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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Prometheus is apparently a genius. I'm starting to think if he was good, Star City would be better off than they are with Oliver as GA/mayor.
  2. Prometheus has Oliver's brain. That's why he's being stupid and why Prometheus/BS know everything.
  3. But how much would Cisco know? I'm guessing from Prometheus/public knowledge/his eulogy/speech at her statue? Maybe they'll say that Evelyn was eavesdropping in the hospital when she picked up BC's gear even though everyone else should've seen her in the hallway then? Likely won't even be addressed. She'll just know as much as they want her to know to pass as E-1 LL for however long she does.
  4. And look at how they're writing him this season. It's not just that he's an idiot. I don't actually want him near any of the other characters right now because it's not like he's really helping them at all. Yes, he broke Diggle out of prison, but did he then do anything to make sure that he can't be sent back? Sure, Thea has a job at the mayor's office because of his position as mayor, but he's also leaving her to clean up his messes/cover for him. He probably should have checked in with Lance at some point, given what he saw of his apartment in 501. I'm not even going to get started on Felicity because I could write a really long post in the Bitterness thread about Oliver/Felicity right now. He basically thought that the Evelyn problem was solved with one conversation and never even thought to check in with her and she went off to work for Prometheus. He's pushed WD off on Diggle to mentor and has done nothing to check his attitude. He had Felicity talk to Rory (and I still maintain that could've backfired). He probably should have even checked in with Curtis about what he was telling his husband since he saw what lying to his significant other led to. Come on, writers. I want better for/from Oliver.
  5. Maybe this is why he figures it's Laurel. "Hey, Laurel did this to me before she died. Must be her!" This is going to be such a mess and Oliver's just going to look stupid. Remember, this is the same Oliver who thinks that talking to a reporter is a good idea after she screwed over his sister and is probably going to be completely shocked that Diggle's been arrested even though he's been a fugitive this entire time.
  6. That's something at least. (I've sort of lost any desire this season to go back and re-read any of the interviews.) I do feel like there's a disconnect between what the EPs want to promote and what the CW does in the promos though. I'm kind of reminded of the international promos that spoiled Felicity's paralysis last season. I'd have expected the BS reveal in one of those, not the CW's to be honest. Maybe that's why they backtracked with a different promo for TV spots?
  7. Thinking about it, what does it say about the real Laurel's relationships with the team if Black Siren can fool any of them so easily? I don't think another Earth's Oliver, Felicity, Diggle or probably Thea would be able to fool them long enough to put together a welcome back gathering of any kind. Because as much as they can retcon about Laurel now that she's dead, those are just words they're using. Now they're trying to put actions to those words with the relationships (and lack of) she had when she was alive. I'm actually pretty interested in seeing how they sell this episode in the producer's preview. Didn't WM say that LL was "alive and well" in 510? Will the producer's preview try to act like it's not BS? Because while the CW can put together a promo like they did for 510 and reveal it's BS, I have to wonder if WM is going to talk in the producer's preview like it could be the real Laurel.
  8. Sometimes I wonder if O/F's relationship was a dream. Or if, this season, the writers think it was a dream. Then I read interviews about not wanting to get them back together right away and how they know they did things wrong with their relationship, and I wonder if they realize that they're making mistakes yet again. Maybe they're trying to pull in O/L fans with that promo now? They've seen people are pissed that it's BS and not really LL, so they're hoping that they can throw them something to make them want to watch? I don't know.
  9. The writers probably forgot about that, like they've forgotten about a lot of things this season.
  10. WOW. How can anyone think that's an okay question to ask anyone? Do people not know how to be professional anymore? From what I've seen of those SDCC interviews, they're all short, and that is what someone uses their time to ask? And isn't there an editor or someone who should've stopped that video from being posted in the first place? I feel like someone should send that person all the lists that have EBR/Felicity on them (like the recent THR one).
  11. ... Did I really just read what I just read? You know what would really alienate a fan base of a show? Waiting until the series finale to get the couple together. I hate when that happens. I don't want to see a couple reuniting in the final moments and then have to imagine what happened next for them together. From what I skimmed (not much) of the entire article, it's a lot of "I don't like a particular ship on a show, and therefore that show alienated its fan base with X."
  12. Yeah, I'm hoping we get more Chase in 5B, especially considering how much WD we've gotten for a recurring character as opposed to a series regular. I honestly do wonder how Oliver justified that expense (especially since the city should probably have money set aside to repair all damages from the inevitable May attack) - they could've given her a plaque, which would've been cheaper and frankly, probably looked a lot better. Part of me might be okay with all these new characters if they're all gone by next season. (Except Rory. He can stay. Even with the magic rags of his that annoy me.) I do kind of worry that Felicity's storyline will end up being used to prop up Chase though if they do have a Felicity/Vigilante partnership. I can't see that happening. And if it does - or if they give Felicity another BF at all this season - it would just be so that Oliver can have another LI, and I'm hoping the backlash from 5A stops them from doing that.
  13. I am so into the idea of Felicity working with Vigilante that if it doesn't end up being what happens, I'm going to be so disappointed. Speaking of Vigilante, have we gotten any teasers at all about what's coming up for Chase in 5B? I know we have the 510 leaked spoilers and we see him in the promo, but anything beyond that?
