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Everything posted by TOL

  1. I agree with much of this- except that I don't really believe (or frankly care) about Cary and Mark. Stephanie has a hearty and genuine laugh and that makes me love her. She's real, whether for good or bad. And I love that she wholeheartedly supports Brandi. She's a good girlfriend. I think LeeAnne is too mentally ill to put on a reality show. She keeps talking about "charity world" like its a living, breathing thing and it's creepy. And her willingness to make death threats and not own up to the fact that it's not normal is scary. Is anyone in "charity world" watching this?
  2. Kind of pissed that so much time was devoted to the oh so tedious Gunnar and Scarlett. But then, that's been the case for most of the four years of this show. I'm going to miss the pretty, pretty Deacon. I could eat him with a spoon, and now I'm going to have to see him in another town. Poor Juliette. :(
  3. I agree. My heart sunk for DS with his performances in the earlier "Juice" episodes. He's been fabulous since the ep where he apologized to Kris K. His disgust with OJ and himself is evident. Question: why couldn't Kardashian just walk away? Are you bound to stay with the defense so as not to give the impression that you don't believe him anymore?
  4. What a fucking bitch. Kate Gosselin level whining and sense of entitlement. Poor, poor Artem.
  5. Yeah, that's what I meant. Kim must have known that 4x the charm, and may have wanted Kyle to keep Alexia's bite hush-hush, and make it sound less severe than it was. I think the way it came out on camera trapped her and she knew it was her own damn fault and wanted Kyle to minimize it. We all know how that turned out!
  6. This might explain the real cause of Kim's intense bitterness at the reunion when the topic of Portia's bite came up
  7. "I thank your parents for making you." That was the last straw. Look, Bindi did well for a "celebrity" with no dancing skill, and that's supposedly the premise. It's for stars like Alek and Bindi to show what should be surprising results from start to finish. (It is not for boy band vets who know how to dance, but that is my usual ringer speech and that equine has long since expired.) Anyhoodle. I go back to something Maks said about Bindi the week he was judging, something like he thought she might be too good to be true but he realized she was genuine and authentic. So apparently that's why she charmed everyone, but come on! Some of the non-specific gushing that had absolutely nothing to do with dance was nauseating, and had the opposite effect if they were trying to make us love her. Moving on. I think the sound was messed up outside, because many audio things didn't works and it was more than the Santa thing. Chaka's terrible duet with Andy. I'd say Andy's solo song was bad as well. The guy can sing but the ear mics must have been shitty because all the singing outdoors sucked- at least to my ear. Indoors was fine, especially Elle- love her And yes, yes, yes! Jenna would make an awesome pro! Give that girl a promotion! One more thing: I'm pretty much over Mandy Moore as a choreographer for the pro dances. The same moves over and over, and I can always tell when it's not her, that's how predictable her dances are. With so much pro talent she could do so much more. I'll be glad to see Len back. I like that Julianne actually gives notes and corrections- even Bruno does- but CarrieAnn is a waste of a paddle. Len will cut down on the messing around and I look forward to it. Production numbers make it possible for the judges to reward entertainment rather than dance. No matter what, I'll be back in the spring. It's my cheesy dance show habit!
  8. To me, Anna looked disappointed when they weren't voted off. She seems to be over Gary. I know I am. If she had any knowledge of him before she agreed to be on the show she probably would never have said yes. He's just too creepy to be entertaining.
  9. She's making a ridiculous mistake. I'll tell you what, if I sat at her poker table and saw this performance I would always call her bluff based on this decision.
  10. I've said it 80 gazillion times but to have the austwins even get to three was absolute lunacy. What the actual fuck with these people? Never should have let the twin in the game, especially after the showmance was apparent. The SS thought they were set with numbers counting on them, but they forget that that automatically put everyone else on the bottom. Goddamn morons in this house
  11. Colby didn't show much of a reaction because her face is frozen. If they know they don't want her, just cut her. Then they can get to the disaster cases, such as Rose.
  12. Question: did Lu refer to Adam as "the help" while he had the relationship with Nicole? She said that to Carole more than once. So either Nicole was banging "the help" and it was fine, or Nicole's relationship with Adam was indeed over to the point where Lu felt comfortable hiring him, or she's just making shit up because Carole and Adam are working out despite Carole's advanced age. This could all be personal to me because I see my evil SIL in almost every word, action, mannerism, and circumstance with Luanne. It's uncanny.
  13. I say this often enough that my daughter hates watching with me when I talk to those morons from my couch. WHY don't they see that alliance?? They're quick to break up a "power couple" but no matter who is gunning for whom, keeping a three person alliance is lunacy. I can buy the Six Sense premise (though I didn't agree with it) but as soon as a non SS member got HOH they should have quickly voted out one of the twins pronto- specifically Liz, because she's half of Austin. I think they could have appealed to Jmac or Vanessa to accomplish that. Frankly, they never should have allowed the other twin in, but it took too long to confirm it and the SS thought they needed her. Colossally stupid people are in that house.
  14. Melissa is so damn twitchy. It's a liar's tell.
  15. .... while muttering notmyfaultnotmyfaultnotmyfaultnotmyfault over and over.
  16. I remain stumped as to why Beth thought it appropriate to have one of her assistants be designated as Bryn's godmother/custodian, and moreover why Jason would agree to such a thing. She was notorious for driving her staff away, and the Hoppys were completely disregarded as an option. I was silently begging for Jason to say something- anything- about that arrangement. Just a thought: wonder whatever happened to that Runaway Bride print that Beth ceremoniously bestowed upon Jason at the pre-wedding dinner. Ha!
  17. I wonder if I can dive into the shallow end of this pool, ignoring the deep issues end: B's hair this season is a hot mess. It's constantly bed-head in the back- fixed in the front, dreadful and dirty looking in the back. where is her stylist? That's all. As you were...
  18. They are tattooed. A darker color than her natural brows, so the lighter hair coming in over them is what looks so weird- especially when the sun shines on them
  19. Well, that was a mess. I haaaaate the way Nia is treated, and even though Holly is super-annoying, you bet your ass I'd be advocating for my kid. A team is not a team if they aren't together or treated the same (Maddie's talent aside). My heart hurts when kids are excluded, and I have to say Nia takes it well. Also, I really don't want to get all Abby-ish, but Ava is just uncomfortable to watch.
  20. God, I am tired of Riker and Allison. Specifically, Allison. If they aren't part of the double elimination I'm going to be pissed!
  21. Vickie Gunvalson is Varsity. Bethenney is merely JV and can only hope to gain the skills to make the roster on the boredom team
  22. Not just that, but there was an episode last season (or maybe the year before?) when she called Nia out on her hair. Everything Abby bitched about was a characteristic of African American hair. I couldn't believe Holly didn't go off on her (that we saw).
  23. Maddie isnt famous enough to warrant "where are they now?" treatment. No one will remember her once Dance Moms mercifully ends, even with the Sia videos. The kid can't act- the pained expression is her only face, and lyrical and/or contemporary dance can only get you so far. I see an anonymous choreographer gig in her future.
  24. Who will do the slapping when it's determined that Maddie is Deacon's only tissue match?
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