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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Hey, you could even argue that Felicity was being a better friend to the actual Laurel than Oliver in this episode because BS was going around pretending to be their dead friend and Felicity rightfully so just wasn't having it and refused to see any good in her after that.
  2. Yeah, but the problem with trying to ignore Sara's existence and her role as a Canary is that she still exists on LoT, which airs the day before Arrow. It's sort of like how they seem to think that their viewers should watch all four shows (and therefore they include stuff like Barry and Cisco's storyline in the crossover being resolved in the LoT part of the crossover) but only when it's convenient for them. You know, I wonder how exactly they're going to present this to the public. "Hey, Star City, we found a new Black Canary! Isn't it perfect timing that the ugly statue we spent a whole bunch of money on for LL was destroyed? Who destroyed it? Uh, that would be the Earth-2 version of Laurel. She was evil, but the Green Arrow thought she could be redeemed. Why? We still don't know."?
  3. I'd love to see Tina ask, "so why Black Canary?" And then they have to explain. "So there have been two Canaries? Does the city know that?" "No, they're all idiots. It's why Roy pretended to be the Arrow and faked his own death. And no one has questioned it." "So Roy had to leave town but Laurel got a statue and you still can't help him with that now that the city doesn't hate vigilantes?" "Uh..."
  4. The problem seems to be that Arrow and The Flash are treating different Earths differently. Arrow seems to be acting like E-2 is just E-1 but someone makes a different choice at some point that leads to something like BS somehow having a bit of Laurel in her. So anyone good on E-1 must be good on E-2 or have the potential to be good. I think Oliver needs to sit down with Team Flash and get a complete lesson in multiple Earths.
  5. They should just reach out to Harry on E-2 and find out if he knows anything/can look anything up. Would just take one conversation to clarify what's true and what's not.
  6. Yeah that's the problem right now with BS. All we learned in 510 about her life for certain was she loved Oliver. For all we know, she could have chosen to just leave her family behind for CC after that. Maybe she was just in CC long enough to get her abilities. Maybe she killed her family (I doubt it, but the point is we don't know). Oliver is operating off the assumption that BS was just like Laurel because she loved her Earth's Oliver and then she turned evil so she can be redeemed. But we also don't even know if that's true, do we? She could be lying about that to manipulate him. For all we know, E-2 O/L were never together. Maybe they broke up before Oliver died. Maybe she cheated on him on their Earth. Maybe they were happy, but that doesn't excuse what she's doing now.
  7. Thinking about the Prometheus is another Oliver theories. If Prometheus is E-2 Oliver who somehow didn't die but became evil/fell through a breach/something (I don't think he is), then he would have been threatening to kill his ex, who was busy telling this Earth's Oliver her sob story about losing the man she loved, and he didn't bother to tell her, "oh, BTW, I'm alive."
  8. Especially since isn't he technically considered dead? Or did they fix that some time between Arrow 406 and LoT?
  9. You know what I want the most? For the beginning of 511 to have Oliver or Felicity mention talking to Sara about finding a new BC. I want Arrow to acknowledge that Sara should know that they're looking for a new BC. It would only take one line too.
  10. That's why I could never see her working with the team. Or another team on another show. The BS we saw in 510 would turn on the team in a second if the villain they were fighting threatened her. I could see it now, "Work for me or I'll kill you." "Okay. [turns and screams at the team]" They'd have to keep that dampener on hand at all times and that would just be ridiculous.
  11. I love that this forum is questioning Tina going to Russia and trying to come up with some sort of logical explanation because I doubt the show cares how strange it looks. It really is probably going to be, "team has a mission in Russia. Let's go," and may or may not include a "you have a passport, right?" However, is no one going to question Diggle leaving the country after being in prison for however long it is? Wouldn't he want to spend time with his wife and kid? I'm going to assume it has to be some big important mission - or related to him being framed - for him to jet off so soon.
  12. We don't know what BS' relationship with Oliver was like before he died, right? Just that she loved him. E-2 Oliver could have been cheating on her too. And what about her family? Doesn't Oliver mention something about them being gone? Did she tell him that and I missed it? It makes more sense that she was manipulating him because she's all about her own survival than that she can actually be redeemed, based on what we saw in her Flash episode and this one.
  13. At least we can all agree that they better not put Tina in fishnets, right? But after her line about their costumes in the trailer, I'm thinking/hoping that won't happen.
