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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Yep, Reddit spoiler 100% confirmed. And what about those who have been a fan of the show for the past 4+ seasons? Do they even care about/remember those fans anymore?
  2. Yeah, sometimes this season I feel like they just don't care about the first 4 seasons of the show. And I'm going to feel like that if they make JH a series regular for S6 because that'll give me an idea of what they could have planned. Knowing that "Tina" is actually Dinah, I'm even more annoyed that her introduction is coming just as Felicity's arc is beginning. Yeah, this season, I'd rather be spoiled for every episode going in like this. Softens the blow.
  3. As soon as they started promoting "Tina" is "Oliver's equal," I lost a lot of the hope I had for the character. Plus, considering they can't even show us Felicity and Thea are friends - and didn't show us that Felicity and Laurel were friends even though they clearly wanted that to come across on-screen somehow - seeing Felicity and "Tina" as friends didn't seem likely. Right now, I'm really worried about what this is going to mean for the characters of Felicity, Diggle, Thea and Lance moving forward. If they decide they want to do their comic book story for S6, where does that leave the four of them? They've lifted Diggle right out of the story more than once already this season by throwing him in jail/confining him to the lair. They could easily have him decide to take a step back to spend time with his family once the General storyline is wrapped up. They seem to forget Thea and Lance exist too often this season. And I can really see them having Felicity be the one to leave in May after Prometheus is taken care of if they make JH a series regular for season 6. Then we can come back after the summer and have had GA/BC working together for months.
  4. I feel like this is a lot to put on a recurring character - the name Dinah Drake, a "second chance" - especially since they have no idea how she'll be received. But we'll probably get some tweets about "amazing dailies" and maybe even interviews about "great chemistry between her and SA." Or they just won't care about the audience reception of her and will announce as soon as tomorrow that she's a series regular for S6.
  5. And it's not like Dinah is that common of a name. Tina is more common than Dinah. Joanna (hey, remember her?) is more common than Dinah. Rory is a more common name and we don't have more than one on the same show. This is ridiculous. But having her take on the Black Canary name should be easy. "Well, since my friend's name was also Dinah, though we never called her that, you can also be the Black Canary. Easy, right? Great!" Although I did have a thought - if they pair Dinah and Rene, their shipper name can be Dine.
  6. Nothing against the actress or character, but naming her Dinah Drake makes me want her to fail. Because if she does, it would be very hard to bring in another BC.
  7. If someone could point me to the episodes where we see this Laurel on screen, that would be great. #RememberSaraPlease
  8. So about those reddit spoilers. Isn't that so convenient that the one Oliver chooses is apparently really named Dinah? If that is in fact true, the Internet should be interesting after tomorrow's episode. And if it is true, wow is that a gamble to take. What if this BC doesn't work out? What will they name the next one?
  9. So do they expect them to just kick Tina off the team when BS is redeemed? "Oh, you've been fighting alongside us for months, (likely) helped us stop Prometheus, but we'd rather have this villain who worked for Prometheus and pretended to be our dead friend instead?" I'd be really interested to see what some people would have said if Arrow had decided to make Felicity the new BC and said she was the final one and going to be it until the end of the series. I don't want it to happen and I'm glad it's not, but would we be getting "Green Arrow needs Black Canary" then or would they be saying, "Green Arrow doesn't need BC" and "GA only needs BC if BC is LL"? My guess? The latter.
  10. Here's the problem - if Oliver is off being mayor, who is acting as the leader on the team? I'd love to see Diggle and Felicity take charge, but we could see Tina doing that, especially with this "Tina is Oliver's equal" they're pushing. That could be why there are "tensions in the lair" or whatever it said in the 5x13 description.
  11. Yeah, I thought the same. Also, remember, Oliver's love is the city this season, so he has to give it some attention as its mayor.
  12. Yeah, see, this is the problem with all the "Tina is Oliver's equal" talk. Unless they plan to tell Tina that she can only use her canary cry as a last resort and are somehow going to enforce that or have her say that she can't use it all the time because of X reason even though we see her use it in a bar in a situation where, if she's such a good fighter, she probably didn't need to ... what's the point of having a team? It's great so that Oliver can go be mayor, but what about when he's GA? That's the problem with having her around on a permanent basis. Also, since Prometheus seems to be such a genius, I expect him to have a dampener to use against her by her second week in Star City, if not already because he could already know she exists.
  13. Well, maybe Arrow has decided that they can only have one person with powers on the team at once. So Rory and his magic rags have to leave to make room for Tina and her metahuman canary cry. I'm just going to hope that Rory decides to leave on his own and isn't killed off. At least have him out there somewhere with the option of coming back in the future.
  14. Yep. Probably to cue up the flashbacks, just like 1x14.
  15. I'm going to (happily) live in denial until we see it play out on-screen. Rory's not going anywhere. Nope, not happening. (But totally happening because if he's around past 5x12, he'd probably notice something's up with Felicity first and then they couldn't stretch out the team not knowing like they want to.)
  16. Shh, stop using logic. It's like how in the same episode, Oliver moved Thea into the bunker and everyone worried about what Evelyn could have told Prometheus, and then by episode's end, everyone had gone their own ways and, here, one day later, it's like they forgot that even happened. Speaking of, no time had passed. When exactly did Thea leave for that conference? As soon as she stopped hugging Felicity?
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if it is. But I hope if it is, she gets as happy an ending as possible on this show. Same with Lance.
  18. Please let them just ship Evelyn off after this. That girl should be in school.
  19. The problem with this entire article is that it's written before we see anything about Tina. We've had one scene with her, and no one from the cast was in it. This writer is assuming that because she's going to be the new BC, she's going to be the comics' BC? What, because she has the metahuman canary cry, she = comics Black Canary? (Also, please don't bring "pretty bird" into this. I really don't want to hear that on Arrow.)
  20. I feel like some people think if they say this enough times, it'll become true.
  21. I feel like whoever wrote that article wanted to stir up some controversy. I only skimmed it but I found too many points I disagree with to want to read all of it. ETA: We've only had one scene with Tina so far. I think it's a little early to write any articles praising or criticizing her. We haven't even seen her in any scenes with any of the main cast yet.
  22. I think Oliver wouldn't be as stupid as he has been so far in S5 if he and Felicity were still together. (Obviously there wouldn't be anything going on with Susan, for example.) So I can see this being true. But if they really wanted to do the Oliver-wants-to-redeem-BS story, they probably could have still made it work.
  23. And will she get a mannequin for it since she's the new BC or will they keep Laurel's on a mannequin and leave Tina to keep hers elsewhere, like Rene, Rory and Curtis seem to?
  24. I'm hoping Susan is gone after 5x16. There's going to be enough going on by that point in the season (I hope) that we don't need her sticking around too.
  25. I wonder if Oliver will record another video as Green Arrow to announce the new Black Canary. "Hello, Star City. This is the new Black Canary. Before Laurel died, she told me she didn't want to be the last one." "But we thought she was with Oliver Queen before she died?" "Uh... He told me. Yes, that's right. I went to visit the mayor at City Hall and he told me to find another BC to honor her dying wish that she made when she wasn't dying." This would make the most sense so that Oliver doesn't look like an idiot back in S1 when it comes to Malcolm (as opposed to how he looks like an idiot when it comes to him ever since). He knows that there's someone out there but never sees/learns exactly who. And the timing makes sense for Oliver to return to the island and start growing his hair/beard for the rescue.
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