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Everything posted by TOL

  1. Exactly. I liked Carter’s room in theory but the practice was a little off. Loved the hombre wall. Loved the daybed. I thought the green desk and other neutral toned accessories like the curtains and things they put on the floor were nice. However, the cabinet just randomly placed on the wall looked out of place and I hated all the wall accessories. Did someone say funeral home? I agree. What about floating shelves on that wall with art, pictures, etc? Or actual art? Ty’s room was pretty cool. It was exactly what he said it would be. Like the homeowner, I got used to the random color. The only thing I found objectionable was that cheap and uncomfortable-looking couch. If I’m the homeowner I replace that thing stat. Overall, a refreshing change.
  2. Does anyone know why the voice teacher was there? I thought she was a no. She had a good voice but she lacked passion and performed it like a recital. How did she get invited back? I’m not digging the judges this year. I was a big fan of the chemistry between Keith and Harry and JLo didn’t annoy me. These three all seem on their own. So far.
  3. Kate's favorites were the ones most like her: Maddie and Hannah. Both "indoor girls" who were fearful of new experiences, and also organized, bossy, and belittled the boys the most. With the 16 yr old version of Maddie you can see how that translated. Something seems to have backfired with her Hannie
  4. This is interesting. I think that could make sense considering how brutally honest Cody is. The other thing I was thinking is that he gave Jess a (bitter) promise before she left. From the jury round table I think he grudgingly admired Paul's game, and it appears that Jess did as well after watching it unfold from home. In any case, I was surprised by his vote.
  5. BB had their finger heavily on the scale for Paul right from the start. Cody was right to be frustrated that there could be no strategy when there were always advantages for Paul. Friendship bracelets? I mean, there's ready-made alliances. Three weeks safety? So for Paul to claim big game moves when it was made easy for him is bullshit. The rest of his strategy was keeping blood off his hands, which I give him credit for. But then he can't get pissed when Josh makes sure there was blood anyway. Game move. Paul, you got played.
  6. The guy is self-aware, that's for sure
  7. Just need Cody for AFP and my night is complete
  8. This is the BEST! I love crushed and crying Paul ?
  9. How come Josh's game moves to manage the jury were cowardly, but everything paul did to manage the jury was heroic?
  10. Josh lost the game with that speech
  11. Paul seems uncomfortable after the questioning ??? he knows he's exposed
  12. Christmas doesn't give a shit if she wins. She knows she can't win this season. She even said as much to Josh when he asked her to promise him final 2. She wants to sit next to Paul, get 2nd place money, and then get invited back next year. She's counting on it.
  13. Mark's response should have been this: "Paul, are you trying to win this game? So am I. The way to win the game is to plan to vote people out. So, yes- I have conversations about you with others. I'm trying to vote you out. You're trying to vote me out. Go talk to the others about how I'm such a liar while I sit here and eat my corn flakes. In the meantime, you've got plans to make while you turn your followers against each other so I'll leave you to it." Done
  14. They're planning to torture Jody during their golf turns for HOH. That'll look good for the live audience. Paul has directed all of them to do it but it'll end up being just Josh. After the other night I hope they can take it. Jess was cool during the plate challenge but that's completely different than having to putt with Josh's goddamn song in her ear
  15. Omg, Paul is tedious. How many contortions is going to go through trying to figure out the hex? He's reviewed a plan for every eventuality, parsed every word or inflection, assessed every rule. It once amused me how freaked out he was about the hex but now I'm soooooo bored.
  16. That came from Ann Richards, the Texas governor before George W. Bush, referring to him in a speech. She held him in high esteem ?
  17. Thalia recapped it way better than I did!
  18. This explains his decision to take the $25k right off the bat.
  19. Mark's endless apology tour last night was incredibly maddening. Mainly because he apologized twice to Josh. Josh deserves exactly zero apologies. No one was listening in the kitchen when Josh sat stone-faced for apology #1 and when Mark was done he replied something to the effect that he'd still be there, getting under his skin and Mark can't do anything about it. No apology in return. Then later in the bedroom for apology #2, Mark apologized again, and again Josh was expressionless and then declined Mark's handshake. Bitch move. Yet Josh gets the sympathy when Mark leaves the room. Josh is always the aggressive one and then cries when he gets called out. Mark didn't hit him. Case closed. ps: I don't think I've ever typed a word so much as apology in this post
  20. I'm going to guess double eviction
  21. It's hard for me to ever forgive Vicki as far as Shannon is concerned. She has betrayed her twice- once when she told her brother and sister-in-law about David.'s infidelity which resulted in a blindside at Tamra's baptism, and now spilling the story about David hitting her. Both were publicly available secrets, but in Shannon's mind, not out on camera, and details confided off-camera to Vicki who she considered a dear friend at the time. Add that to Vicki's repeated and ridiculous lies about Brooks' cancer when Shannon had gone out of her way to help and I would have written her off long ago. I know there's a blurred line in friendships on this show, and everyone has to attend these trips and parties, but I would have had to at the very least put Vicki on ignore if I was Shannon and never forgive her on or off camera. Kelly has made the classic new-girl mistake: overplaying her hand trying to ingratiate herself to the cast and then trying to hide behind the disingenuous these-women-are-bitches-and-I've-done-nothing-wrong defense. But she's foul and fake as well as a screecher and it's too much to bear. Plus her make-up and wardrobe are atrocious. Heather doesn't really bother me, and that's mostly because she stays sober and doesn't yell. Someone has to fill that role. She's a superior stealth-bitch but keeps it mostly under cover, and I think she and Meghan give the most reasoned TH Is Meghan leaving?
  22. Joe's BFF is back As I said above, Joe Scarborough is a front runner. And now that they're besties again, expect Trump's phone "interviews" to return
  23. Here's the deal with Joe Scarborough: he's a front runner. I swear if Alabama ever started losing, their #1 fan would probably stop rooting for them. He prefaces everything with "as I've always said" and then changes his story to fit the narrative. When Donald Trump tweeted about Joe and Mika's rumored relationship (which was "deplorable") Joe was justifiably pissed and was brutal on every move Trump made-- but more than that, completely on the Hillary bandwagon. Until she started lagging in the polls, and now he sniffs around Trump. He can be funny- and I usually love the chemistry at the table (Although Mika bugs with her constant simpering) -- but he's been insufferable lately. I look forward to seeing what he does if she surges ahead- and wins, which I believe she will edit to add: He was SO WRONG on the "Hillary started it" and he sounded as loony as the rest of them who try spreading that lie!
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