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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. I'm honestly most interested in seeing KC on LoT because I'm very curious to see how they'd bring her in. Time travel? But which Laurel? Would they remember what she was like in the earlier seasons or would they retcon that like they did other aspects of her? (I wish they'd remember that she actually wasn't always the Laurel they remember because I began to semi-like who she became because I didn't like who she used to be at all.) Another Earth's LL again? But would she be good or evil? And I don't want LL to become a Harrison Wells situation with different Earths' LLs showing up. It's tricky, but for now, I'm at least semi-interested in seeing her on LoT once. Arrow again? No. The Flash? Maybe one or two episodes.
  2. The whole JJ/CH thing is just stupid. They'll never get to the point on the show where that would matter for any longer than a glimpse into the future maybe in the series finale or another time travel trip to a possible future. There was no reason they had to erase Sara or couldn't have Diggle and Lyla have another kid or even make them twins. It was simply put there for some sort of Flashpoint consequence on Arrow and for some reason, they think that was cool and hoped no one would care/ask questions. (I still want to know why the kid's birthday changed. That hasn't been addressed, right?)
  3. Same. But there are so many aspects of the entire series I wish it would apply to. So I'm just going to hope it's about one of those things. I almost wonder if they would have used that title for episode 100 if not for the "Invasion" crossover consistency.
  4. I wonder if they're trying to cut the Arrow trailer to make it look like the leaked 510 spoilers are wrong ... and can't manage to do so. It is good to see Rip again on LoT (I love Arthur Darvill, and I have to admit, his absence was made easier knowing it was for Broadchurch), but oh, poor Rip.
  5. Maybe Barry will move out and back in with Joe for a bit? But if some sort of break-up/separation happens, please don't let them use the words "on a break."
  6. Oh, me too. But then again, a WestAllen 100th episode wedding might depend on what else is going on at the time/whatever story they come up with for the crossover/who's around on which shows/which shows are still on air. I could see them maybe stalling an engagement/wedding to reach the 100th for WestAllen, but then decide to stall it even more if they think they have the "best idea ever!" for that year's crossover. (Then again, if they want to have everyone (or anyone not from The Flash, really) present for the wedding, they're going to have to do it at crossover time since no one talks to each other if it's not crossover time. Seriously, the problems that could be solved so fast if there were just a couple of phone calls between characters across the shows.)
  7. It can't be - the person dying is recurring. He's a series regular. (I will admit I had the same fear when I first saw the headline because of CD on Arrow and then The Affair.) But no, big sigh of relief there.
  8. This. It's one thing to have the events of 3B before a couple is together. But once a couple has been together, got engaged and was planning a wedding (plus with Oliver's vows), they have to at least give us moments showing that "yes, we remember all of that happened and these two characters know each other outside of the lair" before a reunion. That can't just come out of nowhere, even if they think, "Hey, let's surprise them with a reunion!" is a good idea. All the interviews have the EPs loving how they have Oliver and Felicity as just friends right now, but I have to wonder about their definition of "friends." Honestly, part of me wonders if the reason they're being so adamant that Oliver didn't have sex with Susan is they realized how awful it would make their lead character look (even though he still looks bad). And because of that, hopefully they wouldn't have Oliver moving on to another LI (i.e. Tina or someone else - we still don't know about other characters they'll be bringing in, and let's face it, they love new characters this season, so it's likely we have at least one more) while Felicity's going to be going through everything she is in 5B. (Or we'll get another 509 ending, this time with Felicity on her own/with her new people, Curtis signing divorce papers, something happening with Thea/Diggle/Lance/etc. and Oliver with his new LI. Though I doubt it. I hope they've learned their lesson there.)
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigilante_(comics)#Adrian_Chase I haven't read the comics, so I'm just going off of things I'm reading like that ^^^^
  10. My only fear about Felicity's upcoming storyline is that they turn it around on her and make it look like she's wrong to do whatever she does. I don't want to see her apologizing to the team for not turning to them or some stupid scene like that. And if she does team up with Vigilante and his story on the show ends like it does in the comics, I don't want any situation where anyone can think she should feel guilty.
  11. She's also there to continually remind Oliver that dating Susan is a horrible idea. Only for him not to listen to her. Honestly, that's what bugs me the most about Susan as Oliver's LI. Here's this woman who manipulated his sister and whom his sister doesn't like, and he doesn't even seem to care. Especially since that seems to be Thea's only storyline - covering for Oliver, shaking her head at his choice of date and suiting up when they want her to without any real explanation or follow-up. (I still can't believe they had her suit up in 509 to just stand on a roof.) Also, I can't help but feel that when the Susan story blows up in his face, Thea's probably going to be the one who ends up doing damage control. Oliver will probably be dealing with something Bratva-related at the same time and have no time to be mayor/deal with the fallout. Maybe Felicity can take Thea over to the new people she hangs with. Considering they've barely shown Felicity and Thea interacting, sure, let that friendship be considered "new." I'm really hoping that the next bit of news about 5B we get is about something for Thea outside of Oliver. (Lance too. The poor guy. I kind of wish Thea and Lance would leave Oliver to handle City Hall by himself for a couple of episodes. See how he does.)