  14. I just hope they address everything she has been through since last year: the shooting, her father's return/parents, the breakup and everything that entailed, getting fired, Havenrock, etc. I'm fine with the death of the BF no one cared about being what pushes her over the edge if it's acknowledged that she was bottling all this up and using him as a sort of distraction. I don't want everything else to be an afterthought. I want to see some acknowledgement from the others that they should have been there for her and they weren't (like, say, by surrounding Oliver instead of her in 509 - I'm still mad we didn't get at least a "I want to be alone" line if the writers were so adamant about Felicity grieving alone), which means this makes some sort of sense. I would also love it if at some point during this arc, they remember that Felicity and Diggle are friends. (Hey, they can even bring up the fact that Felicity was right not to break Diggle out of prison earlier this season and Oliver - and Lyla - didn't listen to her then and look how that turned out.) Considering how stupid Oliver is being this season and since Thea's been stuck in the mayor/Lance plots of the season, Diggle might be the best bet out of those three to notice that something's off about Felicity. He did, after all, know that she wasn't on board with the prison break. But that's probably just my wishful thinking.
  15. We don't know that Rory's with Felicity in 511, right? We're just assuming since he's not on the road trip. He could just not be in the episode at all. (I hope he is. I want more Felicity/Rory scenes.)
  16. And maybe the beginning of a divide of sorts between her and the others, since she turns to new people instead of the team for her upcoming storyline?
  17. Yep. Especially since it can probably be solved immediately with one question (if they don't feel like doing some grave-digging or calling to the people who have dealt with doppelgangers: "What did you ask me to promise you on your deathbed?" I don't think Prometheus knows that, so BS shouldn't. On screen, we've only seen that that's something Oliver, Laurel and Felicity know, right? Did Oliver ever discuss that with Diggle or Thea? But this is S5 Oliver, so I'm really not surprised. I'm half-expecting BS to attack while Felicity's trying to tell Oliver she's maybe not their Laurel and Oliver's insisting she is, Oliver to then have the "not our Laurel" line and Felicity to have the comedic, "Didn't I just say that?" that shows love to do when someone repeats someone else's really good and valid point and no one seems to hear the first person.
  18. I don't see any problem with Felicity punching BS since it's most probably coming after BS attacks the team and is revealed to be working for Prometheus. It's not like she's going to think she's Laurel, walk over to her and punch her instead of welcoming her back or interrupt Oliver's toast to clock her.
  19. Maybe Felicity punches "Prometheus" but, like with Billy, it's not Prometheus but someone else in the suit? Or they're just going to have her punch a punching bag and it's going to be the most surprising part of the episode because they're going to remember that Felicity should really get some kind of self-defense training. That's the real shock of the midseason premiere, guys. That's why they show it's BS in the trailer. No one expects the show to think about giving Felicity any kind of training.
  20. Maybe it's not part of a test, but it could lead to Felicity wondering, "Hey, wait a minute..." Especially since Lance in rehab right now should be a reminder of the problems those two have had in the past.
  21. Oliver's not letting Thea out of the lair. But she's stuck in one of the lower levels so she's not in the other scenes. No, honestly, I have no idea why Thea's not there. I wonder if they'll even explain it. Or maybe she's off-screen? Part of a deleted scene we'll get on the DVD, like Thea and Laurel at the engagement party? (Assuming Lance is still in rehab.)
  22. I do want to see Felicity punch BS. And really, who else could she be punching in 510 that would make sense? Also, it seems like a good time to bring up my hope of seeing Felicity getting some training like she did from Diggle in S1. Why is the show so against that? It doesn't mean she has to mask up, but why not give her some self-defense lessons? Maybe she can get that from the new people she hangs with. It just makes sense, especially if you consider all the dangerous situations she's been in. The Olicity fan in me does like seeing those two together in the promo, though them together in the loft is giving me flashbacks to last year's crossover when the two teams were there and Oliver was giving the toast. And they were still together and it was before the awful BMD.
  23. Huh. So it looks like those reddit spoilers are true. Otherwise ... why basically put the entire episode into that promo? Overall, I find that promo very underwhelming. And not just because I read the leaked spoilers. But it does remind me that KC plays evil well and the show did her a disservice by not letting her do that until now. Did I see Diggle punching Chase? That's what I'm thinking. Maybe they think that people figured out that's actually Black Siren already, so they put that in (or maybe they do actually show BS at the end of The Flash 310 and didn't think, "hey, we haven't aired that episode yet!"), but they think that maybe they can have the glass breaking and then people will be surprised when it's from Tina and not BS. But people won't be thanks to the leak.
  24. I agree about Wells -- especially since I liked Harry! I didn't want to see him go and I hoped that nothing would come of the search across Earths. Cannot stand HR. But still love TC, so I want him around. I hope they bring back Harry and send HR home/kill him off/something -- and soon. I don't know if I can sit through, what, 14 more episodes of HR? I can take Black Siren for another Flash episode or two, but I think KC is much better at playing evil characters and I wish the Arrowverse would let her. Don't redeem BS. (I half expect them to forget she was working with Zoom if they do try to redeem her though. To make it easier. They seem to just forget everything about LL that doesn't let her be remembered as St Laurel and they'll probably do the same if they redeem BS because she's the E-2 version of her.)
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