  14. Doesn't Chase kill himself in the comics and they made some comment in an interview that they were following his comic storyline? I don't remember the exact quote, but I remember wondering if they'd follow that storyline.
  15. They didn't even let Felicity break down when she thought she'd never walk again. We didn't get to see her POV about the breakup. She was not weepy in S4. And a love triangle? Wow I really am watching a different show than some people.
  16. Well doesn't the description say Curtis finds her? And he's the one to bring up her cry in the promo. So maybe Curtis and Felicity are splitting the work so they can thoroughly check out everyone? I may be giving them too much credit.
  17. That's why it's so stupid that it sounds like the only real requirement is the Canary cry. And sure, bringing someone in from another city probably reduces the chance of her already working for Prometheus, and they'd never do that with the next BC, but it's still a risk. Though, looking at it from Tina's POV, why would she move to Star City if she didn't know who they are? I just hope she's the last one to find out who they are this season. At this point, I'm waiting for Random Person on the Street to put the pieces together because it's so obvious.
  18. I think that might have been the only Diggle/Felicity moment in season 4? Other than 419? Unless you count Diggle bringing her flowers that may or may not have been from Oliver? I'm not surprised the photos are all from Tina and Talia scenes. They'd want to promote those two new characters and photographers aren't on set every day. I do have to say it's a big gamble to reveal their identities to Tina right off the bat. Obviously they have to in order to get her to move to Star City and join the team, but still. They were just betrayed and it seems they only remember that when necessary for the plot.
  19. You know, I still want to know how BS managed to get into the lair at all. They changed the codes after they found out Evelyn betrayed them, right? So shouldn't they be questioning how it is that BS could be waiting for Oliver there? Isn't that something they should worry about in the future? Especially since they saw Prometheus just walk into STAR Labs. Because what that's telling me is that we should expect Prometheus to just walk right into the lair whenever he decides he wants to in an upcoming episode.
  20. And now I'm really worried about Rory. If they don't want him around anymore (Why, show? Why wouldn't you want the best newbie around anymore?), can't they just send him off to another city? Don't kill him!
  21. And didn't Felicity say to move in if BS was turning on them? It's not like she told them, "Okay, as soon as BS shows up, attack!"
  22. I'm telling you, Oliver is going to give the best speech of his life to Tina in 511. It's the only explanation for how she's game to move to Star City and then go to Russia after what we saw in the promo. I'm assuming there might be a time jump between 510 and 511 while they start looking at/Oliver rules out potential BCs? There wasn't a jump between 509 and 510 - I think it's been one, at the most, two days? Maybe we'll get another one between 511 and 512? Or Tina has just always wanted to go to Russia and figures here's her chance. I'm more interested in how they're all going to Russia. Private jet? Flying coach? (Maybe Rene can't go because he doesn't have a passport, which is why he's in Star City to help Lance?) What's the excuse for the public as to why their mayor is MIA this time? If Oliver keeps having these "medical problems," even if they're just used for people like Chase, he's not really going to look like the best person to be mayor. Then again, it does help that no one wants the job because the mayors of Star City are all killed.
  23. Wow. Those poor aliens are getting zero credit for what they did.
  24. Also consider this: It's been what, a day since Billy died? They hadn't even had the funeral yet, as Rory pointed out. She had maybe a couple of hours to grieve before everything in 510 went down. Considering the show dedicated pretty much zero time to their relationship, I don't think anyone's pretending that relationship was actually going to last.
  25. Yeah, that right there is basically the problem with any future BS redemption story. Would they redeem her and send her back to her Earth to protect it? But then what's to stop her from just turning villain again once she's back on Earth-2? Why have her stick around on Arrow? So she and Tina can scream at the enemy from both sides? What would distinguish the two from each other? Would Tina have the hand-to-hand combat skills since she's Oliver's equal and BS would, what, just stand back and scream when they need her to? What would she do when she's not in the field as BS? Hang around Star City as Laurel's twin? Pretend to be Laurel? Just stay in the lair? Or say they decide to put BS on another show. Pretty sure CC remembers her destroying buildings and what not, so why would the citizens suddenly be like, "Okay, sure, that meta who tried to kill us all is now working for The Flash. Great! We love her!" So The Flash is out. And making Sara work with another Earth's version of her sister on a daily basis would just be cruel. That rules out Legends of Tomorrow. I really doubt they'd move BS over to Supergirl.
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