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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. But if Oliver is playing Susan, doesn't it just make it another situation where he's lying to everyone about what he's doing? Are they really going to repeat that again? Especially after what she did to Thea? (And every time I think about that, I think about how Thea really needs a storyline now too, other than making excuses for Oliver, helping Lance and reminding Oliver that dating Susan is a bad idea.)
  2. I worry that if Felicity's arc is her own company, it's going to become just as much about Curtis as her. I worry that they're going to have Felicity be single now for the foreseeable future because her boyfriend was just killed. So they'll feel like they can write Oliver/another LI because of that. Since they didn't see anything wrong in having Oliver make that scene with the team about him and then go to Susan while Felicity's crying alone, I half expect Felicity to say something about having to be alone now and then having to watch Oliver with someone else (Susan, Tina, etc.) as someone actually pining (since IMO she hasn't done that on screen yet), especially after that very awkward meet at the holiday party. (Maybe Felicity can comment on how hot Tina is while she trains in the lair if she ends up being Oliver's LI.)
  3. I almost hope Tina is for WD because otherwise I need the show to stop bringing up his past/ex/etc and spending so much time on him. And if she is his ex and they're planning to make her a LI for Oliver anyway, just no. Especially since WD isn't going anywhere and while I may not have minded him in 509, a lot of work needs to be done with his character before I'd consider one day maybe thinking about liking him. I don't need the awkwardness that would result from Oliver dating WD's ex with WD's current attitude. And having WD know her in the past would therefore make it somewhat more believable that they'd go to recruit her because he could vouch for her. ETA: The boys only road trip would also make sense. Oliver takes WD because he knows Tina and takes Curtis to get his mind off Paul leaving I guess?
  4. You know, I hope Prometheus has another source because otherwise he's going off information from a 17-year-old and public knowledge about their personal lives?
  5. Yep. Prometheus didn't really do his homework if he thought this would work. Kinda hope it's not his final plan. Also, too much of that was temporary. Sure, Lance is in rehab - for now. Diggle is back in prison - for now. And the whole Oliver/Felicity/Billy thing didn't even last a second before she blamed the right person. I feel like Prometheus needs to up his game. Oh, and if he thought that Curtis would turn his back on the team and choose Paul if he predicted an ultimatum, it's not like Curtis is the strongest member of the team and would have been a great loss.
  6. Felicity deserves a vacation. The last one she had was, what? End of season 3 when Oliver was leaving and asked her to go with him but she was then still helping the team? The thing is, I wonder if the writers would just see her leaving as leaving the team again and they might feel like they've written that enough already? But let her take a break and not have someone/something bring her back before she's ready. If anyone deserves that, it's her. Let her take the time off and then return when she decides to, not because something they need her for brings her back.
  7. Well, you gotta love the timing of it too. We're speculating that Black Siren destroys the BC statue in 510 and then 511 introduces Tina. If that spec is true and Tina is the new BC, wow I kind of feel bad for KC because it seems like they're just bringing her back to destroy what's left of Laurel as BC before bringing in the new one. Also, it seems like there's a lot to get through in 510 & 511: Black Siren, Dig in prison (again), more Prometheus stuff, Tina, etc. (I'm probably forgetting other stuff we know about.) Then 512 is Bratva, right? And I'm assuming at some point, Lance will be out of rehab and back at work and no one will comment on his absence?
  8. So GA is going to approach someone outside of Star City? And let me guess, the mayor's going to have some health emergency at the same time - "please, no one look too closely here" - or be suspiciously MIA at the time? I'm kinda interested in hearing the pitches to Tina: "Star City needs cops right now." "What happened to the others?" "Well, they're all corrupt or dead. So ready to pack up your life and move? Also, feel like joining our team?" "What's happened to those who have been part of the team in the past?" "Well, one faked his death and has to live under a new identity in another city. Another died. etc."
  9. Or maybe he still would have tricked Oliver because Billy would be ACU, reporting to Mayor Oliver Queen, and Prometheus had upped his game since he killed the cop in the premiere.
  10. We don't know that there's going to be a time jump between 509 and 510 - at least not a significant one. Maybe a day or two? (Though given that the clip has Oliver saying Felicity's working, I'd hope they gave her time to mourn before calling her up and going, "Hey, gotta deal with a Lance family member again! Need you at the computer!" Since everyone wanted her back when they needed her when she was paralyzed, though, I'm not holding my breath.) The thing is, unless KC's going to be around full-time, I don't get how it's possible she's not Black Siren. If she's Laurel, is she just going to decide to leave town at the end of her guest stint now? Disappear because of some other change to the timeline? Die again? Decide to go traveling with her sister even though she's not going to be on Legends of Tomorrow? Having her be Black Siren, con the team, then be put back in the pipeline/sent back to E-2/etc. seems like the easiest way to have her only be in a couple of Arrow/Flash episodes. (She's in The Flash too, right?)
