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Everything posted by TOL

  1. YES! Once Fred said it more than a few times I felt Nick would toss some sort of Sorkin-esque line at him
  2. I feel ya. Back in the day I used to watch Ally McBeal and I was over the title character by the second episode. Yet I still watched for the rest of the cast
  3. You’ve said it better that I could. It’s just so tedious.
  4. I just wanted to say that something went right with the Guidice girls because they have been raised to obviously love each other. They especially dote on Audriana. It does my heart good to see genuine affection between the sisters.
  5. I do too. I also have soft spots for Sonya on NYC and Brandi on Dallas. I root for them
  6. Especially annoying when there are girls like Kyndall or Amy from the later seasons who messed up constantly but were better than Morgan (or Loni from season 2) and still didn’t make the team. The arbitrary application of the rosters year to year is dumb
  7. I know! I think it’s the one where the girl missed the bus and was late to the stadium (I think it was one of the Jordan’s?)
  8. thanks! I could only pick out the Trevino sisters and Abigail So now I see Brooke is the pregnant one. She looks completely different to me! And Cassie... Cassie Trammell? Because if so.. wow, that hair Who was the mom who jumpEd into the circle and did the kick line holding her baby?
  9. I agree about the Jack and Rebecca flashbacks getting tiresome. This was a long slow trip around the block to get to the payoff at the end where Rebecca realizes she will lose her memories of Jack. I cried at that realization with her. Maybe because I find Milo V an annoying actor 😬 ::ducking any objects thrown at me::: Moving on. Toby has been shady throughout his weight loss journey. First hiding it from Kate, then the what I feel is an emotional affair, switching gyms as a result, and now his feelings about shutting Kate out . However, I think that’s another half-truth. I think it’s really about Kate herself; her size as compared to him. I really do. I believe the rest of the stuff with the baby, but is seems that they’re both using Jack as a crutch. I cannot pass that neuro test. I had surgery, radiation and chemo for a brain tumor 15 yrs ago and while my minor deficits as a result of the damage are mostly motor skills there is a cognitive component as well. Spatially things can be difficult- for example, it’s hard for me to walk down a dock or enter a wide open arena without help. It’s not a vision thing, it’s a brain thing. Also, I have to pause conversations sometimes to grasp for words. The brain is a tricky thing! One more thing- I’m going back and forth on whether the ending with Randall was real or hallucinated. I’m leaning toward real, but the previews have me wondering...
  10. I just now am watching the season 6 episode where Cassie sandbagged Taylor and it pissed me off all over again. I would have stood up for myself too but someone actually said “zip it”.
  11. This entire post is spot on. When Kelli and Judy went through their most memorable cuts I’m surprised the final exit of Megan Flaherty didn’t make the list. That was epic. And I’m sure they would never bring it up, but Victoria’s cut was outstanding to me for the big, fat, soap opera mascara tears!
  12. The Trump administration people are weird casting choices to me. Omarosa had more notoriety because of her previous reality shows, but Scaramucci is an odd choice. I’ll bet he’s going to be super low-key. And frankly, why would he do it? I mean, does he, as a Serious Person, know he’ll be dressed in a hot dog suit getting squirted with mustard while trying to jump into a swinging bun? That’s a job for Keto Kaelin
  13. Nailed. It. Her THs are no picnic either, especially with all the costumes and weaves. She’s just so odious.
  14. I loved that Stephanie totally copped to Brandi’s “fake bitches” accusation. Because it’s true. They’re all scared of Leanne and don’t dare cross her even though she’s supposedly zen. Next week looks interesting...
  15. It is my fondest wish that Leanne’s cloning of Brandi’s phone really is a serious legal issue and that she gets not only fired but arrested and frogmarched out of the reunion show. I know I’ll be disappointed because why would the previews show the whole ballgame- but that’s what I want. Leanne is the worst, starting with her massively over-exaggerated TH’s, including costumes. Production encourages this I’m sure but they don’t write the cartoon, they just film it. I wish i still had my DVR so I could FF all of her interviews. She’s caricature rather than supposedly being “real” She also goes after Brandi disproportionately and personally. Leanne is plainly fixated on Brandi and envious of her; the husband she didn’t have to continually beg to marry her (hi Vicki G!), the children she’ll never have- including the fact that Stephanie thought enough of Brandi that she facilitated Bru’s adoption, even the fact that she feels like carny kid is far less than Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. She’s not fabulously wealthy like Stephanie and Kam, who she has recently attached to (while developing issues with former BFF DeAndra now that she’s “broke”). I don’t think Leanne is all about the riches folks, but she’s certainly about the appearances of money and the reputation it brings. Brandi bugs, but I don’t think she’s an awful person. Leanne is an awful person and worse, she tries to justify it with her upbringing. She just sucks
  16. Ditto to your entire post. I often find myself landing on the Brandi side of any situation that involves Leanne.
  17. I completely agree with this entire post. All of it. And will add that at various points Bethenny was weepy on camera with the others when talking about Carole. She seemed to be genuinely confused and missing Carole and what they had. And the girls all saying “You should just work it out” and minimize the situation doesn’t help. Bethenny is lonely. People leave her. No matter how mean it was, Ramona was right in what she said when they were on the Brooklyn bridge years ago. But Carole would know better than anyone that she could have handled this breakup differently.
  18. Here’s what I love about Shannon- she is down for whatever, whenever. In Ireland, in Iceland, in Mexico she does it up complete with costumes and accents. I would pee my pants (that’s figurative, Vicki) every time we hung out. It may be hard to deal with the repetitive David stuff, but if that’s the trade-off sign me up. She’s even willing to risk embarrassment in showing her recent body on camera. Plus, I really don’t think there’s a malicious bone in her body. Shannon is one of my all-time favorite housewives.
  19. Agree with every word. He gave 2 performances that were shaky at best. Both were horrible song choices. You can’t expect a good result singing Barry Manilow- especially not one of the better-known tunes. I was so disappointed. I also think that as much as the judges liked him, after those last 2 songs maybe they knew his face could not hide anything and it just wasn’t going to work out for the long term I wish America’s results weren’t known until after they sang. It clearly threw him off (as well as others). However, there’s an argument to be made that you have to learn to suck it up and deal with whatever pitfalls face you if you expect a show business career. I thought Michelle was awful and never would have thought she’d make it through. But what do I know?
  20. I’m old enough to have twirled around my room whenever Brand New Key came on my little radio in the early 70’s. I immediately flashed back. What a surprising choice! Marcio for the win. I will accept nothing less! ooohhhhh... ditto sempervivum’s entire post
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