicity to keep him from basically doing his job. Should she have made him quit? Tied him to a chair or something to keep him from leaving the loft? Wasn't it WM who said something in an interview early in the season that sounded like Felicity could be blamed for Havenrock in some way? Really, WM needs to stop giving interviews - or be a lot more careful about what she says.
  18. Felicity was "very happy" with Billy? We never saw that? It's like that "spring in her step" she apparently had.
  19. At first I thought it was because they didn't want someone in the lair similar to Felicity all the time, so they stuck him in the field and figured he could help Felicity when necessary. Then we started getting him doing things that Felicity would've done herself before he was around/interrupting her like in the crossover and I figured it was because of how they regard masks.
  20. My first thought for that dialogue tease was "poor Curtis."
  21. This makes sense, since we got that tease from SA about episode 515-ish, right?
  22. I just still don't get bringing in a meta and someone with magic rags in the season after magic when the promotion for the season was "back to basics." As for again mentioning the sides are fake, maybe he's hoping that some people will believe him because he wants Oliver/Tina to be some sort of surprise if it's going to happen? You know what would be better? Outright saying "she's not going to be Oliver's LI because we've finally learned that new female characters who aren't related to Oliver don't need to sleep with him."
  23. This is what he says about Tina: So nothing new.
  24. Sadly, we still have no idea what's going on with Thea and Lance in 5B other than that 512 synopsis for Lance. Hoping other interviews will mention those two.
  25. Yep, pretty much. I feel like they might as well release a photo of Tina as BC at this point. (Didn't they release photos of LL as BC and Ray as The Atom quite a bit in advance of those episodes?)
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