  11. Yeah, seeing all those times listed out is just depressing now. I had a feeling that Felicity's grief would be pushed aside by everyone once she immediately put the blame on Prometheus. I'm not saying that she should have blamed Oliver because she shouldn't, but it did change the direction of the scene. (Your boyfriend's dead - it's Prometheus' fault - you should all leave me alone) It sort of reminded me of how Felicity acted in 413 - her father's back, but Thea's more important; her father's back and trying to steal from her company and she just had him arrested, but talking about Malcolm is more important. Just once I wish that someone would say, "No, Felicity, you are important."
  12. I'm forcing myself not to get my hopes up, but the show would actually be doing something right this season if they have Tina be Felicity's friend. (God knows Felicity could use one right now. But it would be so sad if the friend she has came in the form of someone she hasn't even met yet.)
  13. Maybe that's why they had Evelyn just disappear in last night's episode? They were trying to make her as nonexistent as her logic?
  14. And now apparently SA is saying "The truth is that they did not. Final answer."? I'm just confused. I honestly only half paid attention to that scene with the reporter and cannot tell you one thing he said. And I have no plans to go back and rewatch it to find out.
  15. I guess there was some sort of unspoken agreement between Oliver and Prometheus that the villain would take a break from terrorizing the team after he had Oliver kill Billy? Because otherwise, gotta love how they went from "Families in safe houses! What could Evelyn have told him?!" to no one seeming to remember that by the end of the episode.
  16. I'm assuming the Russian vodka is just another thing like the comment about a Twitter thing or whatever with a Russian reporter? (I'm not rewatching that scene to check that fact.) I wouldn't even be surprised if they explain the reporter's absence in an upcoming episode by having Oliver say she's in Russia for a story ... and still not finding that suspicious. Then that could lead to the Bratva episode? At this point, I really want the reporter to completely screw over Oliver and for Thea to just tell him she warned him. But I'm instead expecting everyone to comfort him and tell him he couldn't have known it would happen.
  17. I realized I'm also annoyed with the show having Felicity comment on how attractive the women are in Oliver's life (gorgeous Laurel, super hot reporter). I know it was to make that scene even more awkward, but still.
  18. But didn't KC say at some convention that she was back as Black Siren?
  19. Maybe Susan's not working for the bad guy but is using it to her advantage? I have to assume that especially after that photo from Russia, she's done some digging into Oliver's past. She sees Oliver's stressed, so she starts by offering to be a "friend." She knows that Oliver and Felicity were engaged (and especially after that very awkward meet at the holiday party), so when she sees the news report of Felicity's boyfriend dying, she slips on some lingerie just in case Oliver stops by.
  20. I'm expecting someone to make some comment along the lines of, "Well, it's a good thing Lance isn't here for this..." once they figure out she's Black Siren. Maybe they'll remember that heart condition of his too. But if Black Siren really wanted to mess with them (especially if she's in any way connected to Prometheus, even though there's a very slim chance she is), she'd try to go see him in rehab pretending to be his daughter.
  21. I think the problem is that Felicity is always shown to be dealing with her problems alone, and this is just the latest example. They could have shown the team comforting her in the lair and then her at home alone later, if they really wanted to have her crying in the loft by herself. They even could have shown the others reaching out to comfort her and her backing away, if they didn't want to dedicate any dialogue to it. So, am I supposed to be happy that Oliver didn't sleep with the reporter and ignore the fact that he's just ignoring what she did to Thea and how much his sister doesn't like his "date" to the holiday party? It doesn't really make a difference if he slept with her or not (unless that comes up in a later episode?), but it's more just continually showing that he's with her when he should be elsewhere (drinks with her while Vigilante's out there, seeking her out because he feels alone when he just had an entire team of people tell him he's not and offer him comfort instead of Felicity).
  22. I think it's a combination of Oliver going to the reporter and talking to her and everyone comforting him in the lair and Felicity alone at the loft. If they wanted Felicity to want to be alone, they could've had her walk off in the lair saying that. Instead, it just looks like she's left alone to grieve and everyone cares more about Oliver's pain. I didn't even want Oliver with her at the loft. (Why not Thea? Even Rory maybe? I get Curtis was off losing his husband.) But why not have Oliver talking to Diggle in the lair, then Diggle leaves and gets the call? Or have Oliver alone in the lair? Then have Oliver hear the elevator, look up and Laurel steps off?
  23. I'd assume they changed the codes after learning about Evelyn's betrayal. Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit to think of that And yes, bad time for new team members. Why can't they just bring her in as a cop? They need one they can trust. But if WD does know her, maybe he vouches for her so they can just ignore that issue?
  24. Maybe they'll have Black Siren comforting Felicity while she's conning the team. Maybe she says something while doing so that leads to Felicity seeking out Prometheus, and then of course, the masks will save her. And at some point during this, maybe Barry will call and go, "uh, so someone escaped from the pipeline and you might recognize her..."
  25. Well, at least going off that clip, I don't think Felicity's arc will be her mourning because I don't think she'll even be grieving in 510. Mayo probably won't even be mentioned. And I feel like this is Black Siren pretending to be LL, which probably means that no one bothered to test her beyond anything she could have read up on. Maybe they'll realize it's her when she accidentally cheers on Oliver killing Prometheus' father and then goes, "Oops, right, supposed to think that's bad. Bad, Ollie. Bad."
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