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Everything posted by TOL

  1. One of the best seasons of Survivor ever. The lesson here is that casting a bunch of diverse, likable people rather then going deliberately for the assholes because they’re controversial or the beauty queens/ hot bartenders who just want to lay in the sun and flirt provides a much more relatable show. I hated the twists in 41 but I was used to them by 42 and it’s true- it shakes up the routine of the basic tribal council. We had some really memorable tribal councils too! I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have been mad if any of the out of that jury won, but I’m happy it was Marianne.
  2. TOL

    S06.E18: Us

    Pin the Tail on the Donkey was sooooo lame, especially at the age of those kids. Those boys were semi-shaving and yet playing a preschool birthday party came. If anything, it should have been the younger versions of the Big 3. Those littles were better actors too. All that nonsense to highlight the cover of the game reflecting their family So setting aside the massive waste of time spent on those numerous scenes, I would have enjoyed more interaction between the Big 3, not just meaningful looks. I’m going to miss Randall with Beth. Loved her over the years. And I was happy with the grandfather arc with William. That final shot of Jack and Randall left me thinking “that’s it? that’s how it ends ?” I’m going to pretend last week was the finale 🤷🏻‍♀️
  3. Recast the kid. Or get writers that know how to write for an adolescent and his parents. It’s ridiculous and cloying
  4. Wow. It says something when I’m reading a post and start crying again. Lovely recap, and I agree with all of it.
  5. The only other thing that can be added is that David’s fling was at that lunch with Heather, and that’s how it got back to David, who then reprimanded Shannon while Tamra was there. How’s that for messing with a family, huh Heather?
  6. These shows have suffered as a result of the auditioning that goes on. There used to be authentic relationships and friendships and now it’s openly acknowledged that not only is there a casting process, but there is pressure to perform. So the “reality” is about the situations they are placed in and even conversations that are brought up, but it’s not like the old days where I was invested in the break-up of Jill and Bethenny for example. That’s why until recently RHONY was my favorite of the franchises. With the exception of Alex you could tell they were invested, and the Sonya /Dorinda additions were organic instead of a tortured “meet my friend/I know her through…” but I digress…. My point is that Noella showed up as a shirt tag to Braunwyn of all people, and arrived with her friend what’s-her-name with her horrible extensions that she couldn’t stop playing with and her kitty cat blurred out. One hike up a hill and she’s Heathers friend, except that if they were really connected Heather (and Terry!) would have known about the lawsuit and her last name wouldn’t have been a surprise. So now we haven’t seen her since and Noella is left to play in the sandbox all by herself with no connections. She’s lucky Shannon is kind to her. And she’s likely a nut job on her best day so with all her shit going on this is Noella x 100. I feel for her, but she doesn’t belong and never will. Edited for clarity (I hope)
  7. I think both things can be true at the same time. Marge can admire and be inspired by Marge Sr and her childhood struggles and still think her own childhood was crappy
  8. Emily sucks, plain and simple. She’s trying to make a name for herself and it reads desperate. She smugly admits it a confessional that she’s a shit-stirrer but when Noella calls her out for her part in the Heather story she flips out. You know what? I’ve found the biggest reactions are when there’s truth in the story. I believe Noella. Gina and Emily are bullies. I used to like Gina, but she gets together with Emily and they bully Shannon. I really wish that Shannon was more coherent and less defensive and then better able to defend herself. And stop apologizing ffs
  9. I thought for sure Jackson was a goner when he didn’t win immunity for his Quickfire and made that “did I really win” remark. Add that to his deliberately choosing the perceived weakest chef and another aside where he admitted he was nervous and I was sadly anticipating him packing his knives. I was thrilled when they won and they were gorgeous dishes. I loved this challenge! I don’t know how they all pulled it off! I loved that they managed without foams and other dated Wylie-inspired tricks of old. I’d be down with seeing this challenge repeated every season. in general, I’m really enjoying this season. There’s no one I’m actively rooting against (yet) and they all seem agreeable and competent. (slightly off topic but the same goes for this latest season of Survivor. Maybe casting is finally getting a clue that it’s exhausting to watch a love-to-hate personality)
  10. I keep looking at RZ as Pam and finally figured out who she reminds me of: Angie Dickinson. (only people of a certain age will even know who she is lol )
  11. Wow, I could have written this (and wish I did as well as you did).
  12. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- those Giudice girls are close and fiercely loyal to each other and their parents. They’ve probably had to circle the wagons because of the events of these past few years, but I really do think that Teresa has something to do with it. I don’t view her as a bad mom.
  13. I enjoyed it, and watched a couple of others. She’s funny, self-aware and self-deprecating with the benefit of 7 years of personal growth. I hope she can grow even more as a person in the next few years and not jump into marriages or relationships!
  14. It’s the YSL logo. I don’t have the feeds on yet tonight but if it’s true they’re turning on Shanna I give up.
  15. I just watched Maddie Ziegler in The Fallout on HBOMax and she’s really good. I kind of gasped when I recognized her right at the beginning. She’s one of the two female leads and I was impressed with her performance. I wasn’t sure where to post this- it’s obviously not been active here. Anyway, check it out
  16. He actually stated his character age as 64 in the episode where he and the Gov called off their couch sex. I loved this episode. It had everything, including strong performances. The doomed Elsa/Ennis pre-death sex will almost certainly end in pregnancy. I got a distinct Cold Mountain drop-the-pretense-and-just-do it vibe from that whole situation. Extreme danger will do that to you
  17. I’m finished and I want everyone else to hurry up so I can talk about it !
  18. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
  19. I am 100% here for Gina. (And Shannon, because I still somehow have a soft spot for her even though she makes me uncomfortable). The new girls are too, too much. If you really want to show up on a housewives show and look sexy try for a BH Denise look. Effortless. The one who dresses like a giant hair bow is just a ridiculous creature and the other one with her kitty kat blurred out? Good lord.
  20. Who was the girl who got close to the end that season? I remember she was Brittini-level excited when she found out. My daughter was (still is) obsessed with Ariana Grande and knew exactly who Frankie was from the start. There was one concert I took her to where she spotted Frankie and shot over there to get his autograph. Had he appeared on BB even one summer later he wouldn’t have had to have that big “bombshell” discussion
  21. The lengthy shout-outs after voting to evict is getting on my damn nerves. Enough
  22. TOL

    S16: Talk

    This article just said it better than I could
  23. TOL

    S16: Talk

    I just watched this season on Hulu. I can’t believe I went back this far to find this thread to comment, but that’s how disgusted I am with Carol/Brandy and their behavior. Caite was a simple girl no doubt, but she didn’t deserve the bitchy platter Dan/Jordan served them up on and the continual snide commentary from C/B. The unintended consequence is that as a result, their antics elevated Caite, especially at the finish line when she tried to apologize for the Uturn and they just.couldn’t.stop being awful.
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