Deimos's thug never bothered to look inside the box? He's a Greek guy named "Guy"?
Jeez, Nicole, nobody forced you to come back to rescue Eric.
If Wyatt can get any girl he wants, why did he break up with is girlfriend? Wow, he turned into a real creep, didn't he?
I wonder if Paul knows his father is back in town.
I guess now that Sonny has decided to be a junior gangster, he's started wearing extra Vitalis on his hair to grease it back.
"I guess Maggie's a better person that I am." Yeah, that's true.
Why would Xander care if Eric and Nicole got into a fight? I'm sure there's a perfect legit reason why he wasn't wearing a shirt.
Gee, Show actually showed Sonny and Paul kissing. I'm shocked.