  12. Maybe they initially meant to imply sex. Then in editing, they realized how it would look - Oliver having sex while Felicity and Curtis are miserable and Diggle is being arrested - and decided to say there was no sex. They couldn't cut out Oliver going to Susan's, so they decided to just go with, "nope, no sex. Ignore that she's in lingerie. Great." (Have they ever shown any other female waiting around in lingerie like that? No, right?) But it just became a mess where they now have to actually answer that question. And the fact that they are makes me think it doesn't come up on the show.
  13. Yep. And maybe they've kept them apart because of the reporter storyline. There would be no reason for him to "need a friend" if he's with Felicity. Otherwise, how would that conversation go? "You look like you need a friend. Let's get drinks. Not a date." "Uh, I'm with/engaged/married to Felicity. I'm good." "No, you're not. You must open up to me because ... Russia!"
  14. Didn't EK post a photo of him with the team + Tina?
  15. There better be some AMAZING story planned for WD in 5B that makes it worth sitting through these first 9 episodes with him and that's why they're pushing him so much. Otherwise... Turning the focus of a Diggle Q to WD?! Next thing we know: "So, Felicity's new friends...?" "Oh, yes, great question. We love those characters. And we love writing for Tina/Talia/some new female character they could still introduce/etc. She's..."
  16. At this point, I'm just going to hope that someone (I'm honestly not going to be picky right now) notices Felicity pulling away sooner rather than later. Especially since Felicity has free time during the day (I guess this is why she doesn't have a job this season?) to do her own thing. I don't want a scene with, "Huh. Have you noticed that Felicity's been acting strange for the past X months?" "Well, now that you mention it, she's seemed different since that cop that Oliver was so tragically tricked into killing - poor Oliver, are you okay? It wasn't your fault, we're here for you - died." Didn't BFS say something about 510-512 relating to Felicity's arc? Considering 510 is BS, 511 is finding Tina and 512 is Bratva, I can't fault Felicity for looking for new people. I would too.
  17. I'd laugh if she stole Tina away from the team. I know it won't happen, but imagine: The guys go on a road trip to recruit her and bring her back to Star City, and Felicity goes, "I'll take her." I wonder if Vigilante has associates we just haven't met (or they'll make one or two up out of nowhere for the sake of this storyline), or if Felicity could be looking to both Vigilante and ARGUS for her plans.
  18. You know, I could see Oliver wanting to find some bit of Laurel in BS if we weren't dealing with a Laurel of another Earth, but a Laurel of another timeline. If this was a Laurel who had become who she is because of some event that happened in recent years (say, if Laurel had turned evil following Tommy or Sara's death), but everything else was the same about her and the Laurel they knew up to that point. But all they're going to know about E-2 Laurel is what she tells them.
  19. Remember, they can only talk to each other at crossover time. There's a no-communication-between-shows shield in place at all other times. I figure we'll have a better idea of how accurate that summary is once the CW releases a new promo and the photos for 510. (But that didn't happen until January last year, right?)
  20. What bothers me is that we didn't see anyone comforting Felicity in 509 and now it sounds like we won't see that going forward either. I probably wouldn't be as bothered if that hadn't been the case and if the lair scene in the MSF hadn't become all about Oliver.
  21. That summary basically just had Felicity showing up, so I wonder if she turns up to start doing some digging into Prometheus or if Oliver (or someone else) calls her and goes, "Hey, I know you're currently grieving alone, but hey, come to the lair, we have a surprise!" It probably won't be addressed.
  22. I feel like Chase bringing up Billy might be more about Chase and what we'll see from him as Vigilante moving forward than about Oliver.
  23. I never even thought that Rory/Rene/whoever would be hitting on BS considering isn't it in the middle of them confronting her? Making a move = attack/trying to capture/something in my mind. Maybe they'll have Felicity say that Billy has no family, so she's the only one who can plan his funeral? Why not make it worse for Felicity? I wonder if anyone will even ask her if she's okay. Probably not. But whether she's planning the funeral or not, it does sound like no time has passed, so Billy just died, meaning Felicity's boyfriend was just killed by her ex-fiance, who ... is just going to forget about it because of the miracle that is Laurel alive again? I mean, I'm not even surprised considering how they're writing Oliver/Felicity/Olicity/this season in general thus far. I'm going to guess that's exactly what happens. No one brings up Lance. Or maybe they'll even say, "oops, visiting hours are over for the day!" so they can't. Then they'll find out Laurel's actually BS and then... the episode will end before anyone can address filling Lance in and they'll completely forget about it by the time he's out of rehab. So I'm going to assume that BS is acting as Laurel with the information that Prometheus gave her that he got from Evelyn/public knowledge? And that's actually going to allow her to keep up this charade for longer than two minutes?
  24. KC is going to be on The Flash as BS too, right? If that appearance is in The Flash's midseason premiere, then the audience should know that she's BS in Arrow 510. (However, it seems that the writers decide that fans watch all their shows only when it benefits them, like with the crossover.) If she's in a later Flash episode, what's she going to be doing? Helping them out and then getting sent back to her Earth? Off her redemption kick, terrorizing the city and then sent back to her Earth? This just seems like it's going to be a mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if they forget she even exists on Arrow if Tina does end up being the new BC/by 513 the latest.
  25. Because this is the team now so of course they're there? What does it matter if they knew Laurel or not? (No, really, of everything, this is the last thing I need explained this season that doesn't make sense.) And EK wasn't a series regular for the funeral episode.
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