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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. I think that the problem with Suzanne is that either (a) she's responsible for her actions and needs to face the consequences- the SHU or max or whatever - or (b) she's not responsible for her actions, in which case she needs to be under some sort of proper supervision - psych ward, assisted living etc. Things can't or at least shouldn't stay the way they are. She's a danger to herself and the other inmates.
  2. That's what I figured as well. Until of course somebody comes up with a way to weaponise them or use them for illicit purposes and then they'd probably ban them and only issue them as needed and make the inmates return them when finished. (I may be getting somewhat cynical about private run prisons)
  3. Her pattern matching was good, but I wonder how good it would have been if they hadn't been allowed to pre-cut their pattern pieces before the challenge.
  4. Red would have been the first one to tell Alex to keep quiet about it. If Alex had spoken up then she would have brought down Lolly and Frieda and Red with her. Red was confident that she could get through the interrogation without giving up anything. I am surprised that she didn't hide the keys a bit better though. Next season they need to do Frieda's backstory!
  5. Trespassing and possession - but only a small amount of drugs. Honestly, it sounded like something that should have just gotten her probation if she'd had a half-decent lawyer.
  6. On my screen, top right there's a speech bubble icon. If you tap that it brings up subtitle options.
  7. I'm finding it hard to feel much sympathy for Maria. Although how is it fair that she gets more time added without any sort of trial or due process? Piper may have planted evidence but Maria was still committing the crime so it's not like she was some innocent thrown to the wolves.
  8. IIRC, it was I admit I didn't pay much attention to that plot because I was more concerned with what was going on with Lawson. That's also why I rarely rewatch it (in spite of Joel's outstanding work). As for painting over a picture, it was then - and still is - a good way to hide a picture.
  9. Regarding the 'mother in law from hell', wasn't part of that Sister Evangelina's take on her (via Sister Mary Cynthia) as in "poor Noelle getting Tessie Anselm as a mother in law". And while she was fairly kind to her daughter in law, it's obviously not a situation she was totally happy about, but she was making the best of it.
  10. The picture had been a gift to her from the painter. Doctor Blake Snr insisted on it being sold (to Patrick Tyneman's father), so she painted over it in order to hide it. When she died soon after, they couldn't find the painting and IIRC, Patrick's mother thought it would be cruel to insist on getting their money back for it at that time.
  11. Yes, still watching. Took a bit of catching up though because I'd missed the last 2 eps of S2.
  12. I dropped the show earlier this season (not enough time to keep up with it) but was going to watch MW's final ep out of respect for a character that I loved From what I'm reading though, since TPTB didn't seem to respect him enough to give a decent send off, I don't think I'll bother.
  13. I actually do this! Got into the habit when I had braces on my teeth and managed to damage them by biting into apples. (Braces are long gone now, but I'll still always cut up the apple)
  14. If Kendra looks the same in all her incarnations then any time they run into an older version of her they'll have to get ADS back.
  15. Ah, just like in Magnum. I'm sure Tony would appreciate the similarity. Personally I wish that they had just closed the door and killed off Ziva long ago. Tony (and Michael) deserves more than having his exit arc overshadowed by her - but then it's probably par for the course, given that Ziva ended up overshadowing Tony for so much of her last few seasons. (somebody counted 21 mentions of her name in the last episode). Ridiculous.
  16. It's been a while since I watched, but has Tony just gone back to his S1 hairstyle in those pics?
  17. I loved the scene with Sisters Mary Cynthia, Julienne and Monica Joan. Especially the symbolism of the 'Maiden, Mother, Crone' triad.
  18. Bob had clearance to be on that floor but he said he couldn't simply request the file because that would have tipped off the bad guy.
  19. That's why she looked so 'different' when she was faking being Hydra security and pretending to chat up James in the bar!
  20. I think part of the lack of comments may be that people are watching at different paces. You're still in S2, S3 has aired in the UK and S4 in Australia. So people may be wary of joining a thread and seeing spoilers. I wonder would it be it be worthwhile setting up different season threads.
  21. Well, Tony said before that he got into NCIS because he 'smiled', so hopefully that means he'll be leaving with a smile as well! Anybody remember what his very first scene on Yankee White was? I seem to remember it was him and Gibbs at the airport trying to get their guns through security.
  22. I probably watched too much Hustle or Mission impossible, but I thought that instead of killing/kidnapping the kid, they should have gone after Savage instead. Not to assassinate him, but to assassinate his character. Fake some intel on him that shows what a bad guy he is, show it to Per's daddy and get Savage fired as tutor. Once he's out of the picture the kid might have had a chance
  23. I was just coming here to post about S5! If they follow their previous schedules, they should start shooting in September with a likely air date of February 2017.
  24. Scorpion is one of those shows where I just park my brain in neutral for an hour and sit back and enjoy the ride. I loved the Scorpi-Olympics and of course Toby would come up with a way to counter the brain freeze. Although was solving a theorem really a fair game, given that Sylvester is the maths whiz and would surely have solved it before at some point?
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